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Mastering React Hooks: From Hesitant to Hooked!

Mastering React Hooks: From Hesitant to Hooked!

React hooks are a powerful addition to the React library that revolutionized how we handle state and side effects in functional components. They simplify component logic, making code more readable and maintainable. Hooks like `useState` and `useReducer` enable state management within functional components, while `useEffect` handles side effects like data fetching and subscriptions. `useContext` allows for easy data sharing across the component tree, and `useCallback` and `useMemo` optimize performance by memoizing functions and computed values. `useRef` provides access to DOM elements and mutable values without triggering re-renders. Hooks like `useLayoutEffect` and `useImperativeHandle` cater to specific use cases, while custom hooks let us create reusable logic. With React hooks, we achieve cleaner, more efficient, and scalable React applications, resulting in a better development experience and improved user experiences.

Cindy Kandie

July 31, 2023

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  1. But First - Who is Cindy? • Frontend Engineer, React

    and React Native Dev, Mentor, Blogger, and Food Enthusiast • Friends fan! Never watched GOT • Cute and quirky most times! • My Portfolio https://devcindy.vercel.app/ Photo by Pexels
  2. How Hooks Came To Be Photo by Pexels - React

    hooks were proposed and introduced by Sophie Alpert and Dan Abramov from the React team at Facebook. - They were publicly introduced during the React Conf in October 2018. The React team gathered feedback from developers through RFC processes and discussions on GitHub before releasing hooks as an experimental feature in React version 16.7 in November 2018. - After further refinements, hooks became an official part of React in version 16.8, released in February 2019. - The efforts of Sophie Alpert, Dan Abramov, and the React team have significantly improved React development, making it more intuitive, flexible, and enjoyable for developers worldwide.
  3. Introduction to React Hooks: A React hook is a function

    that allows developers to add stateful logic and side effects to functional components. It provides an elegant and reusable way to manage component state, perform side effects, and share logic across components, enhancing the development experience and making React applications more concise and maintainable. Built-in Hooks: - Commonly used built-in hooks are useState, useEffect, useContext, useReducer, useCallback, useMemo, and useRef. - Lesser used: useImperativeHandle, useLayoutEffect, useDebugValue Photo by Pexels
  4. THE SHORT VERSION 1. useState: useState is used to add

    state to functional components. It returns a stateful value and a function to update that value. It allows functional components to have internal state, making them more powerful and capable of handling dynamic data. 2. useEffect: useEffect is used to perform side effects in functional components. It's a replacement for componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount lifecycle methods. It allows you to handle data fetching, subscriptions, and other side effects after rendering. Photo by Pexels
  5. 3. useContext: useContext is used to access data stored in

    React's Context API from functional components. It allows you to avoid prop drilling and share data across the component tree. 4. useReducer: useReducer is an alternative to useState for managing more complex state logic. It is especially useful when the state transitions depend on previous states or when the state logic is complex. Photo by Pexels
  6. 5. useCallback: useCallback is used to memoize functions, preventing unnecessary

    re-creation of function references. It is helpful in optimizing performance, especially when passing callbacks to child components. 6. useMemo: useMemo is used to memoize the result of a computation, preventing unnecessary recalculations of expensive operations. It optimizes the performance of the components by caching the computation result until the dependencies change. Photo by Pexels
  7. 7. useRef: useRef allows you to create a mutable value

    that persists across renders. It is commonly used to access DOM elements or store mutable values without triggering a re-render. 8. useImperativeHandle: useImperativeHandle is used to customize the instance value that is exposed when using ref with forwardRef. It allows child components to expose specific functions to their parent components. Photo by Pexels
  8. 9. useLayoutEffect: useLayoutEffect is similar to useEffect but fires synchronously

    after all DOM mutations. It is useful when you need to perform measurements or DOM manipulations before the browser paints. 10. Custom Hooks: Custom Hooks allow you to create reusable logic that can be shared across multiple components. They are functions that use existing hooks to create a custom hook with specific functionality. Photo by Pexels
  9. Best practices for using hooks: • Only use hooks in

    functional components. • Call hooks at the top level of the component. • Use dependency arrays correctly to avoid unnecessary re-renders. • Use useState for simple state management. • Use useReducer for complex state management. • Use useContext to share data across components. • Use useCallback to prevent unnecessary function re-creations. • Use useMemo to optimize expensive calculations. • Use useRef to access DOM elements and store mutable values. • Create custom hooks for specific functionality. Photo by Pexels
  10. Debugging Hooks: Select the Component: In the React DevTools panel,

    find the component you want to inspect. Click on the component to expand its details. Switch to the "Hooks" Tab: Within the component details, there should be a "Hooks" tab. Click on the "Hooks" tab to access information about the hooks used in the component. Inspect Hooks and Their State: In the "Hooks" tab, you'll see a list of all the hooks used in the component. Each hook entry displays its name, state, and any associated dependencies. Expanded Hook Details: Click on a specific hook entry to expand its details. This will reveal more information about the hook's current state, such as the values of the state variables and other data relevant to the hook. Debugging Hooks: If you encounter issues or unexpected behavior related to hooks, the "Hooks" tab allows you to inspect the state of hooks at different points in your application's lifecycle, helping you identify and debug any potential problems. Photo by Pexels
  11. Key aspects that highlight the beauty of hooks Simplicity and

    Readability: Hooks simplify functional components, resulting in cleaner and easier-to-read code without the need for class-based components. Reusability with Custom Hooks: Custom hooks promote code reusability by encapsulating logic and making it shareable across different parts of the application. No More HOC Hell: Hooks eliminate the need for Higher-Order Components (HOCs) and offer a more straightforward way to share logic through custom hooks. Reduced Boilerplate: Managing state and side effects directly within components reduces boilerplate, making code more concise and easier to maintain. Improved Performance: Hooks like useMemo and useCallback optimize performance by preventing unnecessary re-renders and calculations. Photo by Pexels
  12. Q&A ★ Time for questions and answers ★ Clarifying any

    doubts or queries ★ Encouraging interactive discussions Photo by Pexels