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HackPra 2015: Security DevOps - Free pentesters...

HackPra 2015: Security DevOps - Free pentesters' time to focus on high-hanging fruits

In this session I will present best practices of how open source tools (used in the DevOps and security communities) can be properly chained together to form a framework that can - as part of an agile software development CI chain - perform automated checking of certain security aspects. This does not remove the requirement for manual pentests, but tries to automate early security feedback to developers. Ultimately the aim is to free pentesters’ time by continuously reducing the amount of
recurring (easy to find) default findings, so that pentesters can use
that time to focus on the really high-hanging fruits.

Based on my experience of applying SecDevOps techniques to projects, I will present the glue steps required on every commit and at nightly builds to achieve different levels of depth in automated security testing during the CI workflow.

I will conclude with a "SecDevOps Maturity Model" of different stages of automated security testing and present concrete examples of how to achieve each stage with open source security tools.

Christian Schneider

July 01, 2015

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  1. `whoami` » Software Developer, Whitehat Hacker & Trainer » Freelancer

    since 1997 » Focus on JavaEE & Web Security » Speaker at Conferences » @cschneider4711 www.
 mail@ Ӗ Christian-Schneider.net
  2. Why Security DevOps? » Keep up with rollout pace in

    agile projects » Automate certain checks as best as possible within the build-chain » Early feedback to Devs » Solution that scales across the company » Does not remove the manual pentest requirement! » Aims to free pentesters’ time to hunt more high-hanging bugs
  3. Different levels of "Security DevOps" integration… » Security DevOps Maturity

    Model (SDOMM) » Can be seen as some automation tips within OpenSAMM’s security practices » Verification: Security Testing » Verification: Code Reviews » Allows to define a RoadMap for projects implementing Security DevOps
  4. four axes each with four belts as incremental steps implicit

    master … what levels will we cover?
  5. Four different axes 4 3 2 1 1 2 3

    4 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 Dynamic Depth Intensity Static Depth Consolidation
  6. 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 4 3

    2 1 1 2 3 4 Dynamic Depth Intensity Static Depth Consolidation Four different axes
  7. Let’s explore these axes … » … by showing how

    to implement this with OpenSource solutions used in the 
 Security & Development domains.
  8. Axis of "Dynamic Depth" How deep are dynamic scans executed

    within a Security DevOps CI chain?
 i.e. "where" are dynamic 
 security tests applied?
  9. Axis "Dynamic Depth": Level 1 Scanning of public attack surface

    (pre-auth): » Spidering of UI layer » No requirement to authenticate scanner with target » Easy integration of scanner(s) in nightly build as post-step » "Throw tool at it (in CI-chain) and see what it generates…"
  10. Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) "OWASP ZAP" features: »passive scanning (Proxy

    / Spider) »active scanning (Proxy / Spider) »manual payload delivery (Intercepting Proxy) »Spider (classic & AJAX) »Fuzzing »Plugins »…
  11. ZAP in SecDevOps? "OWASP ZAP" features relevant for Security DevOps

    integration: »Headless operation mode / daemon »REST-API »Highly scriptable »CLI
  12. ZAP + Jenkins = SecDevOps? "OWASP ZAP" (spider & scanner)

    + Jenkins plugin “ZAProxy" » Allows us to "Spider & Scan" as step in build job 
 via Jenkins plugin "ZAProxy" » Point plugin config to URL of integration system to test » Plugin saves HTML-report in project’s job for inspection » Best as separate Jenkins job to run during nightly build (duration) – Use different ZAP proxy ports for different builds to allow
 parallel execution of different project build jobs
  13. Arachni in SecDevOps? "Arachni Scanner" features relevant for Security DevOps

    integration: » Passive & active scanning (Proxy / Spider) » Uses internally a headless browser-cluster 
 (for apps with lots of JS) » Automation? – direct CLI + RPC-API (with CLI) » Web-UI (helpful when permanently 
 running as server)
  14. Arachni + Jenkins = SecDevOps? "Arachni Scanner" + Jenkins CLI

