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Content Strategy / Content First Design

Content Strategy / Content First Design

Christopher Hallahan

July 28, 2015

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  1. “The shift of working content first (conversation design) instead of

    structure first (system design) is how we worked … before we ever moved to layout and design.” Stephanie Hay, Content First Design, A List Apart
  2. “Content strategy helps organizations provide the right content, to the

    right people, at the right times, for the right reasons. ” Megan Casey, The Content Strategy Toolkit
  3. “The control which designers know in the print medium, and

    often desire in the web medium, is simply a function of the limitation of the printed page. We should embrace the fact that the web doesn’t have the same constraints, and design for this flexibility. But first, we must 'accept the ebb and flow of things.” John Allsopp, “A Dao of Web Design”
  4. http://karenmcgrane.com/2014/01/13/the-mobile-content-mandate/ “You don’t get to decide which device people use

    to access the internet: they do.” Karen McGrane, The Mobile Content Mandate
  5. “We think we should be offering a familiar experience across

    all of the different devices, and people may want to be getting different things from BBC News at different times of the day.” BBC, Responsive Web Design Podcast
  6. Content + Architecture UX + 
 Research Project Kickoff +

    Business Needs Content + Architecture Design & 
 Development Content 
 System UX + 
  7. “How Users Read on the Web: They don't. People rarely

    read Web pages word by word; instead, they scan the page, picking out individual words and sentences.” Jakob Nielsen http://www.nngroup.com/articles/how-users-read-on-the-web/
  8. HEADING 1 Heading 2 HEADING 1 This is a paragraph

    of content. This is a paragraph of content. This is a paragraph of content. •List Item •List Item •List Item •List Item This is a paragraph of content. This is a paragraph of content. This is a paragraph of content. Logo and Navigation
  9. HEADING 1 Heading 2 HEADING 1 This is a paragraph

    of content. This is a paragraph of content. This is a paragraph of content. •List Item •List Item •List Item •List Item This is a paragraph of content. This is a paragraph of content. This is a paragraph of content. Logo and Navigation
  10. http://karenmcgrane.com/2014/01/13/the-mobile-content-mandate/ “There is no “how to write for mobile.” There’s

    only good writing. Period” Karen McGrane: “Content Strategy for Mobile”
  11. “The web affords us a wonderful opportunity: to be able

    to design and test a design in the actual medium for which we’re designing. It’s time to stop designing pictures of websites and start designing all aspects of the user experience simultaneously and in a practical way.” Stephen Hay. “Responsive Design Workflow”
  12. ChildBr Green Eggs and Ham Author: Dr. Seuss Added April

    2015 Green Eggs and Ham is a best-selling and critically acclaimed children's book by Dr. Seuss, first published on August 12, 1960. As of 2001, according to Publishers Weekly, it was the fourth best-selling English-language children's book of all time.[1] The story has appeared in several animated videos starting with 1973's Dr. Seuss on the Loose: The Sneetches, The Zax; Green Eggs and Ham starring Paul Winchell as the voice of both Sam-I-am and the first-person narrating man.
  13. Editors/Workflow Types of Content Scalability and Performance Cost Backend User

    Experience Separation of Content & Design Expandability Lifespan
  14. “We’re not designing pages, we’re designing systems of components.” Stephen

    Hay, “Responsive Web Design Workflow” http://bradfrost.com/blog/mobile/bdconf-stephen-hay-presents-responsive-design-workflow/
  15. Br Add New Video Long Title: Short Title: Category: Description:

    Subcategory: Date Added: Video File: Author(s): Related: Pre-roll Ad: Upload + +
  16. This material is the property of Christopher Hallahan and IdeaBase

    and may not be reused without permission. 2 Content-First Design Selected Website: www.nytimes.com Core Content Types: News Article Author Opinion Article Video Review Crossword Puzzle Slideshow/Gallery Book Ad Frequently Asked Question Comment Stock
  17. This material is the property of Christopher Hallahan and IdeaBase

    and may not be reused without permission. 3 Content-First Design Content Type: Video Content Pieces: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Title Video File Date Added Category Author(s) Description Related Content Preroll Ad
  18. This material is the property of Christopher Hallahan and IdeaBase

    and may not be reused without permission. 4 Content-First Design Selected Website: ___________________________________________ Core Content Types: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________
  19. This material is the property of Christopher Hallahan and IdeaBase

    and may not be reused without permission. 5 Content-First Design Content Type: ____________________________________________ Content Pieces: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________
  20. Please turn in your surveys! View the slide deck at
