its affiliates. All rights reserved. Availability zone 1 Region Availability zone 2 Availability zone 3 Scale-out, distributed, multi-tenant design . . . Purpose-built log-structured, distributed storage Shared storage volume Storage nodes with SSDs Master SQL Transactions Caching Reader 5 Reader 9 SQL Transactions Caching SQL Transactions Caching Reader 1 SQL Transactions Caching Reader 8 SQL Transactions Caching Reader 15 SQL Transactions Caching … … … 10GiB stripes Master and up to 15 Readers all point to the same storage 6-way replication, 2 per AZ Quorums survive AZ+1 failure
servers Take server from pool Set server to read from last good storage point Copy buffer from LIVE server Find “SAFE PLACE to SCALE” FORCE Scaling on TIME-OUT FREEZE workload and transfer session state Route traffic to new server
utilization OR 70% CPU utilization SERVER SWITCH SCALING DOWN PARAMS – 15Min 40% connection utilization OR 30% CPU utilization TURN OFF – default 5 min with no connections (optional) WAKE-UP – to previous ACU, not 1 ACU or LOW BOUND ACU
~44 usd $0.10 per GB/month $0.20 per 1M IO Requests Pay per SECOND – MINIMUM 1 min ZERO ACU = pay for Storage ONLY db.t2.small PRICE diff +13.8 usd BUT because of AZ it is actually cheaper -16 usd
MySQL, 10.7 PostgreSQL only NO READ REPLICAS –VERTICAL SCALING ONLY NO SHARDS NON Configurable scaling params SAFE place to scale – not easy to find Long-running queries or transactions are in progress Temporary tables or table locks are in use
5 min or more No REPLICATION from/to other DBs VPC ONLY LIMITED Number of parameters DB TCP port is fixed /3306 mysql Loading data from S3 Not supported NO Database Cloning NO Backtrack
Close your connections Don’t feed connection pools – set min conn No to ZERO 1 ACU ~90 MAX connections 256 ACU ~6000 MAX connections Use ProxySQL or pgBouncer BACKUP to SNAPSHOT after 7 DAYS – longer restore CONFIG CHANGES apply immediately (instance switch) AUTOMATIC Upgrades & Security fixes Maintenance windows don't apply to Aurora Serverless ENCRYPTION is always ON