    step in build » Start in build job as CLI step and point to URL of system under test » Generate HTML report and place into workspace for inspection » Better execute within nightly build job (due to duration) » Alternatively: 
 Start remote (also via CLI) to run async
  15. BDD-Security in SecDevOps? BDD-based framework for functional and technical security

    tests: » Technical security tests 
 (i.e. check against XSS, SQL-Injection, XXE, etc.) – uses ZAP as scanning engine (among others) » Functional security tests 
 (i.e. check UserA can’t access data from UserB) » Tightly integrates with Selenium based app navigation workflows » Uses JBehave for G/W/T stories & reporting » Can run within CI (Jenkins, etc.) due to JBehave or as JUnit tests
  16. Gauntlt in SecDevOps? BDD-based framework for executing many security tools/

    scanners: » Integrates scanners like Arachni, ZAP, sqlmap, etc. – Easy to integrate "your custom scanner tool" with Gauntlt as well » Allows to call different scan polices via BDD-stories (G/W/T) » Integration with Jenkins (or other build servers) by either – Linking Gauntlt’s HTML report to build, or by – modifying how Gauntlt calls Cucumber to produce JUnit output
  17. Other dynamic scanners exist also… Some have different focus »

    Nikto » w3af » IronWASP » Nessus » Mittn (BDD-based) » Gauntlt (BDD-based) » Minion (integration framework) » OWTF (integration framework) » good commercial ones » etc.
  18. Axis "Dynamic Depth": Level 2 Scanning of authenticated parts (=

    "post-auth") via UI layer » Properly maintaining sessions » Logout-detection & automatic re-login » Different users / roles » Spider & scan post-auth
 Handling of hardening measures of application under test » CSRF-Tokens, etc.
  19. Guide ZAP into Post-Auth in CI Use ZAP manually (1x)

    to configure "Context": Auth, RegExps for 
 Logged-In/Out Indicators, Users etc. – save as "ZAP Session-File" (could be in code repo) – use that "Session-File" from code repo as starting point of scan 
 (loaded as ZAP session during build job). 
 Note: Current version of ZAP has a bugfix pending for loading creds from session file One can set these auth values and/or additional data via ZAP’s REST-API during each build before scan starts (from Jenkins/Maven/…) – use that to define current active session etc. during spider & scan Also Scripts in JavaScript or Zest can be registered in ZAP context 
 to programmatically give authentication to ZAP
  20. Guide Arachni into Post-Auth Give authentication infos to Arachni (Auth,

    Logged-In Indicators, Users) » Use Arachni "autologin" plugin to specify via command line – Login URL, formfield names, credentials, logged-in indicator, excludes » Alternatively write custom ruby script for "login_script" plugin – Individual custom login logic possible – Logged-In indicators (RegExp) to know when to re-login 

  21. ./arachni 

    Login config example within Arachni (used in CI) Or individual ruby script if more custom login logic required… Eventually also --session-check-url & --session-check-pattern >> Easier to achieve Post-Auth Scan with Arachni (compared to others)
 >> Can also be ordered via CLI remote/async during build (nightly) or scheduled (WebUI)
  22. Guide BDD-Security into Post-Auth Use Selenium to navigate through the

    login process » Based on excellent integration of BDD-Security with Selenium » Separate app navigation code (Selenium) from Security testing code » Use Selenium class (that handles login) within BDD stories » Perform further spidering & active scanning (through ZAP) post-auth
  23. public class ShopApplicationScanHelper extends WebApplication implements ILogin { // ...

