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(2016 - 2/9) Developing Your Team

September 30, 2016

(2016 - 2/9) Developing Your Team

Calibrate 2016 (2/9) - http://www.calibratesf.com/

"Developing Your Team" - Jocelyn Goldfein, Angel Investor

"What divides an engineering manager from a tech lead or a project manager is the responsibility to build and develop a team. As a manager, you need different tools to help new grads rise to independence and to help accomplished software engineers mature into seniority, and to help senior engineers to break through to the next level. Let's ask the question "Can you take responsibility for developing engineers who are at or senior to your own level?" (Spoiler alert: yes.)"

Angel investor, startup advisor, and tech industry spokesperson Jocelyn Goldfein has a long history building products and leading engineering teams. At Facebook, she led new product development for news feed and photos before spearheading the company's pivot to native mobile app development. As an early engineer at VMware she was instrumental in the company's hypergrowth and ultimately established and ran the desktop business unit. Jocelyn also led development teams at startups MessageOne and pcOrder. She studied computer science at Stanford University.


Calibrate is a conference for new engineering leaders hosted by seasoned engineering leaders. Organized and hosted by Sharethrough, it was conducted on September 30, 2015 and September 30, 2016 in San Francisco, California.


September 30, 2016

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