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Beyond analytics: Prescriptive analytics for th...

Beyond analytics: Prescriptive analytics for the future of your business by Álvaro Barbero at Big Data Spain 2015

Analytics has undoubtedly changed the way businesses are operated. It has made clearer than ever that what cannot be measured cannot be managed. However, about 80% of Big Data projects still merely rely on descriptive analytics. While clever visualizations of the business data can be of great aid in the decision making process, there is much more value to be explored through deeper analytical processes. Whenever information about business rules and costs is available, prescriptive analytics can recommend efficient courses of action to optimize costs or revenues.

Session presented at Big Data Spain 2015 Conference
16th Oct 2015
Kinépolis Madrid
Event promoted by: http://www.paradigmatecnologico.com
Abstract: http://www.bigdataspain.org/program/fri/slot-29.html#spch29.2

Big Data Spain

October 21, 2015

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