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Let's build a better web

Let's build a better web


Bastian Allgeier

October 26, 2013

More Decks by Bastian Allgeier

Other Decks in Technology


  1. It’s the beginning of a new era, in which it

    is widely accepted or ignored to be under total observation by governments, secret services and corporations.
  2. Language? Database? Extensions? Permissions? Installation? Updates? Security? RAM? Disk Space?

    Email Setup? Backups? Failovers? Background processes? Payment? etc.
  3. Forget all the constraints of today's browsers. Then write down

    the code of your dreams for all the tasks you need to build your app. This is dreamcode. nobackend.org hood.ie
  4. A frontend library* that seamlessly integrates with all the backend

    functionality of the OS. *let’s just take hood.ie :)
  5. Nobody will ever use it if it is… — more

    expensive — more complicated — more ugly — more inconvenient …than what we use so far