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Ecmascript 2015

Ecmascript 2015


July 03, 2015

More Decks by Benjamin

Other Decks in Programming


  1. What is ECMASript ? • a scripting language • standardized

    by Ecma International • several well-known implementations: ◦ JavaScript ◦ JScript ◦ ActionScript
  2. History of ES • First edition 1997 • ES 3

    in 1999 • ES 4 never released : too ambitious • ES 5 in 2009 • ES 6/2015 also called Harmony • ES 7/2016
  3. Promises var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // some

    code }); promise.then(successCb, errorCb); promise.catch(errorCb); Promise.all([promise1, promise2]);
  4. Class class MyClass extends MyParentClass { constructor (param1, param2) {

    super(param1, param2); // some code } myMethod1(param) { // some code } static myMethod2(param) { // some code } }
  5. Generator function* testYield(){ var index = 0; while(index < 3){

    yield index++; } } var gen = testYield(); console.log(gen.next().value); // 0 console.log(gen.next().value); // 1 console.log(gen.next().value); // 2 console.log(gen.next().value); // undefined
  6. Let - Const function varTest() { var x = 31;

    if (true) { var x = 71; console.log(x); // 71 } console.log(x); // 71 } function letTest() { let x = 31; if (true) { let x = 71; console.log(x); // 71 } console.log(x); // 31 } const myConstant = 42; myConstant = 12; // Error const myConstant = 3; // Error
  7. Arrow ([param] [, param]) => { instructions } param =>

    expression // implicit return var square = (x) => x*x;
  8. Arrow - Bind this lexically ES5: var myObject = {

    var myString = ‘Hello’; var myArray = [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’]; var myMethod = function () { var self = this; this.myArray.forEach(function(element){ console.log(self.myString + element); }) } } ES2015: var myObject = { var myString = ‘Hello’; var myArray = [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’]; var myMethod = function () { this.myArray.forEach((element) => console.log(this.myString + element); }) } }
  9. Destructuring var anArray = [1,2,3]; var [one, two, three] =

    anArray; var [foo, [[bar], baz]] = [1, [[2], 3]]; var anObject = {prop1: ‘abc’}; var {prop1: myProp1} = anObject;
  10. String template console.log(`first line second line`); var a = 2;

    var b = 3; console.log(`the sum of a and b is ${a+b}`);
  11. For .. of var myArray = [‘a’, ‘b’, ’c’]; for(

    let myElement of myArray) { console.log(myElement); }
  12. Modules // lib.js export square = (x) => x*x; //

    main.js import {square} from lib; console.log(square(4)); NB: a lot of variation of ‘import’ syntax exist to please both AMD and Common.js users
  13. Map set let mySet = new Set([1,2,2,2,2,2,2]); mySet.add(3); console.log(mySet.size); //

    3 console.log(mySet.has(2); // true mySet.delete(2); console.log(mySet.has(2); // false