While software engineers are beginning to use the language of the domain (business language) more in their application code, in most tests we still see a lot of technical language. Especially when creating acceptance test for a GUI, we mostly go from gherkin to Selenium straight away! With the ever-growing culture of creating living documentation in the form of gherkin, it is evenly important to use the domain language in our test code too.
In this talk, I will explain how to combine Domain Driven Design (DDD) and Behaviour Driven Development (BDD). I will use Feature Mapping with Event Storming and Example Mapping so we can create a ubiquitous domain language that we can use in our application and test code. Using property-based testing and the Screenplay pattern, I will show several examples on how to use the domain language in test code. As a result, we have tests that are both useful for communication and serve as living documentation based on our domain language.