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High-Speed Modern Web Apps with PHP & AMF

High-Speed Modern Web Apps with PHP & AMF

JSON has become the lingua-franca between web developers and APIs, but it has some critical limitations that stunt some possibilities of modern web development.

In this somewhat esoteric talk, I will discuss the possibility of using AMF - a binary data-interchange protocol - in web applications, using PHP & JavaScript. AMF allows for a wider array of data type encodings, circular references, and more. AMF has been used with Flash applications for years, is tried and true - and, as I will hopefully convince you, should be used in modern web applications.

Dougie Crockford, you're on.

Danny Kopping

April 05, 2014

More Decks by Danny Kopping

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  1. • Mid-twenties • Senior PHP Developer @ Zando.co.za • Born

    ‘n’ raised in Joburg • Resident of Cape Town Bio
  2. 1989 Like Facebook, the web was born in a university.

    ...and spread to other universities.
  3. 1995 JavaScript is created by Brendan Eich. In 10 days.

    It sometimes shows. This is how much I hate gay marriage
  4. 1998 SOAP is designed and released. POST /InStock HTTP/1.1 Host:

    www.example.org Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 299 SOAPAction: "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" <!- -> <?xml version="1.0"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"> <soap:Header> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <m:GetStockPrice xmlns:m="http://www.example.org/stock"> <m:StockName>IBM</m:StockName> </m:GetStockPrice> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
  5. 1999 HTTP 1.1 is released. The spec has now grown

    to 176 pages. PUT, DELETE now available.
  6. • Consistent UI across all browsers • Great scripting language

    (ActionScript 3.0) • Based on ECMAScript 262 (JavaScript) • AMF
  7. • Binary data serialization protocol • Originally used in Flash

    6 / ActionScript 2.0 • Two major versions: AMF0 & AMF3 What is AMF?
  8. • Binary data serialization protocol • Originally used in Flash

    6 / ActionScript 2.0 • Two major versions: AMF0 & AMF3 • Support for 18 distinct data types What is AMF?
  9. • Binary data serialization protocol • Originally used in Flash

    6 / ActionScript 2.0 • Two major versions: AMF0 & AMF3 • Support for 18 distinct data types • Many libraries available across several languages and platforms What is AMF?
  10. • Binary data serialization protocol • Originally used in Flash

    6 / ActionScript 2.0 • Two major versions: AMF0 & AMF3 • Support for 18 distinct data types • Many libraries available across several languages and platforms • Compression, data efficiency (references) What is AMF?
  11. • Binary data serialization protocol • Originally used in Flash

    6 / ActionScript 2.0 • Two major versions: AMF0 & AMF3 • Support for 18 distinct data types • Many libraries available across several languages and platforms • Compression, data efficiency (references) • Reconstruct object state across tiers What is AMF?
  12. • Binary data serialization protocol • Originally used in Flash

    6 / ActionScript 2.0 • Two major versions: AMF0 & AMF3 • Support for 18 distinct data types • Many libraries available across several languages and platforms • Compression, data efficiency (references) • Reconstruct object state across tiers • Can be GZIPed What is AMF?
  13. • Infomaniac-AMF supports 10 data types • JS & PHP

    libs available Introducing... http://github.com/infomaniac-amf Infomaniac-AMF
  14. • Infomaniac-AMF supports 10 data types • JS & PHP

    libs available • Fast-ish Introducing... http://github.com/infomaniac-amf Infomaniac-AMF
  15. • Infomaniac-AMF supports 10 data types • JS & PHP

    libs available • Fast-ish • Unit-tested Introducing... http://github.com/infomaniac-amf Infomaniac-AMF
  16. • Infomaniac-AMF supports 10 data types • JS & PHP

    libs available • Fast-ish • Unit-tested • Lightweight Introducing... http://github.com/infomaniac-amf Infomaniac-AMF
  17. • Infomaniac-AMF supports 10 data types • JS & PHP

    libs available • Fast-ish • Unit-tested • Lightweight • Aims to be a drop-in replacement for JSON Introducing... http://github.com/infomaniac-amf Infomaniac-AMF
  18. • Infomaniac-AMF supports 10 data types • JS & PHP

    libs available • Fast-ish • Unit-tested • Lightweight • Aims to be a drop-in replacement for JSON • AMF.stringify(obj, options) Introducing... http://github.com/infomaniac-amf Infomaniac-AMF
  19. • Infomaniac-AMF supports 10 data types • JS & PHP

    libs available • Fast-ish • Unit-tested • Lightweight • Aims to be a drop-in replacement for JSON • AMF.stringify(obj, options) • AMF.parse(amfData) Introducing... http://github.com/infomaniac-amf Infomaniac-AMF