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Getting the best from code review - WordCamp Br...

Getting the best from code review - WordCamp Brighton edition

How to use code review as a tool for good and power up your team instead of demotivating them.

Sarah Pantry

August 16, 2019

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  1. @anigelUK Not doing it at all.
 If the reviewers look

    like this or developer looks like this Not always so obvious. Not learning, low quality, low self esteem, stressed, burn out.
  2. - Why not what @anigelUK Things to focus on to

    make sure you are doing it right.
  3. @anigelUK Which will have the best effect? 1. Is not

    helpful in fact it is very negative and confrontational. 2. Tells what but not why. 3. Explains what, why and also where this can be applied in future.
  4. @anigelUK No reasoning - So it’s already failed our last

    point by looking at the what not the why. 
 Normally DPs are a choice they have trade offs. Does it really need to be a singleton or is that just personal preference? Focus on the facts, especially in a position of authority.
  5. WHY!!!!
 No one would think this was ok! If

    we fix this method, our lives will be better @anigelUK Developers are people. They feel protective of their code. They can get defensive if they feel attacked. They may shut down and stop listening, certainly not learn well. Not everyone has same understanding of code base or features. Develop not destroy. Especially more junior ppl
  6. - Why not what - Facts not opinion - Constructive

    not destructive - Quality not quantity @anigelUK on to 4th point.
  7. @anigelUK Not a competition to raise most issues Not everything

    *must* be flagged up, changed or fixed. Pick up on the most important things. If it really makes a difference then fix it. Bonus point. Don’t say “While you are at it fix X” in code that wasn’t changed. Raise another issue for it.
  8. Craig Newmark Don’t correct people when it matters little Craig’s

    boss @anigelUK Craig’s boss gave the craigslist founder some advice that Craig shared in a Business Insider interview.
 When it matters a lot--when there's something on the line; when it's going to affect something important at the company; --of course let someone know. 
 But when it doesn't really matter, don't tell people what they're doing wrong. Let them be.