Join us as Christian Bromann, WebdriverIO core contributor, and lead engineer on the DevTools team at Sauce Labs, talks about the latest version of WebdriverIO. He will provide insights into the major differences in this newest version, plus show how to upgrade your existing WebdriverIO projects, leverage new features, and discuss what is next on the project roadmap.
Some background: at SauceCon 2018 Christian talked about a new version of WebdriverIO that would not only allow users to endlessly scale their test suites but that would also completely re-architect the project to enable more contributors to easier participate in the development of it. After more than a year and over 800 commits from 30 different contributors later the new version was finally released to NPM with a brand new documentation around it.
Even though project maintainers do their best to make updates to a new release as seamless as possible, there are inevitable changes that are required to put the project back on track and allow it to grow with its usage. In this talk Christian discusses these changes and how they will affect your current projects.