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Continuous Integration with Trunk-based and Fea...

Azizi Yazit
October 11, 2022

Continuous Integration with Trunk-based and Feature toggle (JomLaunch Edition)

Azizi Yazit

October 11, 2022

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  1. Who am i? Azizi Yazit UI Developer, FE Architect &

    Speaker Self-taught Historian (new narrative)
  2. FE Architect SaSS-BEM Design System Component Library Atomic Design State

    Management Modular Monolith MicroFE Trunk Based GitFlow CI, CD
  3. Time-box Integration Feature A 2d 3d 2d 4d 2d 13d

    Feature B 3d 4d 3d 4d 2d 16d Feature C 2d 3d 2d 4d 2d 13d
  4. Time-box Integration Feature A (13d) 120 files changes 30 new

    files 10 deleted files 10 conflicted files Feature B Feature C
  5. Feature A Feature B Feature C Mainline Time-box Integration merge

    hell conflicts pull latest code to the dev branch
  6. Feature A Feature B Feature C Mainline 2d 3d 2d

    4d 2d Time-box Integration 80 files changes 4 deleted files 5 conflicted files 20 new files merge hell!
  7. Feature A Feature B Feature C Mainline 2d 3d 2d

    4d 2d Time-box Integration huge PR
  8. Feature A Feature B Feature C Mainline 2d 3d 2d

    4d 2d Time-box Integration merge hell! 2x merge hell!
  9. Feature A Feature B Feature C Mainline 2d 3d 2d

    4d 2d Time-box Integration 2x huge PR Code freeze for intensive testing
  10. Time-box Integration Pros Cons • Merge hell • Delay on

    testing • Delay on feedback • Heavy cognitive load • Delay on release • Isolated code changes • Works independently
  11. Continuous Integration (CI) CI is a software development practice where:

    • Integrate frequently (at least daily). • Each integration is verified by an automated build & test to detect integration errors as quickly as possible. • Significantly reduced integration problems. • Allows a team to develop cohesive software more rapidly. • Most popular branching policy for CI is trunk-based development. martinfowler.com
  12. Continuous Integration (CI) Developers integrate all their work into trunk

    (also known as mainline or master) on a regular basis (at least daily). @jezhumble
  13. • Branching policy for CI. • Key enabler for CI.

    Trunk-based Development: State of DevOps 2021 Continuous Integration (CI) Trunk-based Development
  14. • Branching policy for CI. short-lived branch branch-by-abstraction feature-toggle fix-forward

    • Key enabler for CI. Trunk-based Development: Continuous Integration (CI) Trunk-based Development
  15. Continuous Integration (CI) 1 2 3 JEZ Humble & Martin

    Fowler Every developer commits at least daily to shared mainline Every commit triggers an automated build & test If build & test fails, it’s repaired within 10 mins
  16. Feature A Feature B Feature C Continuous Integration (CI) 3h

    5h 4h 4h 3h 3h 3h 3h 8h 8h 2 PR’s / day 4 PR’s / day 1 PR / day + + 7 Integrate Build Test
  17. Feature A - 1st PR 3 files changes 5 new

    files 1 deleted files 0 conflicted files Feature B Feature C Continuous Integration (CI)
  18. short-lived branch Mainline short-lived branch Continuous Integration (CI) short-lived branch

    2h 2h 4h on demand release automated build & test build or test failed Trunk-based Development: Short-lived branch
  19. Mainline short-lived branch short-lived branch 2h 2h 4h on demand

    release automated build & test build or test failed Continuous Integration (CI) Trunk-based Development: Short-lived branch short-lived branch ‣ A short-lived branch is something that should last 1 or 2 days max and carry a consistent piece of code that contributes to the feature you are building.
  20. Mainline short-lived branch short-lived branch 2h 2h 4h on demand

    release automated build & test build or test failed short-lived branch Continuous Integration (CI) Trunk-based Development: Short-lived branch create PR Build PR ready Approve PR Build integrated into mainline
  21. Mainline short-lived branch short-lived branch 2h 2h 4h on demand

    release automated build & test build or test failed short-lived branch 3 files changes 1 deleted files 0 conflicted files 5 new files Continuous Integration (CI) Trunk-based Development: Short-lived branch A few minutes for the review is best, and tens of minutes acceptable. More than a hour or two, and you are negatively affecting cycle times.
  22. 1 deleted files 0 conflicted files 3 files changes 5

    new files Benefits • NO Merge hell • NO code freeze • Continuous code review • Continuous feedback • Low cognitive load • On demand release Continuous Integration (CI)
  23. short-lived branch Mainline short-lived branch 2h 2h 4h automated build

