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Inclusion for Leaders

Inclusion for Leaders

Slide deck from Inclusion for Leaders workshop. GitHub Universe 2017 - Workshop Day.

Bianca Escalante

October 19, 2017

Other Decks in Technology


  1. • Think outside your experience. • Set the tone w/your

    team/group. • Establish/reinforce inclusive group norms.
  2. • Think outside your experience. • Do you spend time

    seeking perspectives different from your own? • Do you center marginalized voices? • Set the tone w/your team/group. • Do you spend time setting precedents? How might this group benefit from that? • Establish inclusive group norms. • How do you make people feel safe/welcome/heard/valued?
  3. • Think of a time you went out of your

    way to accommodate someone. What was it over? How did you feel? • Think of a time someone went out of their way to accommodate you? What was it over? Again, how did you feel?
  4. • Research & implement inclusive language/ communication • “Welcome Wagon”

    • Ensure that your physical spaces are accessible to all who visit • Hire experts to teach you all the things • Invest in trainings for team members • Child care, nursing rooms, prayer rooms, closed-captioning
  5. • Where might I be falling short as a leader

    when it comes to inclusion? 
 • What would the most marginalized person on my team say about my leadership style when it comes to inclusion?
 • What are some personal/professional habits I can put in place that will foster inclusion on my team?
  6. “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people

    will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou