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Unclear Expectations: Why Interviews Aren't Fai...

Unclear Expectations: Why Interviews Aren't Fair & How to Get Your Day Back

A developer's perspective on how to get your day back, both as an interviewer, and as a candidate, without sacrificing your values in the process.

Billy Fisher

June 10, 2019

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  1. U N C L E A R E X P

    E C TAT I O N S W H Y I N T E R V I E W S A R E N ’ T FA I R & H O W T O G E T Y O U R D AY B A C K
  2. W E ’ R E A L L U N

    Q U A L I F I E D • Inconsistent consensus given the same • Resume • Candidate • Org • Title or level of seniority • Experience
  3. C A N D I D AT E S E

    VA L U AT E D B Y • Bias • Unconscious • Personal • Organizational • Organizational Neuroses • Unclear Expectations
  4. H O W C A N I A I M

    T O B E FA I R ? • North Star • What is senior leadership actually looking and budgeting for? • What is HR aligned with?
  5. P R E PA R E F O R A

    C O N V E R S AT I O N • Hiring manager • Review resume • Review most recently published job title candidate applied for ✅
  6. J O T D O W N • Candidate Name

    • Opening Questions • Your day? • Team & role been explained to you? • Keys/team matches • Three page review questions that arose
  7. A S A C A N D I D AT

    E • How do you get your day back? • Increase your sample size • Experiment • Test