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Building a data-driven framework to inform policy

Building a data-driven framework to inform policy

Presenting TrIAS project focussing on its technical aspects during 2nd Dahlem-type workshop of International Joint Initiative of LifeWatch ERIC.
Location: Rome
Datum: 2/6-12-2019

Damiano Oldoni

December 02, 2019

More Decks by Damiano Oldoni

Other Decks in Research


  1. Building a data-driven framework to inform policy Damiano Oldoni, Peter

    Desmet, Lien Reyserhove, Sonia Vanderhoeven, Tim Adriaens, Diederik Strubbe, Amy Davis, Quentin Groom
  2. Valuable decision support tools to inform invasive alien species (IAS)

    policy ➔ Information Systems ➔ Early warning initiatives ➔ Risk assessment protocols Once upon a time in Belgium ...
  3. But …. Slow workflow from observation to science and policy

    Taxonomic, spatial and time limitation Large diversity of actors Fragmented data sources Closed data sources
  4. • Standardize authoritative checklists mapping to DwC: • open, repeatable,

    customizable, documented • List published checklist • Mapping examples 1. Checklist data
  5. • Workflow 1. extract of all Belgian non-native taxa 2.

    unify taxonomy and related information • Open, repeatable, customizable, documented • Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species - Belgium 1. Unify checklist
  6. • Unlock • Standardize • Publish • Do it open,

    repeatable, customizable, documented • List occurrence datasets 1. Occurrence data
  7. 2. Indicators: checklist indicators • Number of new introductions per

    year • Cumulative number of introductions per year • Pathways of introduction
  8. 2. Indicators: data cube DATACUBE BELGIUM year taxa cell •

    1x1km2 cells • Occurrence data from GBIF • Taxa from unified checklist
  9. 2. Indicators: occurrence indicators • Emerging species detection • Emerging

    species: species increasing in number and/or distribution in Belgium
  10. 3. Analysis: workflow • Develop global scale climate-only species distribution

    models (SDMs) • Generate European level SDMs • Forecast species distributions under climate change scenarios
  11. • Contribute improving existing software: GBIF download API, rgbif package...

    • Make part of a bigger community called TDWG. • Check this issue about VRE Community
  12. Everything you do… do it: • open • repeatable •

    customizable • documented Philosophy