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Future Of Data : Big Data

August 30, 2012

Future Of Data : Big Data

Evolution of Big Data


August 30, 2012

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  1. Topics  How did we get here ?  Data

    Explosion  Big Data  Big Data in an Enterprise  Big Data Platform - Hadoop  Big Data Adoption  Q & A
  2. How did we get here? Familiar World  EDW 

    Datamarts  Familiar Problems New World  Newer type of data to integrate  Increase in volume  Newer analytical requirements Data warehouse Data Integration Problems Data Processing Problems Storage Management Performance Problems Limitations out of Complexity
  3. Newer Interests  Social Intelligence  DBIM, Sentiment Analysis, Social

    Customer Care  Predictive Analytics  Propensity, Price Elasticity, Anti-Fraud Analytics  Segmentation Insights  Funnel Analysis, Behavioral Patterns, Cohort Analysis  Mobile Analytics  Ad-Targeting, Geo-spatial Analytics
  4. Categories  Structured Data  Enterprise Data (CRM, ERP, Data

    Stores, Reference Data)  Semi-structured Data  Machine Generated Data (Sensor Data, RFIDs)  Unstructured Data  Social Data (Comments, Tweets), Blog posts
  5. Big Data Big Data Volume Velocity Variety Complexity “Big Data”

    refers to high volume, velocity, variety and complex information assets that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing for enhanced insight and decision making
  6. Big Data Platforms • Data Integration o Informatica, Infosphere o

    talenD, Pentaho, Karmasphere, Apache Sqoop, Apache Flume • Database Framework o Hadoop (Distributions: Cloudera, Hortonworks, MapR) o Hbase o Hive • NoSQL Databases o MongoDB, CouchDB • Machine Data Processing o Splunk, Mahout • Text Analytics o Clarabridge, Lexanalytics
  7. Big Data in an Enterprise Data warehouse Data Sources ETL

    Big Data Sources ETL Big Data Platform ETL Datamarts Datamarts Datamarts Analytical Applications
  8. Big Data : Adoption Drivers Platform Cluster Storage Availability Process

    Distributed Scalable Performance Possibilities Data Integration Data Processing Actionable Insights Ecosystem Augmented TCO ROI
  9. Big Data – Adoption Scenarios  Replatforming to Big Data

    (Hadoop, MapR)  Archival Solution (Hadoop)  Offloading Data warehouse, EDW (Hadoop, Hive)  Social Media Integration  Machine Data Analysis (Splunk, Mahout)  Complex Analytical Requirements (Hbase)