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BH6 122 01 DV Date: April 04 2017
Scene 001 Panel 1 Dialog 1 FRED (as Doctor Glove)
“Give it up, Human Fist! The Ring of Wearing belongs to me!” (As Human Fist) “Over my dead phalanges, Doctor Glove!” Notes
Scene 001 Panel 2 Dialog 1 FRED (as Doctor Glove)
“Give it up, Human Fist! The Ring of Wearing belongs to me!” (As Human Fist) “Over my dead phalanges, Doctor Glove!” Notes
Scene 001 Panel 3 Dialog 1 FRED (as Doctor Glove)
“Give it up, Human Fist! The Ring of Wearing belongs to me!” (As Human Fist) “Over my dead phalanges, Doctor Glove!” Notes
Scene 006 Panel 1 Dialog 2 MINI-MAX Is Dr. Glove
also just a hand? Notes
Scene 006 Panel 2 Dialog 2 MINI-MAX Is Dr. Glove
also just a hand? Notes
Scene 006 Panel 3 Dialog 2 MINI-MAX Is Dr. Glove
also just a hand? Notes
Scene 006 Panel 4 Dialog 2 MINI-MAX Is Dr. Glove
also just a hand? Notes
Scene 006 Panel 5 Dialog 3 FRED Well yeah! Fist
is the left, Glove is the right. They were brothers, until-- Notes
Scene 006 Panel 6 Dialog 3 FRED Well yeah! Fist
is the left, Glove is the right. They were brothers, until-- Notes
Scene 006 Panel 7 Dialog 3 FRED Well yeah! Fist
is the left, Glove is the right. They were brothers, until-- Notes
Scene 006 Panel 8 Dialog 3 FRED Well yeah! Fist
is the left, Glove is the right. They were brothers, until-- Notes
Scene 006 Panel 9 Dialog 3 FRED Well yeah! Fist
is the left, Glove is the right. They were brothers, until-- Notes
Scene 006 Panel 10 Dialog 3 FRED Well yeah! Fist
is the left, Glove is the right. They were brothers, until-- Notes
Scene 006 Panel 11 Dialog 3 FRED Well yeah! Fist
is the left, Glove is the right. They were brothers, until-- Notes
Scene 006 Panel 12 Dialog 3 FRED Well yeah! Fist
is the left, Glove is the right. They were brothers, until-- Notes
Scene 006 Panel 13 Dialog 3 FRED Well yeah! Fist
is the left, Glove is the right. They were brothers, until-- Notes
Scene 006 Panel 14 Dialog 3 FRED Well yeah! Fist
is the left, Glove is the right. They were brothers, until-- Notes
Scene 006 Panel 15 Dialog 3 FRED Well yeah! Fist
is the left, Glove is the right. They were brothers, until-- Notes
Scene 006 Panel 16 Dialog 3 FRED Well yeah! Fist
is the left, Glove is the right. They were brothers, until-- Notes
Scene 006 Panel 17 Dialog 4 FRED’S MOM (O.S.) Frederick?
Scene 006 Panel 18 Dialog 4 FRED’S MOM (O.S.) Frederick?
Scene 004 Panel 1 Dialog 4 FRED’S MOM (O.S.) Are
you dressed for dinner? We have a very important guest tonight. (sing-song) Orso Knox. Notes
Scene 004_A Panel 1 Dialog 4 FRED’S MOM (O.S.) Are
you dressed for dinner? We have a very important guest tonight. (sing-song) Orso Knox. Notes
Scene 004_A Panel 2 Dialog 5 FRED Ughhhhh........ Notes
Scene 005 Panel 1 Dialog 5 FRED Yeah, mom, just...
pressing my cummerbund! Notes
Scene 005 Panel 2 Dialog 5 FRED Yeah, mom, just...
pressing my cummerbund! Notes
Scene 005 Panel 3 Dialog 5 FRED Yeah, mom, just...
pressing my cummerbund! Notes
Scene 005 Panel 4 Dialog 5 FRED Yeah, mom, just...
