Speed is an important success metric for modern development teams. As enterprises start to scale in multi-cloud environments, the Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) process is no longer just a developer specific workflow, but a DevOps workflow where both development and operations coordinate their tasks to move forward rapidly. GitHub and HashiCorp are working closely to build an end-to-end DevOps workflow encompassing the entire application development lifecycle. Together we help provide a powerful CI/CD solution that prevents developers and operators from having to wait for their respective tasks to be completed, accelerating delivery. Join this session to learn and see how an updated GitHub Actions and HashiCorp Terraform workflow can simplify collaboration and increase your development team’s velocity through infrastructure automation and applications both delivered as code and on-demand.
GitHub Satellite 2020: https://githubsatellite.com/schedule/#collaborative-application-and-infrastructure-workflow-using-github-actions-and-hashicorp-terraform