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From Streams to Object Algebras to Fusion via Staging

From Streams to Object Algebras to Fusion via Staging

Talk at CWI

Aggelos Biboudis

February 02, 2016

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  1. From Streams to Object Algebras to Fusion via Staging Aggelos

    Biboudis www.twitter.com/biboudis CWI, Research Intern, Jan 2016
  2. Hello! • Name stuff • Άγγελος Μπιμπούδης (in greek) •

    Angelos Bimpoudis (ISO) • Angelos Mpimpoydhs (what the university gave me) • Aggelos Biboudis (how I always preferred :P) • Engel Bimpoudis (in Dutch?) • PhD Student, University of Athens, advised by Yannis Smaragdakis
  3. Our Quest 1. Clash of the Lambdas 
 (Biboudis, Palladinos,

    Smaragdakis, ICOOOLPS 14) 2. Streams a la Carte
 (Biboudis, Palladinos, Fourtounis, Smaragdakis, ECOOP 15) 3. Stream Fusion, Staged 
 (with Oleg Kiselyov, Palladinos, in progress, ICFP 16?) 4. Internship in CWI
  4. What did we want to know? • Performance of streaming

    APIs • Benchmarks in Scala, Java, C#, F# • Bird’s eye view of the lambda translation techniques • Simple pipelines • Sequential and Parallel, Windows and Linux • Optimising Frameworks (ScalaBlitz, LinqOptimizer): declarative queries -> loop based code
  5. Scala, Lambdas • lambda: a class that extends scala.runtime.AbstractFunction[0-22] is

    generated • lambda /w free variables: the generated class includes private member fields that get initialised at instantiation time
  6. Scala, Streams • Views for Iterable collections are defined by

    re- interpreting the iterator method • e.g., 3 virtual calls (next, hasNext, f) per element pointed by the iterator of a map operation
  7. Java, Lambdas • A lambda can be used anywhere a

    Functional Interface is needed • Like inner and anonymous classes, lambdas can capture variables • invokedynamic refers to a recipe instead of generating bytecode (1-time cost) • class-generation at compile time is avoided • fewer classes for class-loading • favours inlining optimisations (e.g., in non-capturing lambdas we get constant loads)
  8. Java, Streams • The main philosophy is: stream & bits

    of characteristics • source/generator |> lazy |> lazy |> lazy |> terminal • intermediate ops are gathered in CPS-style • a compact data structure of transformations is applied at the source • flow of characteristics can be used for optimisations • a bulk operation can be optimised (e.g. a do … while loop)
  9. C#/F#, Lambdas • C# lambdas are always assigned to delegates.

    If they capture free variables, these are fields in a compiler-generated type (otherwise just static- methods). • F# lambdas are represented as compiler-generated classes that inherit FSharpFunc<T,R>
  10. C#/F#, Streams • LINQ introduced in C# 3.0. • as

    fluent-style method calls
 nums.Where(x => x % 2 == 0).Select(x => x * x).Sum(); • with the equivalent query comprehension syntactic sugar
 (from x in nums
 where x % 2 == 0
 select x * x).Sum(); • F# is inspired by OCaml and first class citizen of .NET. 
 The Seq module is the Streaming API of F#
 nums |> Seq.filter(funx->x%2=0) 
 |> Seq.map (fun x -> x * x) 
 |> Seq.sum
  11. C#/F#, Streams • IEnumerable is a factory for IEnumerator objects

    • IEnumerator keeps state of the iteration (Current & MoveNext) e.g., a .Select(func) combinator: • Returns a SelectEnumerable object encapsulating the inner source. We get a SelectEnumerator that passes inner’s Current to func. • 3 virtual calls (MoveNext, Current, func) per element per iterator.
  12. What was missing? • Current libraries: fixed behaviour and operators

    • We wanted pluggable semantics 
 (e.g., push vs. pull) • And the ability to retrofit new operators
  13. Why pluggable semantics? • Operators are naturally push or pull

    㱺 variable performance • Extra functionality mixed in, e.g.: o Log with push • Fuse with pull • Blocking or not with push or pull
  14. • We proposed a library design based on object algebras

    • Provided extensible streams with: • Pluggable operators • Pluggable behaviours • Mixed-in behaviours • Affect performance (in a good way)
  15. Use

