Chao Liu, GL Josh Golden Alex Pires Univ. of Arizona Stephan Zednik Marshall X. Ma RPI Sophie Kolankowski Anirudh Prabhu Congrui Li Shaunna Morrison, U.Az. Jihua Hao JHU
meanings • Change over time, as in Bowen’s “Evolution of the Igneous Rocks.” • Implication of complexification • Congruency • But NOT Darwinian evolution!
minimal degree of mineral evolution. Hence the co-evolution of the geo- and biospheres. Conversely, further mineral evolution depends on life. Sulfides Borates Clays
the Great Oxidation Event minerals the redox range of minerals tripled to -90 < log fO2 < 0, thus opening the door for many new minerals. Hence, mineral diversity also tripled.
in Earth’s atmospheric composition at ~2.4 to 2.2 billion years ago represent the single most significant factor in our planet’s mineralogical diversity.
time also correlates with the SC cycle over the past 3 billion years, but there’s a gap during the “boring billion”. Hazen et al. (2012) Amer. Mineral. 97, 1013-42. The age distribution of detrial zircon crystals correlates with the supercontinent cycle. After Hawkesworth et al. (2010)
and it continues to change today. Life and minerals have co-evolved as a consequence of many positive and negative feedbacks. Mineral Evolution: Co-evolution of Life and Rocks
data on >5000 Earth mineral species ( from >150,000 localities and >650,000 unique combinations of mineral species and locality (
data on >5000 Earth mineral species ( from >150,000 localities and >650,000 unique combinations of mineral species and locality (
data on >5000 Earth mineral species ( from >150,000 localities and >650,000 unique combinations of mineral species and locality ( Is there a quantitative relationship between mineral diversity and distribution?
OF >5000 CRUSTAL MINERAL SPECIES: These data conform to a “Large Number of Rare Events” (LNRE) distribution, which allows statistical modeling of diversity-distribution patterns. Hystad et al. (2015)
have yet to be discovered and described using what are now standard techniques. But what are they? Cumulative number of mineral species N (number of mineral counts)
82,922 locality data, conform to an LNRE distribution. We extrapolate that 145 additional carbon mineral species exist on Earth but have yet to be discovered. Data as of today: 403 C minerals 82,922 counts