being at the end of the 17th century • Peter the Great enjoyed porter in England and asked for it to be shipped to the imperial court of Russia • The porter went bad before arriving in Russia • Alcohol, malt and hop content was increased until it could survive the journey and creating the first imperial beer @AnigelUK
England around 1697 • He was back in Russia by 1698 and died in 1725 so is unlikely to have ever had Porter let alone ask for it to be imported • Barclay Perkins starts exporting porter to Russia in 1797 • The Barclay’s porter was the strongest version they brewed and became known as Russian Imperial tout • It continued to be brewed with only minor recipe changes right up to 1990 by Courage then another Southwark brewer @AnigelUK
wide range of flavour balances and regional interpretations. Roasty-burnt malt with deep dark or dried fruit flavours, and a warming, bittersweet finish. Despite the intense flavours, the components need to meld together to create a complex, harmonious beer, not a hot mess. 20C Imperial Stout @AnigelUK
to aggressive Relatively dry to moderately sweet Cocoa, chocolate & coffee or raisins, plums and prunes Full bodied but not always @AnigelUK Very wide descriptions
3.5% 290 g Dark crystal 3% 210 g Chocolate malt 3% 210 g Brown malt 2.5% 180 g East Kent Goldings 60 minute 69 g East Kent Goldings Steep 56 g 19 litre batch of imperial stout
Featuring over 13.5 kg of 15 different malts and over a kilo of DME for 19 litres of 12.1% ABV homebrew-recipe/epic-stout/ BREWING TECHNIQUES @AnigelUK The EPIC malt bill
an subtle, low alcohol stout The brewer forgot about it and left it boiling for 6 hours Turning a low alcohol stout into a 9.1% ABV beast BREWING TECHNIQUES @AnigelUK The long boil
base malt with extract Don’t replace too much as most of the diastatic power for breaking down starches comes from the base malt BREWING TECHNIQUES @AnigelUK Adding extract
also increase complexity by adding flavour. Common additions include Dark brown sugar Molasses Treacle BREWING TECHNIQUES @AnigelUK Adding sugar or syrup