This is the latest version of my presentation to Sociology Master's pro-seminar students on presenting data. This was given during the Fall 2017 semester.
on a single slide. ▸ Typography, typography, typography. ▸ Typography is the visual component of text. ▸ Best typography keeps readers (audience) engaged without distracting. WHEN YOU USE TEXT
- the characters, symbols, and formatting (line breaks, carriage returns, etc.) you use to convey meaning ▸ Text formatting ▸ Slide layout WHEN YOU USE TEXT
▸ Text formatting - the fonts, point size, the use of bold and italics, and use of different point sizes to produce hierarchical headings ▸ Slide layout WHEN YOU USE TEXT
▸ Text formatting ▸ Slide layout - How text is positioned on the slide (justification and centering), line spacing, headings, the use of bullets, and how special text like quotes are handled. WHEN YOU USE TEXT
early ▸ Avoid reliance on notes ▸ Never apologize ▸ Use humor ▸ Use general-neutral speech ▸ Take questions but never condescend the questioner ▸ Express enthusiasm about your material TUFTE’S TIPS
Use a remote-control device ▸ Make good eye contact ▸ Take it slowly ▸ Keep the lights on REYNOLDS’ TIPS Garr Reynolds also has some great tips for general presentation design (link is in notes).
▸ Come prepared with all the tech you need (laptop? dongles? remote?) ▸ Come with a primary copy of your slides in their native file format ▸ Come with a backup copy of your slides on a flash drive or Dropbox ▸ Come with a second backup copy in a secondary format ▸ If all else fails, come prepared to talk without the slides!