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How we built "Oyasumi Shower" in 24 Hours. おやすみ...

Yoji Shidara
September 16, 2012

How we built "Oyasumi Shower" in 24 Hours. おやすみシャワーができるまで

16 September, 2012
Sapporo RubyKaigi 2012 #sprk2012

Yoji Shidara

September 16, 2012

More Decks by Yoji Shidara

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  1. How We Built “Oyasumi Shower” in 24 Hours ͓΍͢Έγϟϫʔ͕Ͱ͖Δ·Ͱ Yoji

    Shidara Team OyasumiSupport#end_of_day Enishi Tech Inc.
  2. How We Built “Oyasumi Shower” in 24 Hours ͓΍͢Έγϟϫʔ͕Ͱ͖Δ·Ͱ Yoji

    Shidara Team OyasumiSupport#end_of_day Enishi Tech Inc.
  3. leads us to think about how to enjoy our life.

    Ͳ͏΍ͬͯ೔ʑΛָ͠Ή͔ʹ ͭͳ͕͍ͬͯΔͱࢥ͏ͷͰ͢
  4. So, I want to share our tips with you. ͔ͩΒ

    ͦͷίπΛΈͳ͞Μͱ ڞ༗͍ͨ͠ͱࢥ͍·͢
  5. The contest is to develop applications based on the theme.

    ίϯςετͰ͸ ՝୊Λղܾ͢Δ։ൃΛ 24࣌ؒͰߦ͍·͢
  6. “Create a service that will make the day end on

    a fun note.” “Ұ೔ͷऴΘΓΛ ָ͘͢͠Δ΋ͷ”
  7. Our product was an iPhone app to share “Oyasumi” ࢲୡ͕࡞ͬͨͷ͸

    ʮ͓΍͢ΈʯΛڞ༗͢Δ iPhone ΞϓϦέʔγϣϯͰ͢
  8. With “Oyasumi Shower”, you can exchange “Oyasumi” across time and

    space. ͓΍͢ΈγϟϫʔΛ࢖͏ͱ ʮ͓΍͢ΈʯମݧΛ ۭ࣌Λ௒͑ͯ޿͘ڞ༗Ͱ͖·͢
  9. Someone uses the app after you will hear your Oyasumi.

    ͦͷ͋ͱʹདྷͨਓ͕ ͋ͳͨͷʮ͓΍͢ΈʯΛ ฉ͘͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖·͢
  10. Concept making Tech survey Distribution & Deployment Chores Submit! Preparation

    for application Naming discussion Adding one-more feature Movie making 9 am Prototyping Making it shippable Packaging Start! 3 pm 9 pm 3 am
  11. Concept making Tech survey Distribution & Deployment Chores Submit! Preparation

    for application Naming discussion Adding one-more feature Movie making 9 am Prototyping Making it shippable Packaging Start! 3 pm 9 pm 3 am
  12. In order to tell you how we decided what to

    make for the contest, ԿΛͭ͘Δͷ͔Λ Ͳ͏΍ܾͬͯΊ͔ͨΛ ঺հ͢ΔͨΊʹ
  13. I live in Sapporo. The other members live in Tokyo.

    ࢲ͸ࡳຈʹ ଞͷϝϯόʔ͸౦ژʹ ॅΜͰ͍·͢
  14. A member had to commute soon after the contest started.

    ͋Δϝϯόʔ͕ ίϯςετ։࢝௚ޙʹిंʹ ৐Δඞཁ͕͋Γ·ͨ͠
  15. He was on the train with earphones. We talked online

    and he heard. ൴͸ిं಺ͰΠϠϗϯΛ͚ͭͯ ࢲୡͷձ࿩Λฉ͍͍ͯ·ͨ͠
  16. We heard his surroundings. We felt like really being there.