pressing my cummerbund! Notes
Scene 005 Panel 5 Dialog Notes
Scene 005 Panel 6 Dialog 6 MINI-MAX What is a
“cummerbund?” Notes
Scene 005 Panel 7 Dialog 6 MINI-MAX What is a
“cummerbund?” Notes
Scene 005 Panel 8 Dialog 6 MINI-MAX What is a
“cummerbund?” Notes
Scene 005 Panel 9 Dialog 7 FRED Literally no one
knows. Notes
Scene 005 Panel 10 Dialog 7 FRED Literally no one
knows. Notes
Scene 005 Panel 11 Dialog 7 FRED Literally no one
knows. Notes
Scene 005 Panel 12 Dialog 7 FRED Literally no one
knows. Notes
Scene 005 Panel 13 Dialog 7 FRED Literally no one
knows. Notes
Scene 005 Panel 14 Dialog 7 FRED Literally no one
knows. Notes
Scene 005 Panel 15 Dialog 8 FRED (CONT’D) (as Doctor
Glove) “Then it has come to this. Your doom will fit you -- Notes
Scene 007 Panel 1 Dialog 8 FRED (CONT’D) (as Doctor
Glove) “Then it has come to this. Your doom will fit you -- Notes
Scene 007 Panel 2 Dialog 8 FRED (CONT’D) (as Doctor
Glove) “Then it has come to this. Your doom will fit you -- Notes
Scene 007 Panel 3 Dialog 8 FRED (CONT’D) (as Doctor
Glove) “Then it has come to this. Your doom will fit you -- Notes
Scene 007 Panel 4 Dialog Notes
Scene 007 Panel 5 Dialog 8 FRED (CONT’D) -- like
a GLOVE!” Notes
Scene 007 Panel 6 Dialog Notes
Scene 007 Panel 7 Dialog 9 FRED (CONT’D) Boom! Notes
Scene 007_A_0 Panel 1 Dialog <SFX: BOOOOOMMMM!!!!> Notes
Scene 007_A_0 Panel 2 Dialog <SFX: BOOOOOMMMM!!!!> Notes
Scene 007_A_0 Panel 3 Dialog <SFX: BOOOOOMMMM!!!!> Notes
Scene 007_A_0 Panel 4 Dialog <SFX: BOOOOOMMMM!!!!> Notes
Scene 007_A_0 Panel 5 Dialog <SFX: BOOOOOMMMM!!!!> Notes
Scene 007_A_0 Panel 6 Dialog <SFX: BOOOOOMMMM!!!!> Notes
Scene 007_A_0 Panel 7 Dialog 10 FRED (CONT’D) (shouting) Did
you hear that Mini-Max? Notes
Scene 007_A_0 Panel 8 Dialog 10 FRED (CONT’D) (shouting) Did
you hear that Mini-Max? Notes
Scene 007_A_0_A Panel 1 Dialog 11 MINI-MAX Yes. The sound
of mischief! Notes
Scene 007_A_0_A Panel 2 Dialog 11 MINI-MAX Yes. The sound
of mischief! Notes
Scene 007_A_0_A Panel 3 Dialog 11 MINI-MAX Yes. The sound
of mischief! Notes
Scene 007_A_0_A Panel 4 Dialog 11 MINI-MAX Yes. The sound
of mischief! Notes
Scene 007_A_0_A Panel 5 Dialog 11 MINI-MAX Yes. The sound
of mischief! Notes
Scene 007_A_0_A Panel 6 Dialog 11 MINI-MAX Yes. The sound
of mischief! Notes
Scene 007_A_0_A Panel 7 Dialog 11 MINI-MAX Yes. The sound
of mischief! Notes
Scene 007_A_0_A Panel 8 Dialog 11 MINI-MAX Yes. The sound
of mischief! Notes
Scene 007_A_0_B Panel 1 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_B Panel 2 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_B Panel 3 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_B Panel 4 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_B Panel 5 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_B Panel 6 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_B Panel 7 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_B Panel 8 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_B Panel 9 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_B Panel 10 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_B Panel 11 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_B_1 Panel 1 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_B_1 Panel 2 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_B_1 Panel 3 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_B_1 Panel 4 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_B_1 Panel 5 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_D_1 Panel 1 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_D_1 Panel 2 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_D_1 Panel 3 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_D_1 Panel 4 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_D_1 Panel 5 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_D_1 Panel 6 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_D_1 Panel 7 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_D_2 Panel 1 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_D_2 Panel 2 Dialog 12 FRED Whoa. Notes
Scene 007_A_0_D Panel 1 Dialog <growl> Notes
Scene 007_A_0_D Panel 2 Dialog <growl> Notes
Scene 007_A_0_D Panel 3 Dialog <growl> Notes
Scene 007_A_0_D Panel 4 Dialog <growl> Notes
Scene 007_A_0_D Panel 5 Dialog <growl> Notes
Scene 007_A_0_D Panel 6 Dialog <growl> Notes
Scene 007_A_0_C Panel 1 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_C Panel 2 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_C Panel 3 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_C Panel 4 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_C Panel 5 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_C Panel 6 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_C Panel 7 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_C Panel 8 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_C Panel 9 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_C Panel 10 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_C Panel 11 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_C Panel 12 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_E Panel 1 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_E Panel 2 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_E Panel 3 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_E Panel 4 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_E Panel 5 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_E Panel 6 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_E Panel 7 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_F Panel 1 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_F Panel 2 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_F Panel 3 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_F Panel 4 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_F Panel 5 Dialog 13 MINI-MAX Mini-Maximum justice... Notes
Scene 007_A_0_F_1 Panel 1 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_F_1 Panel 2 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_F_1 Panel 3 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_F_1 Panel 4 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_F_1 Panel 5 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_F_1 Panel 6 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_G Panel 1 Dialog 14 MINI-MAX (CONT’D) (doppler) ...tiiiiiime!
