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.NET 8 と GitHub、そして Azure による開発者エクスペリエンスの向上 ~ 最...

.NET 8 と GitHub、そして Azure による開発者エクスペリエンスの向上 ~ 最新開発プラットフォーム デモンストレーション ~

BuriKaigi 2024 : https://burikaigi.dev/

.NET 8 と GitHub、そして Azure による開発者エクスペリエンスの向上
~ 最新開発プラットフォーム デモンストレーション ~

Akira Inoue

January 21, 2024

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  17. Sandbox, demo, perf, other environments Portal/CLI 開発 / テスト用 Azure

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  18. Plan Develop Operate Deliver GitHub Insights Azure Monitor Microsoft Defender

    for Cloud Azure Sentinel Azure AD GitHub Actions Azure Pipelines Azure RM Templates & Bicep Azure Deployment Environments GitHub Packages Azure Artifacts Microsoft Defender for DevOps GitHub Copilot Visual Studio / VS Code GitHub Codespaces Microsoft Dev Box Visual Studio Live Share GitHub Repos Dependabot Code Scanning Secret Scanning GitHub Issues GitHub Projects GitHub Discussions Azure Boards + プラットフォーム エンジニアリング を加速するサービスとツール群
  19. Create an enterprise-ready intelligent app in hours Code samples, tutorials,

    docs, and more: GENERAL AVAILABILITY https://aka.ms/azai Azure AI reference templates
  20. Microsoft Playwright Testing Get test suite results faster with higher

    parallelization Test across multiple operating systems and browser combinations Simplify comprehensive E2E testing PUBLIC PREVIEW aka.ms/MPT/about
  21. Visual Studio GitHub Copilot with integrated and inline Chat Modern

    development for .NET 8 Windows integration with WSL2 and DevDrive New Pull Request review experience 17.8 GENERAL AVAILABILITY Download: visualstudio.com/downloads
  22. GENERAL AVAILABILITY .NET 8 Best-in-class for cloud-native, intelligent apps​ Enhanced

    productivity to build web and multi- platform applications with .NET MAUI​ Over 1250 performance enhancements!​ 6.1+ Million Monthly active users​ 53,000 Community contributors​ #1 Most Admired Developer Framework​ aka.ms/dotnet8blog
  23. Download: aka.ms/csdevkit C# Dev Kit Official Microsoft extension providing rich

    C# language support and productivity features into VS Code Now with .NET 8 GENERAL AVAILABILITY
  24. Learn more aka.ms/CodeOptimizations Application Insights Code Optimizations Proactively improves performance

    of .NET applications running in the cloud Delivers actionable recommendations and connects operations teams with developers Codifies our learnings into an AI-based model PREVIEW