    ࢲୡʹ͸ࡶ౿͕ฉ͖͑ͯͯ͜ ྟ৔ײͨͬ΀ΓͰͨ͠
  17. As he couldn’t say anything, we’ve tried to make him

    laugh. ిं಺Ͱ͸੠Λग़ͤͳ͍ͷΛ ͍͍͜ͱʹ ๻Β͸൴Λ সΘͤΑ͏ͱͨ͠Γ͠·ͨ͠
  18. We enjoyed that time so much and felt “sounds” are

    so fun. ͦ͏͜͏͍ͯ͠Δ͏ͪ Իͬͯ໘ന͍ͳͱײ͡·ͨ͠
  19. Without it, we couldn’t have reached to the key concept

    of Oyasumi Shower. ͦΕ͕ͳ͔ͬͨΒ͓΍͢Έγϟ ϫʔͷΩʔίϯηϓτʹ͸ ౸ୡͰ͖ͳ͔ͬͨ͜ͱͰ͠ΐ͏
  20. The best word to exchange at the end of the

    day is Ұ೔ʹ࠷ޙʹԻΛަ׵͢Δ ͱ͍͑͹
  21. Interesting ideas keep us funny long time. (As we want

    to have fun!) ໘ന͍ΞΠσΟΞʹ͍ͭͯ ࿩͢ͱ͖ ϫΠϫΠ͸ࢭ·Βͳ͍
  22. Concept making Tech survey Distribution & Deployment Chores Submit! Preparation

    for application Naming discussion Adding one-more feature Movie making 9 am Prototyping Making it shippable Packaging Start! 3 pm 9 pm 3 am
  23. But no one had experience to treat audio on iPhone

    νʔϜͷ୭΋ iPhoneͰԻ੠Λѻͬͨ ܦݧ͸͋Γ·ͤΜͰͨ͠
  24. we could build a web service to exchange “Oyasumi” text

    messages. ςΩετϝοηʔδͰ ͓΍͢ΈΛަ׵͢Δ αΠτͳΒ͙͢࡞Εͦ͏Ͱͨ͠
  25. As building native apps in 24 hours seemed to be

    too difficult for us, ωΠςΟϒΞϓϦέʔγϣϯ͸ 24࣌ؒͰ͸खʹ༨ΔͷͰ
  26. Concept making Tech survey Distribution & Deployment Chores Submit! Preparation

    for application Naming discussion Adding one-more feature Movie making 9 am Prototyping Making it shippable Packaging Start! 3 pm 9 pm 3 am
  27. Just receive the audio, mixup them and return back to

    the client. Ի੠Λड৴͠ɺ߹੒ͯ͠ ΫϥΠΞϯτʹฦ͠·͢
  28. We had no time to learn the deployment for the

    rack apps. Rack ΞϓϦέʔγϣϯͷ σϓϩΠํ๏Λௐ΂͍ͯͨΒ ؒʹ߹Θͳ͔ͬͨ͜ͱͰ͠ΐ͏
  29. We did challenge in some part, and did not in

    the other part. ௅ઓͨ͠ͱ͜Ζ΋͋Δ͠ ͠ͳ͔ͬͨͱ͜Ζ΋͋Γ·͢
  30. In order to have a good challenge, we need to

    complete the other part. Α͍௅ઓ͢ΔͨΊʹ͸ ͦ͏Ͱͳ͍෦෼Λ͖ͪΜͱ ࡁ·ͤΔඞཁ͕͋Γ·͢
  31. Tip: Have tools lie comfortably with your hand in your

    toolbox. खʹೃછΜͩಓ۩Λ ಓ۩ശʹೖΕ͓ͯ͘
  32. Concept making Tech survey Distribution & Deployment Chores Submit! Preparation

    for application Naming discussion Adding one-more feature Movie making 9 am Prototyping Making it shippable Packaging Start! 3 pm 9 pm 3 am
  33. that could record “Oyasumi”, send it to the server, receive

    and playback. ࿥Իɺαʔόʹૹ৴ɺ αʔό͔Βड৴ͨ͠Ի੠Λ࠶ੜ ͢Δͱ͜Ζ·Ͱ͖·ͨ͠
  34. We could experience the app by hitting buttons in the

    right order. ॱংྑ͘ϘλϯΛԡ͢͜ͱͰ ΞϓϦΛମݧͰ͖Δͱ͜Ζ·Ͱ ͖·ͨ͠
  35. We felt we can go as it was fun enough

    for us. ͦΕ͸ָ͍͠ମݧͩͬͨͷͰ ͜Ε͸͍͚Δͱ͍͏ؾ࣋ͪʹ ͳ͖ͬͯ·ͨ͠
  36. With the prototype, we proceeded discussion about the Oyasumi UX.

