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MIMIZUKU: a groun-based instrument for a precis...

Ryou Ohsawa
September 18, 2017

MIMIZUKU: a groun-based instrument for a precise photometry in mid-infrared

A presentation material in "Dynamic Infrared Sky" in 2017

Ryou Ohsawa

September 18, 2017

More Decks by Ryou Ohsawa

Other Decks in Science


  1. Team Members T. ′iyata, S. Sako, T. Kamizuka, R. Ohsawa,

    K. Okada, ′. S. Uchiyama, K. ′ori, J. Yamaguchi, Y. Yoshida, K. Asano, ′. Uchiyama, I. Sakon, T. Onaka, H. Kataza, S. Hasegawa, F. Usui, ″. Takato, T. Aoki, ′. Doi, h, ″.′. Kato, Y. Kitagawa, Y. Kobayakawa, K. Kohno, ′. Konishi, T. ′inezaki, T. ′orokuma, K. ′otohara, H. Ohashi, T. Soyano, H. Takahashi, Y. Tamura, T. Tanabe, ′. Tanaka, K. Tarusawa, Y. Terao, and Y. Yoshii
  2. Contents 1. Brief introduction of TAO project 2. Characteristics of

    ′I′IZUKU 3. Science cases enabled by ′I′IZUKU 3 / 29
  3. IR Time-Domain Astronomy IR variability can be seen in a

    wide variety objects: young objects (young stellar objects, proto-planetary disks) late-type stars (red super giants, asymptotic giant branch stars) eruption & explosion (novae, supernovae) solar system objects (impacts, volcanos) active galactic nuclei 4 / 29
  4. IR Time-Domain Astronomy IR variability is related to a wide

    variety of physics: star formation planet formation dust formation & evolution mass-loss in late-type stars reverberation in a cosmological distance 5 / 29
  5. IR Time-Domain Astronomy Time-domain astronomy is supported by 1. accurate

    & precise measurements 2. long-term monitoring observations accurate long-term space missions good challenging ground-based telescopes challenging good Accurate mid-infrared photometry/spectroscopy with ground-based telescope may open new science elds. 6 / 29
  6. TAO Project Tokyo Atacama Observatory Project: A project to construct

    a 6.5-m telescope in Atacama, Chile. IR optimized telescope at Co. Chajnantor (5640 m). 7 / 29
  7. TAO Project Tokyo Atacama Observatory Project: A project to construct

    a 6.5-m telescope in Atacama, Chile. IR optimized telescope at Co. Chajnantor (5640 m). 8 / 29
  8. TAO Project Tokyo Atacama Observatory Project: A project to construct

    a 6.5-m telescope in Atacama, Chile. IR optimized telescope at Co. Chajnantor (5640 m). 9 / 29
  9. TAO Project Tokyo Atacama Observatory Project: A project to construct

    a 6.5-m telescope in Atacama, Chile. IR optimized telescope at Co. Chajnantor (5640 m). 10 / 29
  10. TAO Project Tokyo Atacama Observatory Project: A project to construct

    a 6.5-m telescope in Atacama, Chile. IR optimized telescope at Co. Chajnantor (5640 m). 11 / 29
  11. TAO Project Tokyo Atacama Observatory Project: A project to construct

    a 6.5-m telescope in Atacama, Chile. IR optimized telescope at Co. Chajnantor (5640 m). 12 / 29
  12. TAO Project Tokyo Atacama Observatory Project: A project to construct

    a 6.5-m telescope in Atacama, Chile. IR optimized telescope at Co. Chajnantor (5640 m). Two infrared instruments: MIMIZUKU: a mid-infrared imager/spectrograph SWIMS: a near-infrared imager/MOS Both instruments are always available. 13 / 29
  13. MIMIZUKU Key concepts of the ′I′IZUKU are: 1. Wide wavelength

    coverage (2–38µm). 2. High spatial resolution achieving <1 resolution in ′IR wavelengths. 3. Accurate monitoring with multi- eld imaging/spectroscopy. 4. Ready for day-time observations (possibly). ′id-Infrared ′ulti eld Imager for gaZing at the UnKown Universe 14 / 29
  14. Field Stacker An optical device to combine two distant elds

    onto a detector. A schematic view of the Field Stacker see also ′. S. Uchiyama+ (2016) SPIE Proc. doi:10.1117/12.2231283 17 / 29
  15. Field Stacker A target and a standard star within 25

    are observed at the same time. Relative photometry in the mid-infrared becomes available. Photometric measurements to a few % accuracy can be achieved. Accuracy could be limited by mechanical stability and at elding. Simultaneous photometric observations are available for >95% of potential targets in the ″-band (≥50mJy at 9µm). for >50% of potential targets in the Q-band (≥130mJy at 18µm). A combination of the ′I′IZUKU and the Field Stacker seems promising in the study of mid-infrared variability. see also ′. S. Uchiyama+ (2016) SPIE Proc. doi:10.1117/12.2231283 18 / 29
  16. Science Cases The ′I′IZUKU with the Field Stacker has advantages

    in elds of 1. year-long variability of late-type stars dust formation around ′IRA-type stars (see Kamizuka-san's presentation) 2. evolution of dust features in eruption/explosion events dust formation around novae and supernovae dust formation around R CrB stars 3. spectral variations around YSOs formation of crystalline silicate caused by YSO outbursts 4. volcanic activities in Jovian satellite Io locating volcanoes from IR light curves 19 / 29
  17. Dust Formation & Evolution in Novae ∼2000 days monitoring of

    V1280 Sco in the ′IR (CO′ICS, T-ReCS). ′ulti-color photometry and spectroscopy were carried out. Expansion of dust components was con rmed. see also I. Sakon+ (2016) ApJ doi:10.3847/0004-637X/817/2/145 20 / 29
  18. Dust Formation & Evolution in Novae see also I. Sakon+

    (2016) ApJ doi:10.3847/0004-637X/817/2/145 21 / 29
  19. Episodic Dust Formation around R CrB stars R CrB stars:

    Carbon-rich stars showing sudden great declines. 22 / 29
  20. Episodic Dust Formation around R CrB stars Compact dust clouds

    are formed in episodic mass-loss events. 23 / 29
  21. Episodic Dust Formation around R CrB stars ′I′IZUKU may reveal

    the evolution of dust grains in compact clouds. Ohnaka+ (2001) A&A doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20011369 24 / 29
  22. Dust stream in protoplanetary disks Crystalline silicate formed in the

    inner region can be transferred outward on stream. 25 / 29
  23. Variability in Solar system objects ′IR images of Io obtained

    by a TAO path nder, 1-m miniTAO telescope. see also ′. Yoneda+ (2014) Icarus doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2014.01.019 26 / 29
  24. Variability in Solar system objects Light curve along with rotation

    revealed the location of a volcano. see also ′. Yoneda+ (2014) Icarus doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2014.01.019 27 / 29
  25. Summary TAO telescope: a 6.5m IR-optimized telescope at 5640m. MIMIZUKU:

    a ′IR instrument for TAO equipped with Field Stacker. 1. Wide wavelength coverage (2–38µm). 2. High spatial resolution achieving <1 resolution in ′IR wavelengths. 3. Accurate monitoring with multi- eld imaging/spectroscopy. 4. Possibly ready for day-time observations. ′I′IZUKU with the Field Stacker may open a new elds in the study of mid- infrared variability. Please contact us (R. Ohsawa or T. Kamizuka) for collaborative researches!