    integrates with BDD-Security via parent class & interface ... }
  24. public class ShopApplicationScanHelper extends WebApplication implements ILogin { @Override public

    void openLoginPage() { } @Override public void login(Credentials credentials) { } @Override public boolean isLoggedIn(String role) { }
  25. public class ShopApplicationScanHelper extends WebApplication implements ILogin { @Override public

    void openLoginPage() { driver.get(Config.getInstance().getBaseUrl() + "customer/login"); verifyTextPresent("Login"); } @Override public void login(Credentials credentials) { UserPassCredentials creds = new UserPassCredentials(credentials); driver.findElement(By.id("username")).clear(); driver.findElement(By.id("username")).sendKeys(creds.getUsername()); driver.findElement(By.id("password")).clear(); driver.findElement(By.id("password")).sendKeys(creds.getPassword()); driver.findElement(By.name("_action_login")).click(); } @Override public boolean isLoggedIn(String role) { if (driver.getPageSource().contains("My Account")) { return true; } else { return false; }
  26. What about CSRF-Tokens? ZAP can handle CSRF-Tokens » Can be

    individualised via configuration BDD-Security uses (among others) ZAP for scanning Arachni can also handle CSRF-Tokens 

  27. Apply targeted delta scanning: • Developer teams maintain "scope delta

    files" in SCM • like "what parts of the application have changed during this sprint" 
 (= URL patterns) • could’ve been recorded in proxy-based tools (like ZAP) by Devs • DAST Scanner uses it to scan only this during onCommit or nightly CI run • Feed this delta information as argument to scope definitions
 Arachni: --scope-include-pattern / --scope-exclude-pattern
 ZAP: Include/Excludes in Context (via Session-File or REST-API)
 BDD-Security: maintain as "table file" of RegExps as scope If scanning takes too long? (1/2)
  28. If scanning takes too long? (2/2) Train spiders about the

    structure of application to reduce scan redundancy and avoid scanning static resources • ZAP: use RegExp "Exclude from scanner" rules to prevent redundant scans in data-driven applications (i.e. scan only one instance of it) • Arachni: --scope-redundant-path-pattern / --scope-auto-redundant as well as --scope-exclude-pattern="logout\.|\.js|\.css|\.jpg|\.png" Don’t forget to scan complete application at least on nightly or weekly run • Only apply full scan, if simple smoke-tests are green
  29. Axis "Dynamic Depth": Level 3 Separate scanning of different application

    layers / backends • Scan internal WebServices (e.g. SOAP / REST) = directly scan backends • Detect and scan parameter positions within XML, JSON, … • Scan from "within" the different application’s layers • IAST with distributed agents & instrumentation aims into that direction • At least one simple step in that direction: • Use the proxy also between your backend service calls
  30. Backend scans with ZAP How to achieve this with ZAP?

    • ZAP operates as proxy server: place it between backend calls • ZAP can inject payloads in observed XML tags/attributes & JSON fields • Capture service call traffic in integration test during CI while either A. frontend UI tests execute service backend calls indirectly, or B. executing service tests that directly access the service endpoint • Automatically scan as new requests are seen: "ATTACK Mode" Also keep an eye on an alpha-level SOAP-Scanner ZAP addon
  31. Backend scans with Arachni How to achieve this with Arachni?

    • Arachni can also operate as proxy: place it between backend calls • Use passive proxy plugin to "train" Arachni of the XML / JSON requests • New addition in v1.1 to extract XML / JSON input vectors from it • Use that collected input vector data to feed the active scan for 
 the observed requests
  32. Axis "Dynamic Depth": Level 4 Targeted scanning of individual forms

    / wizards (UI) and service layers » More individualised workflow coverage (not just simple spidering) » Business-logic compliant usage patterns & inputs – "fill shopping cart followed by checkout process" – "access backend WebServices in special order to test workflow", etc. » Custom coded security tests tailored to the application
  33. ZAP with special workflows (1/3) Many ways exist… The simplest

    one could be: 
 Re-use existing UI tests (Selenium, …) » Proxy this traffic through ZAP in “ATTACK-Mode" (in security test phase of build) » Optionally use ZAP Attack-Policies to specify/limit certain attack types
  34. ZAP with special workflows (2/3) A more customised handling of