    ϓϩτλΠϓΛ࢖͍ͳ͕Β ͋Δ΂͖Ϣʔβମݧͷݕ౼Λ ͢͢Ί͍͖ͯ·ͨ͠
  37. Concept making Tech survey Distribution & Deployment Chores Submit! Preparation

    for application Naming discussion Adding one-more feature Movie making 9 am Prototyping Making it shippable Packaging Start! 3 pm 9 pm 3 am
  38. If we couldn’t submit the app, we were far from

    the start line of the contest. ΞϓϦΛެ։Ͱ͖ͳ͍Α͏Ͱ͸ ελʔτϥΠϯʹ͢Βཱͯͳ͍
  39. Also, capistrano was configured for the backend. As usual :)

    όοΫΤϯυ͸ capistrano Ͱ σϓϩΠ͢ΔΑ͏ʹ͠·ͨ͠ ׳Εͨ΋ͷͰ͢:)
  40. Concept making Tech survey Distribution & Deployment Chores Submit! Preparation

    for application Naming discussion Adding one-more feature Movie making 9 am Prototyping Making it shippable Packaging Start! 3 pm 9 pm 3 am
  41. What we had at that time was just a mock.

    ͜ͷ࣌఺Ͱखݩʹ͋ͬͨͷ͸ ͨͩͷϞοΫͰͨ͠
  42. Concept making Tech survey Distribution & Deployment Chores Submit! Preparation

    for application Naming discussion Adding one-more feature Movie making 9 am Prototyping Making it shippable Packaging Start! 3 pm 9 pm 3 am
  43. At this time, We had a kaigi to name the

    product. ͜ͷλΠϛϯάͰ ϓϩμΫτ໊ܾఆձٞ΋ ࣮ࢪ͠·ͨ͠
  44. And we got the phrase “sleep after taking Oyasumi Shower”

    ʮ͓΍͢ΈͷγϟϫʔΛ ཋͼͯ৸Δʯ ͱ͍͏ϑϨʔζ΋ݟ͚ͭ·ͨ͠
  45. Tip: The right name leads the product to the right

    way Α໊͍લ͕ݟ͔ͭΔͱ ໊લ͕ϓϩμΫτΛಋ͍ͯ͘ΕΔ
  46. Concept making Tech survey Distribution & Deployment Chores Submit! Preparation

    for application Naming discussion Adding one-more feature Movie making 9 am Prototyping Making it shippable Packaging Start! 3 pm 9 pm 3 am
  47. Concept making Tech survey Distribution & Deployment Chores Submit! Preparation

    for application Naming discussion Adding one-more feature Movie making 9 am Prototyping Making it shippable Packaging Start! 3 pm 9 pm 3 am
  48. After the form is completed, we finally became able to

    release it anytime we want. ԠืϑΥʔϜͷ४උ͕Ͱ͖ͯ ͍ͭͰ΋ϦϦʔεͰ͖Δ ঢ়ଶʹ౸ୡ͠·ͨ͠
  49. Concept making Tech survey Distribution & Deployment Chores Submit! Preparation

    for application Naming discussion Adding one-more feature Movie making 9 am Prototyping Making it shippable Packaging Start! 3 pm 9 pm 3 am Done!
  50. We chose one feature to add as we have injury

    time :) ͕࣌ؒ·ͩ͋ͬͨͷͰ ࣍ʹ௥Ճ͢ΔϑΟʔνϟΛ Ұͭબͼ·ͨ͠
  51. Concept making Tech survey Distribution & Deployment Chores Submit! Preparation

    for application Naming discussion Adding one-more feature Movie making 9 am Prototyping Making it shippable Packaging Start! 3 pm 9 pm 3 am
  52. Concept making Tech survey Distribution & Deployment Chores Submit! Preparation

    for application Naming discussion Adding one-more feature Movie making 9 am Prototyping Making it shippable Packaging Start! 3 pm 9 pm 3 am
  53. We made the movie just you saw as we still

    have the time. ·͕ͩ࣌ؒ͋ͬͨͷͰ ঺հͷϏσΦ΋࡞੒͠·ͨ͠
  54. It was so funny to make a movie saying “Oyasumi”

    in the morning. ΋͏ேͩͬͨͷͰ ͓΍͢ΈͷϜʔϏʔΛͭ͘Δͷ͸ ͔ͳΓস͑·ͨ͠
  55. Concept making Tech survey Distribution & Deployment Chores Submit! Preparation

    for application Naming discussion Adding one-more feature Movie making 9 am Prototyping Making it shippable Packaging Start! 3 pm 9 pm 3 am
  56. Think Prototype Make it Shippable! Keep it Shippable! Done! Our