Scene 007_A_0_G Panel 2 Dialog 14 MINI-MAX (CONT’D) (doppler) ...tiiiiiime!
Scene 007_A_0_G Panel 3 Dialog 14 MINI-MAX (CONT’D) (doppler) ...tiiiiiime!
Scene 007_A_0_G Panel 4 Dialog 14 MINI-MAX (CONT’D) (doppler) ...tiiiiiime!
Scene 007_A_0_G Panel 5 Dialog 14 MINI-MAX (CONT’D) (doppler) ...tiiiiiime!
Scene 007_A_0_G Panel 6 Dialog 14 MINI-MAX (CONT’D) (doppler) ...tiiiiiime!
Scene 007_A_0_G Panel 7 Dialog 14 MINI-MAX (CONT’D) (doppler) ...tiiiiiime!
Scene 007_A Panel 1 Dialog 14 MINI-MAX (CONT’D) (doppler) ...tiiiiiime!
Scene 007_A Panel 2 Dialog 14 MINI-MAX (CONT’D) (doppler) ...tiiiiiime!
Scene 007_A Panel 3 Dialog 14 MINI-MAX (CONT’D) (doppler) ...tiiiiiime!
Scene 007_A Panel 4 Dialog 14 MINI-MAX (CONT’D) (doppler) ...tiiiiiime!
Scene 007_A Panel 5 Dialog 14 MINI-MAX (CONT’D) (doppler) ...tiiiiiime!
Scene 007_A Panel 6 Dialog 14 MINI-MAX (CONT’D) (doppler) ...tiiiiiime!
Scene 007_A Panel 7 Dialog 14 MINI-MAX (CONT’D) (doppler) ...tiiiiiime!
Scene 007_A_1 Panel 1 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_1 Panel 2 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_1 Panel 3 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_1 Panel 4 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_1 Panel 5 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_2 Panel 1 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_2 Panel 2 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_2 Panel 3 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_2 Panel 4 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_B Panel 1 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_B Panel 2 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_B Panel 3 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_B Panel 4 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_B Panel 5 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_C Panel 1 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_C Panel 2 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_C Panel 3 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_C Panel 4 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_D Panel 1 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_D Panel 2 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_D Panel 3 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_D Panel 4 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_D Panel 5 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_D Panel 6 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_D Panel 7 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_D Panel 8 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_D Panel 9 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_E Panel 1 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_E Panel 2 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_E Panel 3 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_E Panel 4 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_E Panel 5 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_E Panel 6 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_E Panel 7 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_E_1_999 Panel 1 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_E_1_999 Panel 2 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_E_1_999 Panel 3 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_E_1_999 Panel 4 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_E_1_999 Panel 5 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_A_0_D_1_0 Panel 1 Dialog <growl> Notes
Scene 007_A_0_D_1_0 Panel 2 Dialog <growl> Notes
Scene 007_A_0_D_1_0 Panel 3 Dialog <growl> Notes
Scene 007_E_1 Panel 1 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_E_1 Panel 2 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_E_1 Panel 3 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_E_1 Panel 4 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_F Panel 1 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_F Panel 2 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_F Panel 3 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_F Panel 4 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_F Panel 5 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_F Panel 6 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_F_1 Panel 1 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_F_1 Panel 2 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_F_1 Panel 3 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_F_1 Panel 4 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_F_1 Panel 5 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_F_1 Panel 6 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_F_1 Panel 7 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_F_1 Panel 8 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_F_1_0 Panel 1 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_F_1_0 Panel 2 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_F_1_0 Panel 3 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_G Panel 1 Dialog 15 FRED Maybe we got
off on the wrong foot. I’m Fred, you’re a big scary monster, we’re not so different, you and-- Notes
Scene 007_G Panel 2 Dialog 15 FRED Maybe we got
off on the wrong foot. I’m Fred, you’re a big scary monster, we’re not so different, you and-- Notes
Scene 007_G Panel 3 Dialog 15 FRED Maybe we got
off on the wrong foot. I’m Fred, you’re a big scary monster, we’re not so different, you and-- Notes
Scene 007_H Panel 1 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_H Panel 2 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_H Panel 3 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_H Panel 4 Dialog 16 MONSTER (roar) Notes
Scene 007_H Panel 5 Dialog 16 MONSTER (roar) Notes
Scene 007_H Panel 6 Dialog 16 MONSTER (roar) Notes
Scene 007_H Panel 7 Dialog 16 MONSTER (roar) Notes
Scene 007_I Panel 1 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_I Panel 2 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_I Panel 3 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_I Panel 4 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_I Panel 5 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_I Panel 6 Dialog Notes
Scene 007_I Panel 7 Dialog 17 FRED (scared) Nevermind, different,
very different, I see that now. A Notes
Scene 007_I Panel 8 Dialog 17 FRED (scared) Nevermind, different,
very different, I see that now. Notes
Scene 007_I Panel 9 Dialog 17 FRED (scared) Nevermind, different,
very different, I see that now. Notes
Scene 010 Panel 1 Dialog 18 MONSTER (grunting) What’s... past...