    individual workflows can be achieved: Re-use & enhance existing "UI test code" at the desired
 workflow steps with calls to ZAP’s (REST)-API ordering attacks » Basically it’s like Unit-Test code that uses Selenium along 
 with ZAP-Calls at the proper positions in application workflow » Type of "ordered attacks" can again be defined via policies » Start ZAP as Daemon from Jenkins via plugin
  35. public class ShopApplicationTest { // = regular JUnit unit test

 public void setup() { } @Test
 public void testShippingAddressStep() { 
 } @Test
 public void testBillingAddressStep() { } }
  36. public class ShopApplicationTest { // = regular JUnit unit test

 public void setup() { // 1. start new proxy session in running ZAP (via REST-API call) // 2. create Selenium driver (proxying through running ZAP) } @Test
 public void testShippingAddressStep() { 
 } @Test
 public void testBillingAddressStep() { } }
  37. public class ShopApplicationTest { // = regular JUnit unit test

 public void setup() { // 1. start new proxy session in running ZAP (via REST-API call) // 2. create Selenium driver (proxying through running ZAP) } @Test
 public void testShippingAddressStep() { // 1. use Selenium to fill shopping cart // 2. use Selenium to proceed to checkout // 3. use Selenium to provide reasonable shipping address data 
 } @Test
 public void testBillingAddressStep() { } }
  38. public class ShopApplicationTest { // = regular JUnit unit test

 public void setup() { // 1. start new proxy session in running ZAP (via REST-API call) // 2. create Selenium driver (proxying through running ZAP) } @Test
 public void testShippingAddressStep() { // 1. use Selenium to fill shopping cart // 2. use Selenium to proceed to checkout // 3. use Selenium to provide reasonable shipping address data // 4. set attack policy (types & strength) in running ZAP (API) /* 5. call ZAP (API) to actively scan the last seen URL (optionally define parameter excludes via API 
 or ZAP "input vector scripts" if custom input format) */ } @Test
 public void testBillingAddressStep() { } }
  39. See https://github.com/continuumsecurity/zap-webdriver 
 for a great working example of Selenium

    ZAP integration public class ShopApplicationTest { // = regular JUnit unit test @Before
 public void setup() { // 1. start new proxy session in running ZAP (via REST-API call) // 2. create Selenium driver (proxying through running ZAP) } @Test
 public void testShippingAddressStep() { // 1. use Selenium to fill shopping cart // 2. use Selenium to proceed to checkout // 3. use Selenium to provide reasonable shipping address data // 4. set attack policy (types & strength) in running ZAP (API) /* 5. call ZAP (API) to actively scan the last seen URL (optionally define parameter excludes via API 
 or ZAP "input vector scripts" if custom input format) */ } @Test
 public void testBillingAddressStep() { // same idea as above ... just continue with the pattern } }
  40. ZAP with special workflows (3/3) Alternatively "train" ZAP about the

    workflow by recording Zest scripts »Keep an eye on "Sequence Scanning" alpha-level ZAP AddOn –Still alpha-level (as of June 2015), but interesting approach
  41. BDD with special workflows Use Selenium to further drive BDD-Security

    initiated checks: » Selenium-based test code navigates application workflows » This code is integrated with BDD (via Java interfaces), so that: – BDD-Security stories can use that code to navigate 
 and generate traffic – This generated traffic will be scanned by ZAP via BDD
  42. public class ShopApplicationScanHelper extends WebApplication implements ILogin { // ...