    & test Continuous Integration (CI) 1h 2h build or test failed
  24. short-lived branch Mainline short-lived branch automated build & test build

    or test failed Continuous Integration (CI) 2h 2h 4h 1h 2h hour-based efforts
  25. short-lived branch Mainline short-lived branch 2h 2h 4h automated build

    & test 1h 2h build or test failed Continuous Integration (CI) unsuccessful build prevent integration to the mainline
  26. short-lived branch Mainline short-lived branch 2h 2h 4h automated build

    & test 1h 2h build or test failed 10m or <1h review Continuous Integration (CI)
  27. Benefits • NO Merge hell • NO code freeze •

    Continuous code review • Continuous feedback • Low cognitive load • On demand release feature toggle on off Continuous Integration (CI) Trunk-based Development: Feature-toggle
  28. short-lived branch Mainline short-lived branch v2 day 1 day 2

    v1 toggle off toggle on release to prod Continuous Integration (CI) Trunk-based Development: Feature-toggle
  29. short-lived branch Mainline short-lived branch v2 day 1 day 2

    toggle on Continuous Integration (CI) Trunk-based Development: Feature-toggle v1 toggle off release to prod integrate incomplete code safely release anytime dev team always have latest codes
  30. short-lived branch Mainline short-lived branch day 1 day 2 v1

    toggle off Continuous Integration (CI) Trunk-based Development: Feature-toggle v2 toggle on release to prod • once the feature is completed & tested, we will toggle it to the user • if the feature got issue on prod, it’s easily toggled back to hide
  31. Continuous Integration (CI) Trunk-based Development: Feature-toggle <div *featureFlag=“‘duitnow’”> </div> <div

    *featureFlag=“‘fpx’”> </div> Duitnow payment FPX { “duitnow”: true, “fpx”: false }
  32. Benefits • NO Merge hell • NO code freeze •

    Continuous code review • Continuous feedback • Low cognitive load • On demand release Buttons 3 files Textfield 3 files header 2 files integration 1 files Continuous Integration (CI) Trunk-based Development: Branch-by-abstraction
  33. short-lived branch Mainline buttons 20% textfield 20% code review Continuous

    Integration (CI) Trunk-based Development: Branch-by-abstraction buttons textfield
  34. short-lived branch Mainline textfield 20% textfield Continuous Integration (CI) Trunk-based

    Development: Branch-by-abstraction buttons 20% code review buttons divide the branches into abstractions reviewer will get familiar with the code little by little. This help to get the full context about the code
  35. Benefits • NO Merge hell • NO code freeze •

    Continuous testing • Continuous feedback • Low cognitive load • On demand release feedback on code feedback on build & test feedback from testing feedback from business feedback on product Continuous Integration (CI)
  36. Benefits • NO Merge hell • NO code freeze •

    Continuous testing • Continuous feedback • Low cognitive load • On demand release code review Continuous Integration (CI) 1 2 3 4 5 code build & test Cognitive load refers to the amount of information the working memory can hold at any one given time. Most people can handle a cognitive load of between 3 and 7 separate pieces of information.
  37. Benefits • NO Merge hell • NO code freeze •

    Continuous testing • Continuous feedback • Low cognitive load • On demand release Continuous Integration (CI) Codebase is always maintained in a releasable state.
  38. Continuous Integration (CI) Summary • Continuous Integration means the team

    knows what the current state of the code truly is, we avoid big risky merges, and people can refactor as much as they need to. • Trunk-based Development (TBD) is the key enabler for the CI. We should implement these two technical practices concurrently, because they have more impact when you use them together. • Feature Toggles are a powerful technique, allowing teams to modify system behaviour without changing code.
  39. Continuous Integration (CI) Bibliography • https://martinfowler.com/bliki/ContinuousIntegrationCertification.html • https://martinfowler.com/articles/continuousIntegration.html • https://www.gocd.org/2017/05/16/its-not-CI-its-CI-theatre/

    • https://trunkbaseddevelopment.com/ • https://martinfowler.com/articles/feature-toggles.html • https://martinfowler.com/articles/branching-patterns.html • https://martinfowler.com/bliki/BranchByAbstraction.html • Continuous Integration Improving Software Quality and Reducing Risk book • Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations book • Team Topologies book • Monolith to Microservice (feature toggle & branch-by-abstraction section) book • Design It book • https://www.youtube.com/c/ContinuousDelivery • Jez Humble youtube videos