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Approach Avoidance: Heuristics for modeling sys...

Approach Avoidance: Heuristics for modeling systems with Kanban : LKNA13

Deming’s heuristic for systems design “Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality” is based not only on statistical explanations. Deming explains that the failure of inspection has deep psychological roots.

Using Deming as an inspiration, this talk will explore 3 psychological and sociological concepts and how they can affect teams and organizations. For each concept we’ll explore heuristics for improving group and team dynamics, and how we might use them to model a system utilizing kanban which may begin to enable the system to evolve toward a more effective and rewarding work process and better business outcomes.


May 03, 2013

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  1. @cyetain T o envision the the types technology that teams

    may reasonably be expected produce in 5-10 years and to prepare those teams to envision, create, produce, and support that technology. Friday, May 3, 13
  2. @cyetain Individual systems are purposive, knowledge and understanding of their

    aims can only be gained by taking into account the mechanisms of social, cultural, and psychological systems -Russell Ackoff Friday, May 3, 13
  3. @cyetain knowledge of psychology is incomplete without knowledge of variation.

    The managers of people need to understand that all people are diff erent. ~W. Edwards Deming Friday, May 3, 13
  4. @cyetain Joy in work comes f rom understanding why your

    work is important. Not f rom the work, but f rom knowledge of who’s going to use it... Motivation— nonsense. All that people need to know is why their work is important. -W. Edwards Deming Friday, May 3, 13
  5. @cyetain Work != Working != Worker Pin Car Artifacts Code

    Hammering Carrying Thinking Creating HUMANS Bounded: Perception Understanding Rationality Friday, May 3, 13
  6. @cyetain . A photograph has edges; the world does not...

    The objects, people, events, or f orms that are in the f oref ront of a photographer's attention when making the fine f raming decisions are the recipients of the f rame's emphasis. -Stephen Shore Friday, May 3, 13
  7. @cyetain If I am not f or myself, who will

    be f or me? But if I am only f or myself, who am I? If not now, when? -Rabbi Hillel Agency and Communion Friday, May 3, 13
  8. @cyetain I have adopted the terms "agency" and "communion" to

    characterize two fundamental modalities in the existence of living f orms, agency f or the existence of an organism as an individual, and communion f or the participation of the individual in some large organism of which the individual is part. -Bakan Friday, May 3, 13
  9. @cyetain What Option Can I Choose to Help The Team?

    Agency is informed by Communion under conditions of uncertainty Friday, May 3, 13
  10. @cyetain Narrative Strategy Intent Experiment Task Quarters Month Week Days

    Hours completes validates supports Realizes Pop the Why Stack -Eric Willeke Friday, May 3, 13
  11. @cyetain Even if all the laws of psychology were known,

    one could make a prediction about the behavior of a man only if in addition to the laws, the special nature of the particular situation were known. -Kurt Lewin B = f(P, E) Friday, May 3, 13
  12. @cyetain One has to distinguish between driving f orces, which

    correspond to positive or negative valences, and restraining f orces, which correspond to barriers. -Kurt Lewin Friday, May 3, 13
  13. @cyetain T oday’s development processes typically deliver inf ormation asynchronously

    in large batches. Flow-based processes deliver inf ormation in a regular cadence in small batches. Cadence lowers transaction costs and makes small batches more economically f easible. -Don Reinertsen Friday, May 3, 13
  14. @cyetain Sufficient Design @cyetain ...consider simple economics: If you take

    the time to craft code of little or moderate value to users, you're wasting time and money. The f act is, some code simply doesn't need an excellent design, whether that code is a start-up experiment or a corporate application f eature. ~Joshua Kerievsky Friday, May 3, 13
  15. @cyetain Social Capital is a f ancy word f or

    trust -David Anderson Friday, May 3, 13
  16. @cyetain Evolution of Capital Capital 1700 1850 1950 2000 Human

    Capital Intellectual Capital Social Capital Friday, May 3, 13
  17. @cyetain The human capital explanation of the inequality is that

    the people who do better are more able individuals; they are more intelligent, more attractive, more articulate, more skilled. Social capital is the contextual complement to human capital in explaining advantage. Social capital explains how people do better because they are somehow better connected with other people. Friday, May 3, 13
  18. @cyetain Social capital can be measured by the amount of

    trust and “reciprocity” in a community or between individuals -Robert Putnam Friday, May 3, 13
  19. @cyetain Social Capital is the stock of active connection among

    people; the trust, mutual understanding, and shared values and behaviors that bind the members of human networks and communities and make cooperative action possible -Don Cohen, Laurence Prusak Friday, May 3, 13
  20. @cyetain The advantage created by a person’s location in a

    structure of relationships is known as social capital. ...The advantage is visible when certain people, or certain groups of people, do better than equally able peers. -Ronald S. Burt Friday, May 3, 13
  21. @cyetain Three benefits of bridging structural holes can be expected:

    Access to alternative opinion and practice, early access to new opinion and practice, and an ability to move ideas between groups where there is advantage in doing so. -Ronald Burt Friday, May 3, 13
  22. @cyetain The value of a relationship is not defined inside

    the relationship; it is defined by the social context around the relationship. -Ronald Burt Friday, May 3, 13
  23. @cyetain Instead of seeing people as the source of information,

    clusters are the source and people are ports of access to the information that circulates around them. -Ronald S. Burt Friday, May 3, 13
  24. @cyetain In Review Effective Organizations balance Agency and Communion Moving

    to shorter cycles can help prevent approach avoidance and BDOB, while increasing flow and feedback Effective Organizational Social Networks leverage structural holes by balancing brokerage and closure Friday, May 3, 13
  25. @cyetain For me, the pictures I make are the byproduct

    of my explorations, not an end in themselves -Stephen Shore Friday, May 3, 13
  26. @cyetain For me, the Kanban Models I make are the

    byproduct of my explorations, not an end in themselves -Jabe Bloom Friday, May 3, 13
  27. @cyetain If you want truly to understand something try to

    change it -Kurt Lewin Friday, May 3, 13