    already covered login handling code // in BDD-Security example ... public boolean fillShoppingCartAndCheckout() { // custom Selenium (recorded) code 
 // to drive certain use cases (like shopping) ... } }
  43. Use this navigation method inside BDD-Security scenario: ...
 Given a

    new scanning session And the page flow described in the method: \
 fillShoppingCartAndCheckout is run through the proxy ...
  44. If no Selenium test code exists? Simply give developer teams

    access to ZAP to (at least) pre-seed the scanner: » Developer teams use browser to navigate app workflows while proxying – Thereby seed the ZAP session(s) with navigation nodes/workflows – Save the ZAP session(s) and check-in into SCM (Git, SVN, …) » Point the Jenkins ZAP plugin to the saved ZAP session(s) as starting point » Devs can add to this list of URLs for ZAP with each new UI BTW: ZAP is also available as Docker image…
  45. Sometimes it’s useful to have programmed unit-tests directly 

    a business API • Test directly at the API-level (i.e. Java code level) • Utilise fuzzing values from popular sources like "fuzzdb" 
 and/or generate on-the-fly with fuzzer "radamsa" • Check the API method’s response 
 (like regular unit test, but seeking for signs 
 of successful attack tests) Security-UnitTests for APIs (1/2)
  46. Security-UnitTests for APIs (2/2) Leverage the benefit of direct API-level

 (i.e. testing "from within") • Place "probes" into the application to watch out for successful attack tests • Check some OWASP AppSensor detection points for potential attack triggers (RASP-like) • Error logs are good candidates to check also • Mock objects (Mockito, etc.) or weave aspects (AOP) collecting data (i.e. method calls and arguments, etc.)
  47. Axis of "Static Depth" How deep is static code analysis

 within a Security DevOps CI chain?
 i.e. "where" are static 
 security tests applied?
  48. Axis "Static Depth": Level 1 Assurance that no third-party code

    with known vulnerabilities is used » Check application’s server-side dependencies – For Java applications: JAR files, etc. » Check application’s client-side dependencies – JavaScript frameworks, etc.
 Useful even for projects not currently under development » New vulnerabilities could become public: 
 Build regularly to check
  49. Java libs: OWASP Dependency-Check Scans all dependencies (even transitive ones)

 against CVE list » Available as Maven plugin and Ant task » CLI version also available » Jenkins plugin for nice reporting 
 (and build breaking thresholds) » Not false-positive free – regularly needs some time to triage findings
  50. JavaScript libs: retire.js Scans application’s JavaScript files against list of

    known vulnerable ones » Available also as Maven Plugin … » … and as CLI 
 (point it to your folder containing .js files)
  51. Axis "Static Depth": Level 2 Scan important parts of source

    code for vulnerability patterns » At least important parts of applications’ codebases are scanned – like in-house reused code & custom developed frameworks – for big multi-project Maven projects: 
 at least frontend and backend projects – or code of changed modules within a sprint
  52. Java: FindSecurityBugs Plugin for FindBugs with enhanced checks for security

    issues in Java code » Runs within FindBugs, so that it can execute in Maven and/or Sonar » Generates XML-file with potential findings » Jenkins plugin for representing results (also possible to display in Sonar) – Integrates with Jenkins "Static Code Analysis" as part of FindBugs – Delta reporting of new (and fixed) findings & trends
  53. JavaScript: ScanJS Scans JavaScript code for vulnerabilities » Most importantly

    DOM-based XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) » Flags also "Usage of sensitive API" issues » Executable as CLI from within Jenkins build steps » Optional Web-UI (running as local server)
  54. Ruby on Rails apps: Brakeman Scans RoR code for vulnerabilities

    » CLI based » Nicely integrates with Jenkins – Rendering scan results and trend analysis » Allows to compare scan results (delta detection) – "What has been fixed and what was newly introduced?"
  55. Other static scanners exist also… Some have different focus »

    PrimeJS (like ScanJS for JavaScript DOM-XSS etc.) » PMD (for Java code regarding API safety issues) » good commercial ones » etc.
  56. Axis "Static Depth": Level 3 Scan the complete applications’ source

 for vulnerability patterns » Just like "Level 2", but now for the complete codebase
 (no excludes) – i.e. all projects of a multi-project Maven project – best via parent or corporate pom.xml For FindSecurityBugs this means: » pre-compile even all JSPs (if you have any) 
 to scan them
  57. Axis "Static Depth": Level 4 Scan code of (important) third-party

 used in application » If the component is open-source: – include it in regular scanning activities » If the component is closed-source: – consider using code scanners that operate on binaries • FindBugs (hence its FindSecurityBugs plugin) can also 
 scan Java binaries, since it operates on Bytecode
  58. Axis of "Intensity" How intense are the majority of the

    executed attacks within a Security DevOps CI chain?
 i.e. "what" is being checked for?
  59. Axis "Intensity": Level 1 Dynamic checks: Only passive scanning »