    “Process” Shippable! Time is up! Good concept!
  57. Concept making Tech survey Distribution & Deployment Chores Submit! Preparation

    for application Naming discussion Adding one-more feature Movie making 9 am Prototyping Making it shippable Packaging Start! 3 pm 9 pm 3 am
  58. Server setup 9 am Start! 3 pm 9 pm 3

    am Strategy meeting The day before!
  59. We held a strategy meeting the day before. VPS is

    configured before the contest. ࡞ઓձٞ΋͍ͯ͠·ͨ͠͠ ίϯςετલʹ VPSΛηοτΞοϓ͠·ͨ͠
  60. Three of us won the special prize at the contest

    of the last year. νʔϜͷ͏ͪ3ਓ͸ ڈ೥΋ίϯςετʹࢀՃ͍ͯͯ͠ ಛผ৆Λड৆͍ͯ͠·͢
  61. We have shared so long time and we know well

    each other. ͓ޓ͍ͷ͜ͱΛ Α͘஌͍ͬͯ·͢
  62. This should be one reason why we could make good

    decisions. ͔ͩΒνʔϜ͕Α͍൑அΛ ͠΍͔ͬͨ͢ͷͰ͸
  63. At least, we don’t need much time to reach an

    agreement. গͳ͘ͱ΋ ͳ͔ͳ͔߹ҙͰ͖ͳ͍ ͱ͍͏͜ͱ͸গͳ͍
  64. We don’t need to start probing the intentions of others.

    ෲͷ͙͞Γ͍͔͋Β ෺ࣄΛ࢝ΊΔඞཁ͸ͳ͍
  65. Tasks were taken by the best person without much discussion.

    ؾ͕ͭ͘ͱҰ൪ద੾ͳਓ͕ ࣗવͱͦͷ࡞ۀΛ΍͍ͬͯΔ
  66. Tip: Just know each other. Tasks will fit into the

    best place. ͓ޓ͍ΛΑ͘஌Δͱ λεΫ͕ͪΐ͏Ͳྑ͍ॴʹ Ҡಈ͢ΔΑ͏ʹͳΔ
  67. We use same tools such as Ruby, Rails, IRC, PS3,

    Dropbox, FaceBook, ... ࢲͨͪ͸ಉ͡ಓ۩Λ ଟ͘࢖͍ͬͯ·͢
  68. We always try new tools. We like to try. ৽͍͠πʔϧ͕͋Δͱ

    ͻͱ௨Γࢼ͢Α͏ʹ͍ͯ͠·͢ (ͦΕָ͕͠Έ)
  69. But some behaviors do not appear while using with only

    2 persons. 2ਓͩͱମݧͰ͖ͳ͍͜ͱ͕ ͚ͬ͜͏͋ΔͷͰ͢
  70. The right name leads the product to the right way

    Α໊͍લ͕ݟ͔ͭΔͱ ໊લ͕ϓϩμΫτΛಋ͍ͯ͘ΕΔ
  71. Just know each other. Tasks will fit into the best

    place. ͓ޓ͍ΛΑ͘஌Δͱ λεΫ͕ͪΐ͏Ͳྑ͍ॴʹ Ҡಈ͢ΔΑ͏ʹͳΔ
  72. How happy we’d be if the our days are like

    this!? ͜Μͳ೔ʑΛૹΕͨΒ ޾ͤ!?
  73. Maybe I love the feelings because it was not everyday.

    ೔ৗ͡Όͳ͍͔Β ͍͍ͳ͋ͱࢥ͏͚ͩͳͷ͔΋
  74. Our life seems not so simple as we can do

    only what we want to do. ΍Γ͍ͨ͜ͱ͚ͩ ΍͍ͬͯΒΕΔ΄Ͳ ୯७Ͱ͸ͳͦ͞͏
  75. leads us to think about how to enjoy our life.

    Ͳ͏΍ͬͯ೔ʑΛָ͠Ή͔ʹ ͭͳ͕͍ͬͯΔ