Title: The Metrics Journey
Speaker: Daniel Izquierdo Cortázar
Abstract: Adeo has been involved in the InnerSource journey during the last months. This is mainly a cultural change and software development process improvement based on top of the right infrastructure and tools. However, this is not easy and even more when we talk about culture.
How do we know if the initiative is currently progressing? Are we hitting the market earlier than before? Are several business units directly collaborating? What about breaking the internal silos within the company?
Metrics and KPIs are essential in this journey as they will help in three main areas: (a) awareness, to understand where we are, (b) lead a change to support decisions, and (c) motivate developers and middle managers by showing progress.
This talk will introduce several aspects to have into account when introducing, using and discussing metrics, and the lessons learned during the last years analyzing open source projects and in the InnerSource ecosystem.