    Simply proxy testcase generated traffic through passive operating scanners » Quick-win for using existing testcase code (i.e. Service- or UI-tests) » Can execute within existing tests that execute on every commit – No requirement for a separate nightly CI job (i.e. doesn’t slow down build) 
 Static checks: Just scan the code along with other code metrics » Use the default rules of the scanners and integrate them into CI
  60. Axis "Intensity": Level 2 Use lightweight active scanning options for

    dynamic checks » ZAP: active scanning of observed URLs (proxied or spidered) – perform an "active scan": For Jenkins ZAProxy Plugin provide a ZAP policy with desired active scan intensity (or via ZAP’s REST-API during build for other setups) » Arachni: enable "active scan" during spidering » BDD-Security stories can call ZAP with policy files defining attack strength Better to execute in separate (nightly) build job due it’s to duration Think of resetting databases (+ more environment) prior or after test execution
  61. Axis "Intensity": Level 3 Use heavyweight scanning options on important

    parts of application Dynamic checks: create "riskier" custom attack profiles ZAP: – set "Threshold" to "Low" / "Strength" to "High" (or selectively "Insane") – enable more scanning rules via Policy Files (could be maintained & used via SCM) – use ZAP’s "Advanced SQLInjection Scanner" extension (or directly call sqlmap) Arachni: – Enable the more aggressive "audit flags" like --audit-forms, … Static checks: FindSecurityBugs: set "Threshold"
 to "Low" / "Effort" to "Max"
  62. Axis "Intensity": Level 4 Use customised rule sets for dynamic

    checks ZAP 
 (which is very extensible via custom scripts, recored and customised Zest, or plugins): » Custom coded scan scripts as active & passive scan rules for company-individual checks » Security regression tests (in Zest) against previous found vulns (also logic flaws) » Custom input vector scripts: e.g. define certain injection points in custom encoded params » Proxy scripts: for example for generic request/response modifications
  63. … and for static code scans? Use customised rule sets

    for static checks FindSecurityBugs » Custom coded rule files (in Java) to check for wrong usages of 
 server-side inhouse frameworks (or alike) ScanJS » Custom rule files (in JSON) to check for wrong usages of client-side inhouse frameworks (or alike)
  64. Axis of "Consolidation" How complete is the process of handling

    findings within a Security DevOps CI chain?
 i.e. "how" are the results used?
  65. Axis "Consolidation": Level 1 Generate human-readable (HTML) reports from tools

    and link them in Jenkins » All relevant mentioned static and dynamic scanners generate HTML reports » Collect and publish them in Jenkins build: via Jenkins 
 "HTML Publisher Plugin"

  66. Axis "Consolidation": Level 1 (cont.) Use simple criteria to "break

    the build" on heavy findings 
 (ok, at least "unstable")
 » Most scanners have capabilities to automatically flag the build » Dependency-Check (Severity Threshold), » BDD-Security (with the JBehave-stories), » FindSecurityBugs (via Sonar when rated as blocker), » Arachni (via Gauntlt execution with BDD-like stories), » etc.
 » For others: at least do a simple log parse from 
 Jenkins "Log Parser Plugin" to flag the build as 
 unstable and/or broken
  67. FindSecurityBugs: 
 IDE support & Collaboration FindBugs (with FindSecurityBugs) has

    good Jenkins & IDE integration Additionally consider placing the FindBugs generated XML report file within Jenkins » Developers can load the XML report file into FindBugs IDE plugins 
 (Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, …) » Developers & Security Analysts can collaborate on bugs via the IDE plugins – See https://code.google.com/p/findbugs/wiki/FindBugsCloudTutorial 
 for more details • Consider installing it as your private "FindBugs"-Server 
 on-premise to keep results only on your servers…
  68. Axis "Consolidation": Level 2 Custom logic to make build unstable

    and/or broken depending on » Type of vulnerability (CWE or WASC or …) » Severity ranking (high risk) » Confidence level (firm vs. tentative) 
 Provide useful remediation info to developers Respect suppression mechanisms to rule out 
 false positives
  69. Flagging builds from reports How (from within a CI job)?

