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Designing Interfaces for iPhone

Ash Furrow
February 22, 2012

Designing Interfaces for iPhone

Ash Furrow

February 22, 2012

More Decks by Ash Furrow

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  1. Objectives • By the end of today, you’ll be able

    to: • Describe the mechanics of iPhone app interfaces • Identify apps that don’t adhere to interface design principles • Justify the importance of interface design
  2. Views • Everything under the status bar ! • A

    collection of controls • Pretty boring
  3. View Hierarchies Settings App Wifi Settings Network Configuration Screen Brightness

    Sound Settings Wallpaper Settings Ringtone Settings Text Message Sounds ... ...
  4. View Hierarchies Settings App Wifi Settings Network Configuration Screen Brightness

    Sound Settings Wallpaper Settings Ringtone Settings Text Message Souds ... ...
  5. Navigating View Hierarchies • How do we get from one

    view to another? ! • And how do we get back?
  6. View Hierarchies • Users have the tools to navigate anywhere

    within your view hierarchy • Typically, a view should only appear in your view hierarchy once • Don’t navigate on the user’s behalf
  7. Modal Views • Disrupt view hierarchies • Change to a

    new mode • Compose an email • Create a new calendar event • Watch a video
  8. Modal Views • Modal views exist outside the view hierarchy

    • Can be accessible from multiple places in your hierarchy • Modal views return you to exactly where you were • Modal views can even be a modal view hierarchy
  9. View Hierarchies Settings App Wifi Settings Network Configuration Screen Brightness

    Sound Settings Ringtone Settings Text Message Souds ... Add New Wifi Network
  10. Modal Views • Modal views can even be a modal

    view hierarchy • Any view in the modal view hierarchy can cause a return to the normal hierarchy
  11. Modal View Hierarchies Awesome App Post New Comment View Sign

    In View ... Forgot Password View Sign Up View
  12. Tab Bars • Tab bars sit at the bottom of

    a view • Use tab bars to give: • Different perspectives on the same data • Different subtasks within your app
  13. Tab Bars • Each tab bar contains its own view

    hierarchy • Might be a view hierarchy of one • The tab bar itself sits on top of its hierarchies
  14. Content Creation • Displaying content is easy • Allowing the

    user to create content is hard • Hire a designer