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Synapse Real-Time Analytics in Fabric by Alvaro...

Synapse Real-Time Analytics in Fabric by Alvaro Videla

Synapse Real-Time Analytics in Fabric

In this talk we'll take a look at Synapse Real-Time Analytics in Fabric and how you can use it to ingest data from various sources. We'll take a look at Kusto Database, Eventstream, and other technologies that are part of the suite of the Real-Time Fabric experience.
We'll show how Fabric is "open to everyone" from day one, showcasing integrations with RabbitMQ and Apache Kafka, so your data can be ingested into the platform using the tools you already know and love.
This will enable your organization to embrace the new data platform by Microsoft, without having to learn new tools or languages.

About Alvaro:
Alvaro Videla is a Technical Program Manager at Microsoft where he works in the intersection of Data and Messaging technologies. He was a core developer at RabbitMQ, and the co-author of the book "RabbitMQ in Action" for Manning Publications. He also writes for the ACM about the intersection of language and programming.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alvarovidela/

Azure Zurich User Group

October 04, 2023

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  1. ABOUT ME • @old_sound • Former RabbitMQ Core Dev •

    Wrote RabbitMQ in Action for Manning • Applied Machine Learning at Apple • Cloud Advocate for Data at Microsoft
  2. REGION AVAILABILITY (NON EXAHUSTIVE) • SwitzerlandNorth, SwitzerlandWest • NorthEurope, WestEurope

    • EastUS, EastUS2 • An many more • https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/fabric/admin/region-availability
  3. CAPACITIES • Fabrict Trial • https://learn.microsoft.com/fabric/get-started/fabric-trial • Power BI Premium

    capacities: • https://learn.microsoft.com/fabric/admin/fabric-switch • Fabric capacities • https://portal.azure.com/
  4. PRICING • Simplified purchasing with a single pool of compute

    for every workload. • The ability to use the same set of Capacity Units (CUs) wherever you have the need without pre-allocating capacity. • All CUs are pooled and are not locked in an idle workload to reduce costs. • Transparent monitoring through a centralised dashboard to monitor usage and costs. https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/microsoft-fabric/

    long-running jobs • (jobs run to completion) • Reduced throttling • For customers with intermittent spikes • Added overage protection • Prevent overloading with large-scale jobs • Improved observability
  6. LEARN MORE ABOUT MICROSOFT FABRIC ▪ Product announcement: https://aka.ms/fabric ▪

    Digital Event at Build (videos): https://aka.ms/build-with-analytics ▪ Product website: https://aka.ms/microsoft-fabric ▪ Documentation: https://aka.ms/fabric-docs ▪ Fabric e-book: https://aka.ms/fabric-get-started-ebook ▪ Microsoft Learn: https://aka.ms/learn-fabric ▪ End-to-end scenario tutorials: https://aka.ms/fabric-tutorials ▪ Fabric Notes: https://aka.ms/fabric-notes