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Petabyte Scale Datalake Table Management with R...

July 14, 2021

Petabyte Scale Datalake Table Management with Ray, Arrow, Parquet, and S3 (Patrick Ames, Amazon)

Managing a data lake that your business depends on to continuously deliver critical insights can be a daunting task. From applying table upserts/deletes during log compaction to managing structural changes through schema evolution or repartitioning, there's a lot that can go wrong and countless trade-offs to weigh. Moreover, as the volume of data in individual tables grow to petabytes and beyond, the jobs that fulfill these tasks grow increasingly expensive, fail to complete on time, and entrench teams in operational burden. Scalability limits are reached and yesterday's corner cases become everyday realities. In this talk, we will discuss Amazon's progress toward resolving these issues in its S3-based data lake by leveraging Ray, Arrow, and Parquet. We will also review past approaches, subsequent lessons learned, goals met/missed, and anticipated future work.


July 14, 2021

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  1. Petabyte Scale Datalake Table Management with Ray, Arrow, Parquet, and

    S3 Applying Table Inserts, Updates, and Deletes with The Flash Compactor
  2. Related Projects • 50PB+ Oracle Data Warehouse Migration • https://aws.amazon.com/solutions/case-studies/amazon-migration-analytics/

    • Built a distributed compute platform to copy tables from Oracle to S3 • S3 Datalake Quickly Grew to 200PB+ w/ 3000+ Redshift and EMR clusters Processing Data • Serverless Datalake Table Administration • Built on Top of Our In-House Oracle Table Migration Service • Schema Modifications (Add, Drop, and Update Columns) • Table Creation, Repartitioning, Movement, and Copying • Table Repair and Rollback • Serverless Datalake Table Update, Insert, and Delete Application (Compaction) • Built on Apache Spark on EMR • Result is Written Back to the Datalake • Support and Optimize Table Consumption • Required for GDPR Compliance
  3. Current Pain Points • Cost/Byte Compacted • Prohibitively High to

    Support Compaction on All Datalake Tables • Scalability • Insufficient Horizontal-Scalability to Compact All Datalake Tables • SLA Guarantees • Wide and Unpredictable Variance in Compaction Job Run Latency • Unanticipated Failures
  4. Why Ray? • General Purpose • Unify Compaction, Table Administration,

    ML, and ETL Jobs Under One Compute Platform • Idiomatic Distributed Python • Ideal Interface for Our Growing Scientific Customer Base • Actors • Reduce Complexity and Cost of Maintaining Distributed State • Scheduler • Low-Latency • Horizontally-Scalable • Bottom-up Distributed Scheduling • Plasma Object Store • Zero-copy Data Exchange • AWS Cluster Launcher and Autoscaler • Efficient, Automatic, Heterogenous Cluster Scaling • Reuse Existing EC2 Instance Pools • Easily Run Jobs on Isolated Clusters
  5. Results • Performance - Maximum Throughput Rate: 1300TiB/hr (1.42PB/hr, 23.8

    TB/min) on a 250 node r5n-8xlarge cluster (8000 vCPUs) compacting 117TiB of decompressed Parquet input data. • ~13X our max Spark throughput rate • Scalability - Largest Partition Stream Compacted in 1 Session: 1.05PiB at 353TiB/hour (18,115 rows/s-core) on a 110 node r5n-8xlarge cluster (3520 vCPUs, 27.5 TiB memory). • ~12X the largest partition stream compacted on an equivalent Spark EMR cluster • Efficiency - Best Cluster Utilization Rate: $0.24/TB or 61,477 rows/s-core (91 MiB/s-core) on an 11 node r5n- 8xlarge (352 vCPUs) EC2 On-Demand cluster compacting 20TiB of decompressed input Parquet data. • Average efficiency of $0.46/TB provides a 91% cost reduction vs. Spark on EMR • Resilience - Success Rate: 99.3% across 402 compaction job runs with each compaction session processing ~100TiB of input delta files. • 3% improvement over our trailing 1-year success rate of 96.36% with Spark • SLA Adherence: 99.3% or, in other words, compaction job run adherence to its initial expected SLA is limited by job run success rate (i.e. job runs typically only fail to meet their expected SLA due to an unexpected crash or deadlock). • Our Spark compactor does not offer SLA guarantees.
  6. Input Size Scaling: Hash Bucket Counts Input Rows to Compact

