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Design System for Micro frontends

Azizi Yazit
October 20, 2021

Design System for Micro frontends

Azizi Yazit

October 20, 2021

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  1. A Design system is collection of reusable components, guided by

    clear standard, that can be assembled together to build any number of application.
  2. Design System App 1 App 2 v1 v1 v1 v2

    v2 v2 App 3 v2 App 4 v1 Centralised
  3. Design System App 1 App 2 v1 v1 v1 v2

    v2 v2 App 3 v2 App 4 v1 Centralised
  4. Design System App 1 App 2 v1 v1 v1 v2

    v2 v2 App 3 v2 App 4 v1 Centralised
  5. Design System App 1 App 2 v1 v1 v1 v2

    v2 v2 App 3 v2 App 4 v1 Centralised independent deployment autonomous team incremental changes
  6. App 1 App 2 App 3 App 4 Independent Design

    System independent deployment autonomous team incremental changes
  7. Provider Design System Color System Spacing System Icons Atomic Components

    Typography Fonts Composite Components Headless UI Compound Component Consumer Design System Customised Atomic Components Implemented Composite Components
  8. Headless UI UI Logics & Interaction handling UI look &

    feel Abstraction Implementation Provider Consumer
  9. Provider-Consumer Provider Design System App 1 App 2 v1 v1

    v1 v2 v2 v2 App 3 v2 App 4 v1 Consumer Design System Consumer Design System Consumer Design System Consumer Design System
  10. Provider Design System App 1 App 2 v1 v1 v1

    v2 v2 v2 App 3 v2 App 4 v1 Consumer Design System Consumer Design System Consumer Design System Consumer Design System independent deployment autonomous team incremental changes