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Geospatial analysis in N2Africa Phase II

September 23, 2014

Geospatial analysis in N2Africa Phase II


September 23, 2014


  1. Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa

    Geospatial analysis in N2Africa Phase II Andrew Farrow – GeAgrofía / WUR ITC Enschede, 22nd September 2014 www.n2africa.org
  2. Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa

    N2Africa Phase II Main partners: WUR, IITA, ILRI, AGRA ! N2Africa will build sustainable, long-term partnerships to enable African smallholder farmers to benefit from symbiotic N2-fixation by grain legumes through effective production technologies including inoculants and fertilizers. ! Activities will focus on: • Cowpea, groundnut and soybean in Ghana and Nigeria • Common bean, cowpea, groundnut and soybean in Tanzania and Uganda • Common bean, soybean, chickpea and faba bean in Ethiopia
  3. Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa

    1. Develop a conceptual framework to expand G x E x M N2Africa Phase I - successful BNF by legumes in the field depends on the interaction: ! (GL ×GR )×E×M (Legume genotype × Rhizobium strain) × Environment × Management ! N2Africa Phase II will focus on disseminating outcomes from Phase I at scale among heterogeneous farming conditions of smallholder farmers
  4. Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa

    1. Develop a conceptual framework to expand G x E x M • Research design and site selection that allows learning about D1 , D2 , D3 , D4 and SU and evaluation of adoption ‘Delivery treatments’ ! D1 , D2 , D3 , D4 and SU treatments cannot be controlled in the same manner as GL , GR , and M
  5. Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa

    2. Review literature of adoption of legumes in Africa Ojiem et al., (2006) Socio-ecological niche: a conceptual framework for integration of legumes in smallholder farming systems Review constraints to adoption and frameworks for conceptualising and managing those constraints or conditioning factors
  6. Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa

    Conclusions • Stratify those constraints that cannot be controlled but which will have an effect on the ‘fit’ • Test different systems, mechanisms, models which can be influenced • Monitor constraints which are dynamic, difficult to predict and therefore difficult to stratify or test 2. Review literature of adoption of legumes in Africa
  7. Constraint Scale / level of constraint Management of constraint in

    research design Biophysical relevance of technology Multiple Stratify Land availability, quality or tenure Output market for legume products Availability of labour Household and Community Gender Education / literacy of the farm household members Household access to Capital / Assets Household Experience of the farm household members Agricultural Research and Development system (including extension) National, but variations in coverage Test Knowledge about the technology or practice Multiple Availability of legume seed Multiple, but thresholds determined by farmers’ time and cost of transport Availability of other non-seed inputs Collective action for marketing products, purchasing inputs or experimentation Household and Community Government support National, but some local policies may be relevant to adoption Monitor Alternative technologies or livelihoods that compete with the technology Multiple Risk Perceptions Household and Community Cultural factors Adaptability of technology Opportunity cost / time lag to benefits Household
  8. Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa

    • Stratify those constraints that cannot be controlled but which will have an effect on the ‘fit’ 3. Managing constraints to adoption in planning Phase 2 of N2Africa
  9. Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa

    Crop specific Adoption domains Factors: Agro-ecological Zone, Crop Specific Market Access, Population density Stratification 3. Managing constraints to adoption in planning Phase II of N2Africa
  10. Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa

    3. Managing constraints to adoption in planning Phase II of N2Africa Probability pH < 5 Spatial prediction of yield and yield response: e.g. P response for soybean in Ghana and Nigeria Source: AfSIS Source: N2Africa Select sites for diagnostic trials
  11. Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa

    3. Managing constraints to adoption in planning Phase II of N2Africa • Stratify those constraints that cannot be controlled but which will have an effect on the ‘fit’ • Test different systems, mechanisms, models which can be influenced
  12. Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa

    D1 , D2 , D3 , D4 and SU treatments ! • Partner mapping • Agro-dealer (and other last-mile delivery) network • Testing different dissemination approaches within adoption domains (e.g. Farmer Field School, Training of Trainers, Lead Farmer, Contract farming. Public-Private-Partnerships) 3. Managing constraints to adoption in planning Phase II of N2Africa
  13. Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa

    3. Managing constraints to adoption in planning Phase II of N2Africa Integrated Agricultural Research for Development Conventional Technology Transfer Innovation platforms Multidisciplinary and participatory research process Non-linear (network) collective and collaborative interaction