    per Session (input deltas + prior compacted) Approximate Input Bytes to Compact per Session Recommended Hash Buckets Recommended Memory Per CPU <= 46.875 Billion 16 - 80 TiB 313 8 GiB/CPU <= 93.75 Billion 32 - 160 TiB 625 8 GiB/CPU <= 187.5 Billion 64 - 320 TiB 1250 8 GiB/CPU <= 375 Billion 128 - 640 TiB 2500 8 GiB/CPU <= 750 Billion 0.25 - 1.25 PiB 5000 8 GiB/CPU <= 1.5 Trillion 0.5 - 2.5 PiB 10000 8 GiB/CPU <= 3 Trillion 1 - 5 PiB 20000 8 GiB/CPU <= 6 Trillion 2 - 10 PiB 40000 8 GiB/CPU
  7. Input Size Scaling: Efficiency 61,477 51,238 44,970 37,730 11,834 0

    10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 352 672 5000 10,000 50,000 RECORDS/S-CORE HASH BUCKETS Throughput Rate (records/s-core)
  8. Horizontal Scaling: Performance 1844 3072 5684 4694 1434 8926 6486

    6554 11026 11708 15139 13688 13159 14319 13671 22187 22119 21590 22051 21402 352 672 5000 10,000 50,000 2560 10,000 10,000 3,520 3,072 625 375 960 500 750 750 1,000 1,250 625 500 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 352 672 1376 1376 1376 2560 2880 3520 3520 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 CLUSTER VCPUS Throughput Rate (GiB/minute) Hash Buckets
  9. Horizontal Scaling: Latency 667 721 637 668 475 324 10,954

    352 672 1376 2560 4000 8000 3520 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 20 36 59 97 117 117 1075 INPUT SIZE (TIB) Job Run Latency (Seconds) Cluster Worker vCPUs
  10. Input Size and Horizontal Scaling: Cost $2,487.67 $2,852.04 $3,148.18 $3,814.97

    $3,735.93 $5,775.87 $6,993.86 $4,156.79 $4,448.32 $3,441.29 $3,803.53 $3,955.67 $3,636.90 $3,810.78 $4,694.65 $4,709.14 $4,825.05 $4,723.63 $4,868.52 352 672 5000 10,000 2560 10,000 10,000 3,520 3,072 625 375 960 500 750 750 1,000 1,250 625 500 $- $2,000.00 $4,000.00 $6,000.00 $8,000.00 $10,000.00 $12,000.00 352 672 1376 1376 2560 2880 3520 3520 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 CLUSTER VCPUS Cost/10-PiB (EC2 On-Demand Pricing) Hash Buckets
  11. Pitfalls • Too Many Object References Exchanged Between Steps •

    Workaround: Embed multiple individual object references inside an object reference to a larger datastructure, and let each task iterate over the embedded object references. • Ray Reference Counting and Garbage Collection • Very High Latency • GCS or Driver Heap Memory Exhaustion • Workaround: Hide embedded object refs from the reference counter via ray.cloudpickle.dumps(obj_ref) and ray.cloudpickle.loads(pickled_obj_ref). • These Results Took Time • ~13 Major Compactor Implementation Revisions
  12. Next Steps • Publish The Flash Compactor Implementation Back to

    Open Source • https://github.com/amzn/amazon-ray • Follow-up Blog Posts • Progress Toward Compacting all Datalake Tables with Ray • Serverless Ray Jobs for Datalake Table Producers, Consumers, and Admins Thanks! Feel free to ping me on the Ray Community Slack!