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Boxed: bringing algebraic types to TypeScript

Boxed: bringing algebraic types to TypeScript

Matthias Le Brun

March 27, 2024

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  1. Matthias Le Brun @bloodyowl lead engineering manager chief shitpost office

    the easiest way to provide banking features (accounts, payments, cards…) we're hiring! @
  2. type State = { data?: Data; error?: Error; }; type

    Result<Data> = | Ok<Data> | Error<Error>; error data ERROR NULL NULL DATA NULL NULL ERROR DATA
  3. type State = { data?: Data; error?: Error; }; type

    Result<Data> = | Ok<Data> | Error<Error>; state ERROR DATA
  4. type State = { data?: Data; error?: Error; }; type

    Result<Data> = | Ok<Data> | Error<Error>; 2 2 1 1 4 2 x = + =
  5. + x

  6. [1, 2, 3].map(x => x * 2) // [2, 4,

    6] [1, 2, 3].flatMap(x => [x, x * 2]) // [1, 2, 2, 4, 3, 6]
  7. map: <A, B>(T<A>, (a: A) => B) => T<B>: flatMap:

    <A, B>(T<A>, (a: A) => T<B>) => T<B>;
  8. export declare const chainFirstTaskK: <A, B>(f: (a: A) = >

    T.Task<B>) = > <E>(first: TaskEither<E, A>) = > TaskEither<E, A> ah just what I was looking for
  9. «let's try to make these types work with a good

    DX in a structurally typed language» — me, allegedly drunk
  10. const parsed = input != null ? parseInput(input) : undefined;

    const transformed = parsed != null ? transform(parsed) : undefined; const printed = transformed != null ? print(transformed) : undefined; const value = printed != null ? prettify(printed) : "fallback"; input .map(parseInput) .flatMap(transform) .map(print) .map(prettify) .getWithDefault("fallback");