    » Most scanners also emit XML reports that can be parsed – Often a simple XPath count is just fine » Alternatively fetch the results by accessing the scanner’s API » Be sure to only break build with findings of 
 high severity and high confidence !!! – Less is more (when it comes to automation)… » When new check introduce many findings: 
 Baseline-Approach: Only break on new findings
  70. Providing useful info to Devs Lookup CWE-ID (provided by most

    scanners) in vulndb: » https://github.com/vulndb/data
 (currently 65+ vulns described) » Useful if the messages from scanners are too generic 
 or don’t help much » Maps vulnerability to useful remediation messages » Possibility to extend that repository locally with 
 company-individual texts (mapping to the technology 
 stack) —> that’s where it pays off…
  71. Suppression of false positives Custom finding list (from XML reports):

 filter out according to list from code repo BDD-Security: Use false positive tables in story files 
 (i.e. text files checked in SCM) FindSecurityBugs: Use exclusion lists in config (XML filter files) 
 & annotation @SuppressWarnings on false positive code lines Dependency-Check: XML file of suppressions 
 (checked-in along with the project) retire.js: "ignore file" parameters on CLI
 (cloud be loaded in CI from code repo)
  72. Axis "Consolidation": Level 3 Consolidation goals: » Consolidate & de-duplicate

    findings from different 
 scanner reports (with better false positive handling) » Push consolidated findings into established bug-tracker 
 (known to devs) » Delta analysis & trends over consolidated data sets
  73. ThreadFix as result consolidator Use a local ThreadFix server, which

    imports native scanner outputs • does the heavy lifting of consolidation & de-duplication • pushes findings toward bug-tracker and IDE (via plugins) • process can be customised using it’s own REST-API • ThreadFix imports findings of ZAP, Arachni, FindBugs, Brakeman, etc.
  74. Axis "Consolidation": Level 4 Measure the concrete code coverage of

    your security testing activities » Find untested "white spots" » Derive where static checks and code reviews should focus more to compensate
  75. Code coverage analysis Use "OWASP Code Pulse", which instruments your

    Java app » collects coverage data during dynamic security testing scans » generates reports ("code treemaps") of coverage
  76. Links OWASP ZAP https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Zed_Attack_Proxy_Project ZAP Selenium Demo https://github.com/continuumsecurity/zap-webdriver ZAP Jenkins

    Plugin https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/ZAProxy+Plugin BDD-Security http://www.continuumsecurity.net/bdd-intro.html Arachni http://www.arachni-scanner.com OWASP Dependency Check https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Dependency_Check OWASP Dependency Track https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Dependency_Track_Project FindSecurityBugs http://h3xstream.github.io/find-sec-bugs/ FindSecurityBugs-Cloud https://code.google.com/p/findbugs/wiki/FindBugsCloudTutorial retire.js http://bekk.github.io/retire.js/ ScanJS https://github.com/mozilla/scanjs Jenkins Log Parser Plugin https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Log+Parser+Plugin ThreadFix http://www.threadfix.org OWASP Code Pulse https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Code_Pulse_Project Seccubus https://www.seccubus.com vulndb https://github.com/vulndb/data fuzzdb https://code.google.com/p/fuzzdb/
 radamsa https://code.google.com/p/ouspg/wiki/Radamsa
 Interested in more web security stuff? Visit my Blog: www.Christian-Schneider.net @cschneider4711 Bildquelle: dreamstime.com