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Git Version Control System

April 30, 2012

Git Version Control System


April 30, 2012

More Decks by dennis1088

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  1. EVOLUTION Ve r s i o n C o n

    t r o l EVOLUTION
  2. 1991 2002 2005 Present Linux Kernel maintenance passed around as

    patches and archived les Linux Kernel project began using proprietary DVCS system called BitKeeper Relationship between Linix community and company that owned BitKeeper broke down
  3. DIFFERENCES Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 le

    A le B le C ˚ 1 ˚ 2 ˚ 1 ˚ 2 ˚ 1
  4. CLONING receive a copy of nearly all data that the

    server has including every version of every le for the history of the project
  5. BASICS git init start tracking existing project in git git

    add . git commit -m “initial commit” begin tracking les and make rst commit
  6. BASICS get a copy of existing git repo git status

    determine what les are in what state git clone git://rit.edu/foo.git git diff to see what has changed but not yet staged
  7. branching adj - diverge from the main line of development

    and continue to do work with out messing with the original line.
  8. BRANCHING create a new branch named testing git checkout testing

    switch to an existing branch git branch testing git merge testing merge all changes from a branch
  9. REMOTE REPOS to view remote servers you have con gured

    git remote add james git://url adding a remote repository git remote git fetch james pulls changed data to local repo (no merging)
  10. REMOTE REPOS automatically fetch and merge remote branch git push

    james master share your code with a remote branch git pull james master
  11. ?