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apidays Paris 2024 - Harnessing AI for API Busi...

December 22, 2024

apidays Paris 2024 - Harnessing AI for API Business Documentation in a Devportal CMS: Lessons and Experiments, Kristof Van Tomme, Pronovix

Harnessing AI for API Business Documentation in a Devportal CMS: Lessons and Experiments
Kristof Van Tomme, CEO & Co-Founder at Pronovix

apidays Paris 2024 - The Future API Stack for Mass Innovation
December 3 - 5, 2024


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December 22, 2024

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  1. 13+ yrs d ocs 8+ yrs d e vportals 20+

    Fortune 500 13+yrs d ocs 8+yrs d e vportals 20+Fortune 500
  2. With Pronovix you can now Build devportals with an Open

    CMS SAAS AND Steer your roadmap towards value
  3. Pronovix confidential and proprietary Part I Why do you ne

    e d busine ss docume ntation on a de ve lope r portal?
  4. Pronovix confidential and proprietary Developer eXperience and Operational m aturity

    are the dimensions most often used to define the scope of a developer portal Typical De vportal Program 1.1. Typical aspects usually considered when building a devportal
  5. Pronovix confidential and proprietary Bottom up, de ve lope r-le

    d Succe ssful de ve lope r portal and API program
  6. Pronovix confidential and proprietary Bottom up, de ve lope r-le

    d Top down, e xe cutive supporte d Succe ssful de ve lope r portal and API program
  7. Pronovix confidential and proprietary DEVPORTAL VALUE COMPASS 3 TYPES OF

    VALUE • Developer eXperience • Operational excellence • Business alignment 2024 API Marketplace Platform portal API portal
  8. Pronovix confidential and proprietary Need all 3 types of value

    for lasting success But business alignment is hard
  9. Pronovix confidential and proprietary The missing ingre die nt: Busine

    ss Alignme nt To ensure the long -term success and im pact of a developer portal, it's crucial to align its goals with strategic business priorities. Without this alignm ent, there's a risk that the portal m ight not receive the sustained attention and resources it needs to achieve its full potential. 1.2. The perfect developer portal recipe
  10. Pronovix confidential and proprietary The outcome Strate gic Busine ss

    Value De ve lope r e fficie ncie s & m arke ting Ope rational cost savings & e ffe ctive ne ss
  11. Pronovix confidential and proprietary Bottom up, developer-le d Top down,

    e xe cutive supporte d Successful de ve lope r portal and API program Re ason 1: Exe cutive support Strate gic Busine ss Value De ve lope r e fficie ncie s & m arke ting Ope rational cost savings & e ffe ctive ne ss
  12. Pronovix confidential and proprietary Re ason 2: Conte nt de

    pth & proxim ity Content depth Content proxim ity
  13. Pronovix confidential and proprietary Re ason 3: He lp pe

    ople e xplain API value <a href="https://www.vecteezy.com/free-png/bulb-png">Bulb Png PNGs by Vecteezy</a>
  14. Pronovix confidential and proprietary Whe n to use a CMS

    for your de vportal Access Control Workflows SEO GUI Authoring
  15. Pronovix confidential and proprietary You can prompt an LLM to

    generate business documentation from an OAS
  16. Pronovix confidential and proprietary The result is easier to read

    for non -technical people with “JSON blindness”
  17. Pronovix confidential and proprietary Use an LLM to generate a

    JSON template layout directly didn’t work
  18. Pronovix confidential and proprietary Asking an LLM to fill out

    a structured template works, can even select icons
  19. Pronovix confidential and proprietary But the real value will come

    from collaborative centaur chain of thought reasoning
  20. Pronovix confidential and proprietary Drupal AI module composable capabilitie s

    - LLM model abstraction layer - AI Chat explorer - try it out for LLM models - automaters: automated content management actions - agents: lineair & asynchronous using a kanban UI - vector embedding e.g. for better search - assistant