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Tackling Socio-technical complexity in the heart of your team @ Flowcon

Tackling Socio-technical complexity in the heart of your team @ Flowcon

As a software engineering team, we want to solve complex business problems in the most efficient way possible. We invest a lot in technology to improve our team flow and try to make our technology process sustainable. We’ve got quite compulsive about automation and autonomy in achieving this. However, we are still tribal creatures that require tribal safety. Which means that if we want to make our technology process sustainable, we must also invest in people. For that, we need to tackle social-technical complexity in the heart of our team.

In this session, Evelyn and Kenny will introduce you to the concept of social-technical systems. We will explain what social-technical complexity we are facing when building software to improve our team flow. How you can get a sense of the type of complexity you’re dealing with by using the Cynefin framework. Cynefin can aid your decision making process by helping you make less biased decisions on how to approach your software development flow with your team. Finally, we’ll show you how visual collaboration tools like EventStorming and many others that can help you visualise complexity. You will leave this session knowing how to start tackling social-technical complexity in your team. Making sure you create a sustainable technology process for your team flow!

Kenny Baas-Schwegler

December 12, 2019

More Decks by Kenny Baas-Schwegler

Other Decks in Technology


  1. @EvelynvanKelle @kenny_baas Photo by NESA by Makers on Unsplash Sunken

    Cost Fallacy: Why change now? We’ve already wasted so much money.
  2. 8 @EvelynvanKelle @kenny_baas Autonomy has become compulsive, we need to

    remember we are still tribal creatures that require tribale safety. -Danielle Braun
  3. Photo by Timon Studler on Unsplash Investments in technology are

    also investments in people, and these investments will make our technology process more sustainable Nicole Forsgren @EvelynvanKelle @kenny_baas
  4. Socio-technical systems Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash Complex organizational

    approach that recognizes the interaction between people and technology in workplaces @EvelynvanKelle @kenny_baas
  5. Shifting the burden to the intervenor Photo by Wil Stewart

    on Unsplash @EvelynvanKelle @kenny_baas
  6. Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash You should certainly take

    universally useful principles (...) you need to also be mindful of how your culture will react / respond. Simon Wardley “ @EvelynvanKelle @kenny_baas
  7. @EvelynvanKelle @kenny_baas “You can copy a model but you cannot

    paste it.” My Precious @EvelynvanKelle @kenny_baas
  8. Socio-technical Complexity Result in losing: The big picture, the sense,

    a shared understanding, vision & mobilization Photo by NASA on Unsplash @EvelynvanKelle @kenny_baas https://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/~golden/sociotechnical.html
  9. Photo by NASA on Unsplash @EvelynvanKelle @kenny_baas Socio-technical complexity is

    the result of ➔ Technical aspects ➔ Cognitive aspects ➔ Social aspects ➔ The interrelations of the three
  10. Photo by Jean-Frederic Fortier on Unsplash The Magical Number Seven,

    Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information George A. Miller “ @EvelynvanKelle @kenny_baas
  11. Creating a shared sense of reality Photo by Matt Noble

    on Unsplash @EvelynvanKelle @kenny_baas
  12. @EvelynvanKelle @kenny_baas foto: Hideta Nagai) credit: Corporate tribe book by

    Danielle Braun, Jitske Kramer @EvelynvanKelle @kenny_baas Social aspect
  13. @EvelynvanKelle @kenny_baas Photo by Kevin Erdvig on Unsplash credit: Corporate

    Tribe by Danielle Braun, Jitske Kramer Meetings as campfires
  14. When you start judging, you stop listening and learning. Photo

    by Jeff Qian on Unsplash @EvelynvanKelle @kenny_baas
  15. Tackling socio-technical complexity ➔ Use the Cynefin framework as a

    sense-making device to aid decision-making. ➔ Be aware of cognitive bias and visualise complexity to maintain a shared understanding. ➔ Have meetings as campfires to increase understanding and lower assumptions. @EvelynvanKelle @kenny_baas