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Murmuration : The Coordination of an Agile Team

Murmuration : The Coordination of an Agile Team

In order to achieve extraordinary coordination, starlings flock in formations called murmurations. These formations behave mathematically similar to metals becoming magnetized and snow crystals before an avalanche. These are examples of systems where collective phenomena emerge from the short-range interactions of individual participants. Studies show that change in direction (orientation) of individual participants affect group behavior more than velocity. This sort of relationship is known as a scale-free correlation. In this presentation, I will discuss how the concepts associated with murmuration, along with engineering and teams practices can be applied to software teams, in order to reach a state of criticality.

DJ Daugherty

May 16, 2017

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  1. alignment : steer towards the average heading of local flockmates

    separation : avoid crowding local flockmates cohesion : move towards average position (center of mass)
  2. XP paired programming daily standup iteration planning big & visible

    estimation continuous integration red, green, refactor feature unit testing user story
  3. alignment : steer towards the average heading of local flockmates

    separation : avoid crowding local flockmates cohesion : move towards average position (center of mass)
  4. consistent definition of team goal responsibility, authority and accountability communication

    separation. design-making and action : avoid crowding local flockmates
  5. clear purpose and goals team structure shared definition of finished

    product alignment. organization goals drive focus : steer towards the average heading of local flockmates
  6. no more standup no more definition of done no more

    acceptance criteria murmur. get your product to the customer
  7. no more standup no more definition of done no more

    acceptance criteria murmur. get your product to the customer adapt to change
  8. no more standup no more definition of done no more

    acceptance criteria murmur. get your product to the customer adapt to change process follows delivery
  9. no more standup no more definition of done no more

    acceptance criteria murmur. get your product to the customer adapt to change process follows delivery no defined roles