is... prologue. Notes
Scene 010 Panel 2 Dialog 18 MONSTER (grunting) What’s... past...
is... prologue. Notes
Scene 010 Panel 3 Dialog 18 MONSTER (grunting) What’s... past...
is... prologue. Notes
Scene 010 Panel 4 Dialog 18 MONSTER (grunting) What’s... past...
is... prologue. Notes
Scene 010 Panel 5 Dialog 18 MONSTER (grunting) What’s... past...
is... prologue. Notes
Scene 010 Panel 6 Dialog 18 MONSTER (grunting) What’s... past...
is... prologue. Notes
Scene 010 Panel 7 Dialog 18 MONSTER (grunting) What’s... past...
is... prologue. Notes
Scene 010 Panel 8 Dialog 18 MONSTER (grunting) What’s... past...
is... prologue. Notes
Scene 010 Panel 9 Dialog 18 MONSTER (grunting) What’s... past...
is... prologue. Notes
Scene 010_A_0 Panel 1 Dialog Notes
Scene 010_A_0 Panel 2 Dialog Notes
Scene 010_A_0 Panel 3 Dialog Notes
Scene 010_A_0 Panel 4 Dialog Notes
Scene 010_A_0 Panel 5 Dialog Notes
Scene 010_A_0 Panel 6 Dialog Notes
Scene 010_A_0 Panel 7 Dialog Notes
Scene 010_A Panel 1 Dialog Notes
Scene 010_A Panel 2 Dialog Notes
Scene 010_A Panel 3 Dialog Notes
Scene 010_A Panel 4 Dialog Notes
Scene 010_A Panel 5 Dialog Notes
Scene 010_A Panel 6 Dialog Notes
Scene 010_A Panel 7 Dialog Notes
Scene 010_A Panel 8 Dialog Notes
Scene 010_A Panel 9 Dialog Notes
Scene 010_A Panel 10 Dialog Notes
Scene 010_A Panel 11 Dialog Notes
Scene 010_A Panel 12 Dialog Notes
Scene 010_A Panel 13 Dialog Notes
Scene 010_A Panel 14 Dialog Notes
Scene 010_A Panel 15 Dialog Notes
Scene 011 Panel 1 Dialog 19 FRED’S MOM This is
a disaster. Notes
Scene 011 Panel 2 Dialog 19 FRED’S MOM This is
a disaster. Notes
Scene 011 Panel 3 Dialog 19 FRED’S MOM (beat) Notes
Scene 011_A Panel 1 Dialog 19 FRED’S MOM (beat) Notes
Scene 011_A Panel 2 Dialog 19 FRED’S MOM You’re not
even dressed. Notes
Scene 011_A Panel 3 Dialog 19 FRED’S MOM You’re not
even dressed. Notes
Scene 011_A Panel 4 Dialog 19 FRED’S MOM You’re not
even dressed. Notes
Scene 011_A Panel 5 Dialog 19 FRED’S MOM You’re not
even dressed. Notes
Scene 011_A Panel 6 Dialog 19 FRED’S MOM You’re not
even dressed. Notes
Scene 011_A Panel 7 Dialog 19 FRED’S MOM You’re not
even dressed. Notes
Scene 011_A Panel 8 Dialog 19 FRED’S MOM You’re not
even dressed. Notes
Scene 011_A Panel 9 Dialog 19 FRED’S MOM You’re not
even dressed. Notes
Scene 011_A Panel 10 Dialog 19 FRED’S MOM You’re not
even dressed. Notes
Scene 012 Panel 1 Dialog <Main Title> Notes
Scene 012 Panel 2 Dialog <Main Title> Notes