the user? What feature do they want to access? How does the user verify success? What are the browser steps that perform the feature? What’s the starting state of our app?
the user? What feature do they want to access? How does the user verify success? What are the browser steps that perform the feature? What’s the starting state of our app?
user’s PoV. State a goal and describe the feature needed for success. “As a <user_role>”, “In order to accomplish <goal>”, “I need to perform <new_feature>”. Defines the parameters for writing and verifying an Acceptance Test
your app Can visit URL paths and follow/click links Interacts with form fields and clicks buttons Can search HTML text via CSS and XPath Provides matchers to verify the presence of HTML elements and content
browser Also supports Selenium web driver, for JavaScript interactions Can integrate with capybara-webkit gem, to have headless HTML + JavaScript browsing. Will use Launchy gem to save HTML as a rendered page for browser viewing