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Content & Master Data Management with Pimcore

Content & Master Data Management with Pimcore

SymfonyLive Berlin 2018 [de]

Christoph Lühr

October 26, 2018

More Decks by Christoph Lühr

Other Decks in Programming


  1. By Persian Poet Gal, Surachit, Winstonza, Lord Leatherface, Leptictidium, AnonMoos,

    Chongtin, RuM, Popolon, Uwe Gille, Wyvernoid, Kikos, Hisagi, LambdaCorp, Tux the penguin, Patrol110, 2(L.L.K.)2, Мелкијадес, Homo lupus, Erikire, Jcfidy, Angelito7, Kandar, Router, Lord Leatherface, Whidou, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=39183625
  2. 3.4

  3. +

  4. +

  5. +

  6. // Object creation $person = Object\Person::create(array( 'name' => 'Chris', 'description'

    => 'Fast talker' )); $person->setWeight(75); $person->save();
  7. +

  8. +

  9. +

  10. // using piplines for asset formats in code: $asset->getThumbnail("marioPipe"); //

    => /thumb_marioPipe/[email protected] $asset->getThumbnail("marioPipe")->getHTML(); // => <img ... srcset / media queries
  11. +

  12. +

  13. !

  14. <?php # src/AppBundle/Controller/BlogController.php: # [..] class BlogController extends FrontendController {

    public function detailAction(Request $request) { $id = $request->get('id'); $article = BlogArticle::getById($id); $this->view->article = $article; } }
  15. <?php namespace AppBundle\Controller; class ContentController extends Controller { /** *

    @Template("AppBundle:Content:portal.html.twig") -- Optional! * @Route("/news/portalpage") -- Optional! * * @return array */ public function portalAction(Request $request, array $templateVars) { $templateVars = $this->defaultAction($request, $templateVars); $templateVars['isPortal'] = true; return $templateVars; } }