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Reactive Collections

Reactive Collections

Description of the reactive collections framework from the Scala 2014 workshop.

Aleksandar Prokopec

July 30, 2014

More Decks by Aleksandar Prokopec

Other Decks in Programming


  1. 1 Containers and Aggregates, Mutators and Isolates for Reactive Programming

    Aleksandar Prokopec, Philipp Haller, Martin Odersky
  2. 4

  3. 6 Observables (event streams) • declarative val log = messages

    .filter(_.length < 100) .scan(_ + “\n” + _)
  4. 7 Observables (event streams) • declarative val log = messages

    .filter(_.length < 100) .scan(_ + “\n” + _) var log = “” def receive = { case s: String => if (s.length < 100) log = log + “\n” + s }
  5. 9 Actors • encapsulate mutable state var log = “”

    def receive = { case s: String => if (s.length < 100) log = log + “\n” + s }
  6. ticks onEvent { x => log.debug(s”tick no.$x”) } 14 1

    2 3 4 60 61 tick no.1 tick no.2 tick no.3 tick no.4 tick no.60 tick no.61 ...
  7. 60 61 val seconds: Reactive[Long] = for (x <- ticks)

    yield { x / 60 } 20 ticks 1 1 2 2 3 3 60 61 seconds 0 0 0 1 1 ticks seconds 0 0 0 1 1
  8. val days: Reactive[Long] = seconds.map(_ / 86400) val secondsToday =

    (seconds zip days) { (s, d) => s – d * 86400 } 23
  9. 26

  10. 27 val rotate = keys a ↓ shift ↓ a

    ↑ shift ↑ pgup ↓ pgup ↑ keys
  11. 28 val rotate = keys.filter(_ == PAGEUP) a ↓ shift

    ↓ a ↑ shift ↑ pgup ↓ pgup ↑ keys pgup ↓ pgup ↑ filter
  12. 29 val rotate = keys.filter(_ == PAGEUP) .map(_.down) a ↓

    shift ↓ a ↑ shift ↑ pgup ↓ pgup ↑ keys pgup ↓ pgup ↑ filter true false map
  13. 39 val rotate: Signal[Boolean] val ticks: Reactive[Long] val viewAngle: Signal[Double]

    = ticks.scanPast(0.0) { (a, _) => if (rotate()) a + 1 else a } ticks rotate viewAngle
  14. 40

  15. 42 val velocity = ticks.scanPast(0.0) { (v, _) => if

    (rotate()) v + 1 } val viewAngle =
  16. 43 val velocity = ticks.scanPast(0.0) { (v, _) => if

    (rotate()) v + 1 else v – 0.5 } val viewAngle =
  17. 44 val velocity = ticks.scanPast(0.0) { (v, _) => if

    (rotate()) v + 1 else v – 0.5 } val viewAngle = velocity.scanPast(0.0)(_ + _)
  18. 45

  19. 47 class Matrix { def apply(x: Int, y: Int): Double

    def update(x: Int, y: Int, v: Double) }
  20. 48 val screenMat: Signal[Matrix] = (projMat zip viewMat)(_ * _)

    val invScreenMat = screenMat.map(_.inverse)
  21. 50 val screenMat: Signal[Matrix] = (projMat zip viewMat)(_ * _)

    val invScreenMat = screenMat.map(_.inverse) (4*4*8 + 16 + 16)*4*100 = 64 kb/s
  22. 51 val screenMat = Mutable(new Matrix) (projMat, viewMat).mutate(screenMat) { (p,

    v) => screenMat().assignMul(p, v) } val invScreenMat = Mutable(new Matrix) screenMat.mutate(invScreenMat) { m => invScreenMat().assignInv(m) }
  23. 53

  24. 60

  25. 62 class ReactContainer[T] { self => def inserts: Reactive[T] def

    removes: Reactive[T] def map[S](f: T => S) = new ReactContainer[S] { def inserts: Reactive[T] = self.inserts.map(f) def removes: Reactive[T] = self.removes.map(f) } }
  26. 67 val selected = new ReactHashSet[Character] val decorations = selected

    .map(c => (c, decoFor(c))) .react.to[ReactHashMap]
  27. 68 val selected = new ReactHashSet[Character] val decorations = selected

    .map(c => (c, decoFor(c))) .react.to[ReactHashMap]
  28. 69 val selected = new ReactHashSet[Character] val decorations = selected

    .map(c => (c, decoFor(c))) .react.to[ReactHashMap]
  29. 70 val selected = new ReactHashSet[Character] val decorations = selected

    .map(c => (c, decoFor(c))) .react.to[ReactHashMap]
  30. 72 UI isolate class UI extends Isolate[UI.Message] { val frames

    = source.filter(_ == UI.Frame) val exit = source onCase { case UI.Exit => exit() } } Source