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Template Composition for Synthesis of New Behav...

Avik De
October 31, 2018

Template Composition for Synthesis of New Behaviors from Simpler Constituents

This talk was given at the IROS 2018 templates workshop https://iros18wsdll.netlify.app/talks/

Avik De

October 31, 2018


  1. Template Composition for Synthesis of New Behaviors from Simpler Constituents

    Avik De Post-doctoral scholar; Ph.D. with Daniel Koditschek (2017), University of Pennsylvania Cofounder & CTO, Ghost Robotics (Philadelphia) ARL/GDRS RCTA W911NF-1020016 AFRL grant FA865015D1845 (subcontract 669737-1) ONR/OSD Vanevar Bush Fellowship N00014-16-1-2817
  2. Legged robotics in the field: status update Vision-60 (30kg, 12dof)

    Research Scientific Commercial Minitaur (6kg, 8dof direct drive) Jerboa (3kg, 4dof)
  3. What do we want from our control algorithms? (long-term view)

    [Raibert (1980’s)] [DRC (2017)] Robust against • State perturbations • Feedback control, MPC, … • Parameter perturbations • Modeling errors • “robust” control, model reduction Verifiable • Repeatability, accountability • Convergence • Local/global stability Generalizable solns • Across tasks • Across platforms • “online” solution, … …Modularity [Seyfarth (2015) [Schaal (2006)]
  4. Inspiration from Biology [Ting et. al. (2016)] Biology Robotics Motor

    abundance Multiple solutions Preferred patterns of coordination are modulated across movements Reuse modules across behaviors Facilitate multifunctionality (same muscle, different function) Manage complexity of high-dimensional robots [Ting (2007)]
  5. • Gait control synthesis using compositions of templates • Jerboa

    [ICRA 2015] [ISRR 2015] [IROS 2016] [IROS 2018] • Minitaur [IJRR 2018] • Role of design in enabling compositional control • Direct-drive machines [RAL 2016] • Multifunctional design [in prep] • Analysis for understanding when it works, and providing guarantees • Hybrid averaging [IJRR 2018] • Symmetry paper [in prep] Outline = Research Agenda
  6. Applications [Shamsah, De, Kod (IROS 2018)] [De, Kod in IJRR

    (2018)] Minitaur bounding, trotting, pacing, pronking Jerboa tailed hopping [De, Kod (ICRA 2014)]
  7. Control as reduction (anchoring) + composition Classical (analytical) view Templates

    are themselves compositions [Full and Koditschek (1999)] “Templates and anchors…”
  8. Role of design in enabling simpler control strategies Design for

    composition? [Shamsah, De, Koditschek (IROS 2018)] Tuesday, October 2, 2018 18:00- 18:50 Session TuETS4 Chair Yoshida, Eiichi (National Inst. of AIST), Co- chair Ramirez- Amaro, Karinne (Inst. for Cognitive Systems. Tech. Univ. München) Legged Robots II − TuETS4 Room 2.L2 Analytically-guided tailed hopper design—IROS 2018 [Raibert (1980s)]
  9. Hierarchical synthesis strategy [Shamsah et al (IROS 2018)] [Libby et

    al (TRO 2016)] [Libby et. al (Nature 2012)]
  10. Preliminary observations about parameter regions Orthogonal parameter gradients • “Decoupled

    parameters” • Cross-product instantiation Feasible parameter regions • Composition must lie in intersection • Affects possible template behaviors [De, Kod (in prep)] Parameter space Contours of performance metric
  11. (Hybrid) dynamical averaging as a verification tool Hybrid averaging [De,

    Burden, Kod in IJRR (2018)] [Raibert (1986)] Q: When can you do this? [De (2017)]
  12. • Not merely symmetry of trajectories; property of dynamics [Altendorfer

    et. al. (2004)] • “Reversible systems” ≈ “Hamiltonian systems” [Lamb & Roberts (1998)] • Analytical benefit: find the “neutral” limit cycles Time-reversal symmetry [Raibert (1986)] or, why averaging is particularly suited to analysis of locomotion Neutral orbit Non-neutral [Raibert (1986)]
  13. Putting together coupled systems as if they were decoupled Only

    terms with even* symmetry remain: Shank energy → Leg angle energy → Using all the prior ideas [De & Koditschek (in prep)] — Full dynamics — Averaged