Presentation at the InnerSource Commons in Stuttgart by Daniel Izquierdo Cortázar.
No metric is important but that one that is directly linked to the strategic goals of your company. Success is basically measured when the goals are achieved. Measuring things is 'easy' if you know where to mine the data, but having a strategy requires context expertise, a detailed method to formalize the measuring process and a strategy regarding to awareness, process improvement, transparency and motivational actions among other key areas. Metrics are not the panacea, but help to understand the current structure and methodology followed by a software development team. And how far this is from other similar organizations. Topics include:
* Goals using metrics
* Areas of analysis
* A formal approach such as the Goal-Question-Metric one
* Strategy when using metrics
* Some examples
Breaking silos and foster collaboration across the several business units is one of the main goals of any InnerSource inititive. However, how can we know if this is actually taking place? This talk will also focus on the usual data sources available when building the infrastructure needed in this types of initiatives and the traces left by the members of the new community. Those traces are the ones parsed, stored and curated in order to produce valuable metrics for the organization. I will go through the usual data sources such as GitHub, Jira or Slack as some examples of how to understand and measure collaboration across the organization.