Give your customers a good reason to buy your product / service with a solid Value Proposition. Here is a short presentation that teaches you how to do it.
you in the market The high-level promise you convey customers How you (creatively) communicate your position Where your messages are conveyed a key element in developing a great marketing strategy
product because our . who Target Customer Sentence of Need or Opportunity Product / Service Category Statement of Benefit Primary Competitive Alternative Statement of Primary Differentiator Proof of Benefit Sentence 1 Sentence 2
the train without mess, [Scentence of Need or Opportunity] who BrekkieBar* product is a health food, which provides a completely nutritious and delicious breakfast our [Product / Service Category] you can eat anywhere. that [Statement of Benefit] Sentence one *fictitious product
tastes like a full English breakfast, but has no fat and no calories, even the wrapper can be eaten leaving no waste [Statement of primary dirrefentiator] our product our unique combination of innovative use of genetically modified foods and bio-engineerd plastic packaging. because our [Proof of benefit] Sentence two *fictitious product
on colleagues, employees – and most importantly, existing and potential customers. If the response to your value proposition from a prospective buyer is “So What?”, you know that it’s not strong enough. Did it describe tangible or measurable benefits that are truly of concern to that consumer or business person?
is not a trivial exercise. When we do that with our clients, it’s based on analysis of their company, its products and services, their competitors, and the market they’re operating in. At Lysholm we are a team of communication specialists seeking to help and guide our clients through the fragmented communication and marketing landscape. We provide a variety of services including: online and offline advertising, integrated strategic marketing, graphic design, brand consultancy, market research and strategic planning. We are committed to always be close to our clients, as we believe that service is the most important part of the client/agency relationship. Cris Anthony Hödar - Strategic Director [email protected]