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Predicting the Popularity of GitHub Repositories (PROMISE 2016)

September 07, 2016

Predicting the Popularity of GitHub Repositories (PROMISE 2016)

GitHub is the largest source code repository in the world. It provides a git-based source code management platform and also many features inspired by social networks. For example, GitHub users can show appreciation to projects by adding stars to them. Therefore, the number of stars of a repository is a direct measure of its popularity. In this paper, we use multiple linear regressions to predict the number of stars of GitHub repositories. These predictions are useful both to repository owners and clients, who usually want to know how their projects are performing in a competitive open source development market. In a large-scale analysis, we show that the proposed models start to provide accurate predictions after being trained with the number of stars received in the last six months. Furthermore, specific models—generated using data from repositories that share the same growth trends—are recommended for repositories with slow growth and/or for repositories with less stars. Finally, we evaluate the ability to predict not the number of stars of a repository but its rank among the GitHub repositories. We found a very strong correlation between predicted and real rankings (Spearman’s rho greater than 0.95).


September 07, 2016

More Decks by ASERG, DCC, UFMG

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  1. Predicting the Popularity of GitHub Repositories Hudson Borges, Andre Hora,

    Marco Tulio Valente {hsborges, hora, mtov}@dcc.ufmg.br
  2. Our Goal • Goal ◦ Predict the popularity of GitHub

    repositories • Why? 4 Signal of stagnation Comparison
  3. Research Questions 1. What is the accuracy of the generic

    prediction models? 2. What is the accuracy of the specific prediction models? 3. What is the accuracy of the repositories rank as predicted using the generic and specific models? 5
  4. Data Collection • April 2016 • Top-5,000 repositories ◦ Stars,

    creation date, language, etc. • Stars Historical data ◦ User and date 6 Official GitHub API
  5. Data Collection - Filter • Removed: ➖ More than 40K

    stars ➖ No programming language ➖ Less than 52 weeks • Total of 4,248 repositories • Top and Bottom repositories: ◦ jquery/jquery ➡ 39,149 stars ◦ mikeflynn/egg.js ➡ 1,248 stars 7
  6. Prediction Technique • Multiple Linear Regression • Where: ◦ Yt

    → Predicted number of stars at week t ◦ bj → Regression coefficients ◦ Xj → Stars at week j ( 0 ≤ j ≤ r < t ) 10
  7. Study Design • Multiple Linear Regression ◦ t = 52

    • Relative Squared Error - RSE • 10-fold cross-validation 11
  8. Prediction models • Generic models ◦ Produced from the complete

    dataset • Specific models ◦ Produced from repositories with similar growth trends 12
  9. Specific prediction models • K-Spectral Centroid clustering algorithm ◦ Clusters

    time series with similar shapes ◦ Invariant to scaling and shifting 13 Linear Linear Linear Linear Nonlinear
  10. • K-Spectral Centroid clustering algorithm ◦ Clusters time series with

    similar shapes ◦ Invariant to scaling and shifting 14 Specific prediction models Linear Linear Linear Linear Nonlinear
  11. • K-Spectral Centroid clustering algorithm ◦ Clusters time series with

    similar shapes ◦ Invariant to scaling and shifting 15 Specific prediction models Linear Linear Linear Linear Nonlinear
  12. RQ #1 • What is the accuracy of the generic

    prediction models? 16 Different training windows Prediction week = 52 26 26 20 32 13 39 8 44
  13. RQ #1 • What is the accuracy of the generic

    prediction models? 17 Different training windows 26 26 20 32 13 39 8 44 = 9.62 = 4.03 = 1.04 = 0.43 Mean RSE
  14. Stars: 565 Predicted: 667 Difference: +18.05% Stars: 18,443 Predicted: 19,373

    Difference: +5.04% RQ #1 . Prediction Examples 18 Stars: 6,160 Predicted: 5,369 Difference: -12.84% Stars: 9,919 Predicted: 10,082 Difference: +1.64% Stars: 584 Predicted: 793 Difference: +35.79% Stars: 890 Predicted: 712 Difference: -20.00%
  15. RQ #2 • What is the accuracy of the specific

    prediction models? ➕ Less data to produce reliable predictions 19 Generic model 26 weeks mRSE: 0.4 Cluster 1 26 weeks mRSE: 0.03 Cluster 2 26 weeks mRSE: 0.03 Cluster 3 26 weeks mRSE: 0.09 Cluster 4 26 weeks mRSE: 0.27
  16. RQ #2 . Improvement Median • Cluster 1 ➡ 15.72%

    • Cluster 2 ➡ 1.08% • Cluster 3 ➡ 2% • Cluster 4 ➡ 6.66% 20
  17. RQ #2 . Prediction Examples 21 Stars: 565 Predicted: 583

    Improve: +82.35% Stars: 18,443 Predicted: 18,432 Improve: +4.98% Stars: 6,160 Predicted: 5,578 Improve: +3.39% Stars: 9,919 Predicted: 10,571 Improve: -4.93% Stars: 584 Predicted: 523 Improve: +25.34% Stars: 890 Predicted: 853 Improve: +14.29%
  18. RQ #3 • What is the accuracy of the repositories

    rank as predicted using the generic and specific models? 22 Dataset Predictions 1 (Generic) Predictions 2 (Specific) Build and Predict 26 weeks ➡ 26 weeks Ranking 1 (Generic) Ranking 2 (Specific) Sort Repositories by number of stars
  19. RQ #3 • What is the accuracy of the repositories

    rank as predicted using the generic and specific models? 23 Ranking 1 (Generic) Ranking 2 (Specific) Ranking 3 (GitHub - April, 2016)
  20. RQ #3 . Rank prediction Generic models 24 ➖ Predicted

    = Real Repo: googlesamples/android-testing-templates Real rank: 4,681 Predicted rank: 1,188
  21. Conclusion ➕ 6 months ➡ 6 months ➕ Highly popular

    repositories Generic Models - RQ #1 26
  22. Conclusion ➕ Prediction error reduction ➕ Less data to predict

    ➕ Common growth trend Specific Models - RQ #2 27