  16. Use

  17. Cool stuff • we saw implementations that • do not

    support zip (being naturally pull) • push to pull transition is not performant • infinite & early termination combinators do not play well • for-based loops are not yet matched
  18. More cool stuff • Stream Fusion is still an open

    problem: • Duncan Coutts et al. (Stream Fusion 2007) proposed a deforestation technique that still didn’t fuse concatMap (a pull-based approach btw) • Andrew Farmer et al. (Hermit in the Stream 2014) use Hermit (not just ghc RULES) • Implement list fusion using streams instead of foldr/ build (ticket opened 9 years ago, “we close this ticket as requiring more research”)
  19. Staging 101 let sum = fold (fun z a →

    .⟨∼a + ∼z⟩.) .⟨0⟩. ofArr .⟨arr⟩. |> map (fun x →.⟨∼x ∗ ∼x⟩.) |> sum
  20. Streams, Staged ( zip_with (fun e1 e2 → .⟨(∼e1, ∼e2)⟩.)

    (ofArr .⟨arr1⟩. |> map (fun x →.⟨∼x ∗ ∼x⟩.) |> take .⟨12⟩. |> filter (fun x →.⟨∼x mod 2 = 0⟩.) |> map (fun x →.⟨∼x ∗ ∼x⟩.)) (iota .⟨1⟩. |> flat_map (fun x → iota .⟨∼x+ 1⟩. |> take .⟨3⟩.) |> filter (fun x →.⟨∼x mod 2=0⟩.)) ) |> fold (fun z a → .⟨∼a :: ∼z⟩.) .⟨[]⟩.
  21. Stream Fusion, Staged type 'a stream_val = | Skip of

    bool | El of 'a code | Stream of 'a repr and ('a,'st) gen = { init: 'w. ('st -> 'w code) -> 'w code; advance: 'w. 'st -> ('a stream_val -> 'w code) -> 'w code } and 'a repr = G : ('a,'st) gen -> 'a repr
  22. init( (st -> .<let rec loop acc = .~(advance st

    (elem -> …) in loop (zero) >.)))
  23. init(init( (st -> .<let rec loop acc = .~(advance st

    (elem -> (advance(…)) in loop (zero) >.)))
  24. init(init(init(st -> .<let rec loop acc = .~(advance st (elem

    -> advance(advance(…)))) in loop (zero) >.)))
  25. Main observation • Interfaces of object algebras resemble to computation

    expressions methods • Computation expressions is a language feature of F# to allow overridable semantics • Computation expressions = monadic bind + monadic return + methods that correspond to the syntax of F#
  26. Computation Expressions let getLength url = async { let! html

    = fetchAsync url do! Async.Sleep 1000 return html.Length }
  27. Computation Expressions Method Typical signature(s) Bind M<'T> * ('T ->

    M<'U>) -> M<'U> Delay (unit -> M<'T>) -> M<'T> Return T -> M<'T> ReturnFrom M<'T> -> M<'T> Run M<'T> -> M<'T> Combine M<'T> * M<'T> -> M<'T> For seq<'T> * ('T -> M<'U>) -> M<'U> TryFinally M<'T> * (unit -> unit) -> M<'T> TryWith M<'T> * (exn -> M<'T>) -> M<'T> Using T * ('T -> M<'U>) -> M<'U> when 'U :> IDisposable While (unit -> bool) * M<'T> -> M<'T> Yield T -> M<'T> YieldFrom M<'T> -> M<'T> Zero unit -> M<'T>
  28. So far… • Dart has an interesting approach with multiple

    continuation types (statements, expressions, exceptions, etc) • F# uses continuation monad for asynchronous workflows • async/await in C# and Dart as essentially, reset/shift in languages that support it • await in expressions means that we could write int i = 1 + await (async { some computation }) + 3 • scala supports reset/shift • regular continuations (T -> Unit) -> Unit • polymorphic in the return type (A -> B) -> C • a syntax driven shift/reset with with bind and return is super easy • Filinski’s Representing Monads is followed by effects people (all monads are encoded as the cont monad) • scala-virtualized follows tagless interpreters approach (thus object algebras), not Filinski’s
  29. If we could: A. DSL’s that look like java with

    extended syntax B. Semantics as libraries C. async, cloud, staging