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Symfony y concurrencia: el componente Lock

Symfony y concurrencia: el componente Lock

Los entornos concurrentes y distribuidos son una constante cuando queremos escalar un proyecto. Nos ayudan a la hora de construir sistemas capaces de procesar millones de peticiones, pero también dificultan nuestra manera de programar. Generan una incertidumbre en nuestras ejecuciones que debemos controlar, porque de nada vale un sistema con un gran rendimiento si no es fiable.

Los locks son una de las herramientas principales a la hora de sincronizar y ordenar distintas ejecuciones que deben acceder a un mismo recurso. En Symfony 3.4 se incluye un lock de serie en forma de componente. Éste nos servirá para ilustrar los problemas de los entornos concurrentes y las buenas prácticas que podemos adoptar a la hora de enfrentarnos a ellos.

César Suárez Ortega

July 01, 2017

More Decks by César Suárez Ortega

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  1. deSymfony 30 junio - 1 julio 2017 Castellón SYMFONY Y

  2. $ whoami • César Suárez • Backend developer @ https://mailtrack.io

    • One-man army @ https://suicidebystar.com • Producto típico de Extremadura • Twitter: @tharandur / GitHub: @csuarez
  3. Concurrency is the tendency for things to happen at the

    same time in a system. http://sce.uhcl.edu/helm/rationalunifiedprocess/process/workflow/
  4. Concurrent algorithm is the description of a set of sequential

    state machines that cooperate through a communication medium Concurrent Programming: Algorithms, Principles and Foundations Michel Raynal
  5. Propiedades • Mutual exclusion • Sólo puede haber un proceso

    a la vez en la sección crítica • Starvation-freedom • Todas las llamadas a acquire_mutex() han de terminar eventualmente
  6. symfony/lock • Symfony 3.3 3.4 • By Jérémy Derussé (@jderusse)

    • Múltiples stores • Evolución de LockHandler • Pensado para comandos
  7. acquire() • Non-blocking acquire • Blocking acquire • Consultar si

    un lock está adquirido if ($lock->acquire()) { } $lock->acquire(true); $lock->isAcquired();
  8. No lock $resource = new UnsafeSharedResource( 'very-important-thing' ); do {

    $counter = $resource->read(); $resource->write(++$counter); } while(true);
  9. $resource = new UnsafeSharedResource( 'very-important-thing' ); do { $counter =

    $resource->read(); $resource->write(++$counter); } while(true); No lock
  10. RE = 0 WR(1) P1 P2 RE = 0 WR(1)

    RE = 1 RE = 1 WR(2)
  11. Simple lock $lock = $factory->createLock('simple:lock'); do { $lock->acquire(true); try {

    $counter = $resource->read(); $resource->write(++$counter); } finally { $lock->release(); } } while(true);
  12. Expiring locks • Creación • Incrementar Time To Live (TTL)

    $factory->createLock('expiring-lock', 30); $lock->refresh(); ¡¡ Recomendado para distlocks !!
  13. SemaphoreStore • Usa las funciones semaphore de PHP • En

    memoria (System V IPC) • No funciona en Windows • No distribuido • Non-Expiring
  14. FlockStore • Filesystem block • No distribuido • Non-expiring •

    +info: http://www.php.net/manual/en/ function.flock.php
  15. MemcachedStore • Cache as lock • Lock distribuido • Expiring

    locks • Non-blocking locks (sin RetryTillSaveStore)
  16. MemcachedStore use Symfony\Component\Lock\Store\MemcachedStore; $memcachedConn = new \Memcached; $memcachedConn->addServer('memcached', 11211); $store

    = new MemcachedStore($memcachedConn); $factory = new Factory($store); $lock = $factory->createLock('memory-lock');
  17. El problema con memcached • Evictions! • Least Recently Used

    cache (LRU) • ¿Soluciones? • Máquinas con poca carga • Tunear memcached
  18. RedisStore • Lock distribuido • Expiring locks • Non-blocking locks

    (sin RetryTillSaveStore) • Control sobre los evictions. • Persistencia en disco.
  19. RedisStore use Symfony\Component\Lock\Store\RedisStore; $redisConn = new \Predis\Client( 'tcp://' ); $store

    = new RedisStore($redisConn); $factory = new Factory($store); $lock = $factory->createLock('memory-lock');
  20. CombinedStore • Combinación de varios Stores • Varias estrategias •

    ConsensusStrategy • UnanimousStrategy • High Aviability
  21. CombinedStore use Symfony\Component\Lock\Store\RedisStore; use Symfony\Component\Lock\Strategy\ConsensusStrategy; $store1 = new RedisStore($redisConn1); $store2

    = new RedisStore($redisConn2); $store3 = new RedisStore($redisConn3); $factory = new Factory(new CombinedStore( [$store1, $store2, $store3], new ConsensusStrategy() )); $lock = $factory->createLock('ha-lock');
  22. El problema con Redis • Distributed lock with Redis (redlock)

    • https://redis.io/topics/distlock • How to distributed locking • http://martin.kleppmann.com/2016/02/08/how-to-do- distributed-locking.html • Is Redlock safe? Reply to Redlock Analysis • http://antirez.com/news/101 • https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11065933
  23. Integración con Symfony framework: lock: users: ['memcached://m1.docker', 'memcached://m2.docker'] admin: 'flock'

    partners: 'redis://r1.docker' invoices: 'semaphore' $adminLock = $this->get('lock.admin')->acquire(); $invoicesLock = $this->get('lock.invoices')->acquire(true); • PHP • Configuración
  24. // begin read $readLock->acquire(true); $readers = $readersStore ->increase(); if ($readers

    == 1) { $writeLock->acquire(true); } $readLock->release(); // read $read(); // end read $readLock->acquire(true); $readers = $readersStore ->decrease(); if ($readers == 0) { $writeLock->release(); } $readLock->release(); //begin write $writeLock->acquire(true); //write $write(); //end write $writeLock->release(); writer reader
  25. // begin read $readLock->acquire(true); $readers = $readersStore ->increase(); if ($readers

    == 1) { $writeLock->acquire(true); } $readLock->release(); // read $read(); // end read $readLock->acquire(true); $readers = $readersStore ->decrease(); if ($readers == 0) { $writeLock->release(); } $readLock->release(); //begin write $writeLock->acquire(true); //write $write(); //end write $writeLock->release(); writer reader
  26. // begin read $readLock->acquire(true); $readers = $readersStore ->increase(); if ($readers

    == 1) { $writeLock->acquire(true); } $readLock->release(); reader
  27. // begin read $readLock->acquire(true); $readers = $readersStore ->increase(); if ($readers

    == 1) { $writeLock->acquire(true); } $readLock->release(); // read $read(); // end read $readLock->acquire(true); $readers = $readersStore ->decrease(); if ($readers == 0) { $writeLock->release(); } $readLock->release(); //begin write $writeLock->acquire(true); //write $write(); //end write $writeLock->release(); writer reader
  28. // end read $readLock->acquire(true); $readers = $readersStore ->decrease(); if ($readers

    == 0) { $writeLock->release(); } $readLock->release(); reader
  29. distlock /w InnoDB • Shared mode lock • Reads as

  30. Dist consensus algorithms • Paxos made simple, Leslie Lamport •

    http://lamport.azurewebsites.net/pubs/paxos-simple.pdf • In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithmn (Extended Version), Diego Ontario and John Ousterhout • https://raft.github.io/raft.pdf • ZooKeeper’s atomic broadcast protocol: Theory and practice, André Medeiros • http://www.tcs.hut.fi/Studies/T-79.5001/reports/2012- deSouzaMedeiros.pdf