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Navigating the Mobile Web (eduweb '14)

Dennis Kardys
August 05, 2014

Navigating the Mobile Web (eduweb '14)

What do you do when your website must serve multiple audiences such as prospective students, current students, faculty, and alumni, and you want to make sure all of them can easily get to where they need to go? Add more links! But while wide screens afford plenty of space to pack links into compartments on the page, statistics scream that small screen use is rapidly on the rise. When your visitors' screens fit in the palm of their hand, how on Earth do you translate all that navigation to mobile?

As you add more navigation, your site increases in size and complexity. So does the challenge of translating it to different size devices. It becomes more and more difficult to help people find what they're looking for. The design choices you make and the navigation conventions you rely on impact how people process information and find content. Each time your design adapts to different screen sizes, you create a new landscape your users must familiarize themselves with. Done right, this can lead to more seamless multiscreen, multichannel experiences. Done poorly, and your users will be left frustrated and disoriented. This dissection of mobile UI and IA best practices will help you make it easier for your visitors to find their way around your site ?no matter what size screen they're on.

Dennis Kardys

August 05, 2014

More Decks by Dennis Kardys

Other Decks in Design


  1. Why are people
 to your site? Photo by Louis

    Vest, CC license: https://flic.kr/p/6aHLTJ
  2. You want: • Internal and external audience satisfaction.
 • Better

    lead generation (tours, online applications).
 • Increase donations.
  3. How do people hunt for information? Photo by Wild Lens,

    CC license: https://flic.kr/p/7WpXRX
  4. Four Ways Users Seek Information • Known Item Search •

    Exploratory Seeking • Don’t Know What I need to know • Re-finding
  5. 65%
 source: Think With Google, “The New Multi

    Screen World” - http://bit.ly/Qivs98 The majority of online search begins on mobile.
  6. Classification Schemas • Geographic • Alphabetical • Time • Institutional/Org

 Structure • Format • Audience • Subject/Topic • Task
  7. The Problem with Roles • Content can not always be

    clearly divided • Some people associate with multiple roles • Some people associate with no roles • Not scalable
  8. Where do tap targets
 begin and end? ! Make sure

    buttons are recognizable as buttons. Campus News Campus News Campus News
  9. Landmarks are memorable visual cues within a space (or interface)

    that helps users orient themselves. MIT Dome: wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Wikipedia:Featured_picture_candidates/MIT_Dome
  10. 1. Text + image works best 2. Text only 3.

    Image only source: http://www.uie.com/brainsparks/2009/06/28/old-news-about-icons/ Text or image?
  11. source: http://www.uie.com/brainsparks/2009/06/28/old-news-about-icons/ “The speed at which the average user can

    deduce an icon’s function from the image is directly proportional to the speed at which the design team can agree on what the ideal image for that function should be.”
  12. Alabama Campus Arizona Campus Atlanta Campus Bay Area Campus Chicago

    Campus Colorado Campus Kansas Campus Miami Campus Northwest California Pasadena Campus Sacramento Campus
  13. Bay Area Campus Northwest California Pasadena Campus Sacramento Campus !

    Chicago Campus Colorado Campus Kansas Campus Tulsa Campus ! Atlanta Campus Alabama Campus Miami Campus Sort
  14. West Coast Bay Area
 Northwest California Pasadena Campus Sacramento Campus

    ! Midwest Chicago Campus Colorado Campus Kansas Campus Tulsa Campus ! Southeast Atlanta Campus Alabama Campus Miami Campus Label
  15. West Coast Campuses Bay Area 
 Northwest California Pasadena Sacramento

    ! Midwest Campuses Chicago Colorado Kansas Tulsa ! Southeast Campuses Atlanta Alabama Miami Integrate
  16. Main Campus Location Bay Area 
 Northwest California Pasadena Sacramento

    ! Midwest Campuses Chicago Colorado Kansas Tulsa ! Southeast Campuses Atlanta Alabama Miami Prioritize
  17. Grids vs. Lists For mobile navigation, image grids should be

    saved for deeper IA levels where visual differentiation between menu items is critical, as they increase page load times, create longer pages, and cause more scrolling. source : http://www.nngroup.com/articles/image-vs-list-mobile-navigation/
  18. EMBODY Indirect Manipulation of content through use of metaphors: Windows,

    Icons, Menus, Pointing devices Direct Manipulation of content through touch, gestures and other natural interactions GUI NUI
  19. A 1 second delay in load time - 7% CONVERSIONS

    KISS Metrics http://blog.kissmetrics.com/loading-time/
  20. 1. Decrease cognitive load 2. Define your navigation types 3.

    Choose an organizational schema 4. Use landmarks, edges and signs 5. Design ergomically 6. Organizing, reducing, and optimize Tips to Remember:
  21. 1. too many links 2. role based content categorization 3.

    over reliance on icons 4. hover interactions 5. hidden menus and concealed trigger words 6. slow-loading pages Watch Out for:
  22. Card Sorting ! 1. Write titles of content on index

    cards. 2. Have groups sort the cards into logical piles. 3. They decide on titles for each pile of cards. 4. Find the patterns that emerge. !
  23. Simple Usability Testing ! 1. User leads you on site

    walkthrough 2. Observe and take notes as they think aloud. 3. Ask users to attempt some scripted tasks. 4. Observe and take notes as they think aloud. ! !
  24. ! “You have to be clear before
 you can be

 -Des Traynor
  25. Thanks! ! Dennis Kardys Design Director | WSOL ! !

    dkardys@wsol.com @dkardys @wsolhq