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Les icônes, qui sont-elles ? Quels sont leurs p...

Les icônes, qui sont-elles ? Quels sont leurs pictos ? - Paris Web 2012

Comprendre les pictogrammes et utiliser les icônes lorsque l'on est web designer : Paris Web 2012

Sébastien Desbenoit

October 19, 2012

More Decks by Sébastien Desbenoit

Other Decks in Design


  1. « Bon jour ! » Sunrise designed by Adam Whitecro

    from The Noun Project Réagissez sur Twi er Desbenoit
  2. ?

  3. Light bulb designed by Jean-Philippe Cabaroc + Person designed by

    Antonis Makriyannis from The Noun Project + adaptation pictogramme + style + contexte = icône
  4. Light bulb designed by Jean-Philippe Cabaroc + Person designed by

    Antonis Makriyannis from The Noun Project + adaptation pictogramme + style + contexte = icône
  5. « Reconnaître une image est plus facile que de lire

    un texte » Angel designed by Luis Prado from The Noun Project Norman (celui qui ne fait pas de vidéos), 1990
  6. Favoriser la mémorisation Memory designed by Anne-Marie Nguyen from The

    Noun Project & Angel designed by Luis Prado from The Noun Project
  7. Faciliter la navigation Shopping Cart designed by Ulrich Pohl from

    The Noun Project - Angel designed by Luis Prado from The Noun Project
  8. Quelqu’un, quelque part, un jour, mais ce n’est pas la

    peine qu’il se dénonce. « Trop bien, me ons plein d’icônes ! »
  9. Devil designed by Luis Prado from The Noun Project «

    Me ons encore plus de contenu ! »
  10. A ention aux raccourcis (conceptuels) Meringue designed by Allesandro Suraci

    from The Noun Project & Devil designed by Luis Prado from The Noun Project
  11. Ceci n’est pas une licorne Meringue designed by Allesandro Suraci

    from The Noun Project & Devil designed by Luis Prado from The Noun Project
  12. Le contexte, ce parachute Meringue, Cupcake, Gingerbread, Cookie designed by

    Allesandro Suraci from The Noun Project & Angel & Devil designed by Luis Prado from The Noun Project
  13. Les étique es, ces parachutes (bis) Meringue, Cupcake, Gingerbread, Cookie

    designed by Allesandro Suraci from The Noun Project & Angel & Devil designed by Luis Prado from The Noun Project Cupcake Cookies Meringue Pain d’épices
  14. Rythmer : oui ! Illustrer : non ! Paycheck from

    Icon nder & Devil designed by Luis Prado from The Noun Project
  15. « Il y a quelqu’un ? quelqu’un ? quelqu’un ?

    quelqu’un ? » Devil designed by Luis Prado from The Noun Project
  16. Paycheck from Icon nder & Angel & Devil designed by

    Luis Prado from The Noun Project Di érencier les icônes des illustrations
  17. Cookbooks.com & Angel & Devil designed by Luis Prado from

    The Noun Project Di érencier les icônes des illustrations
  18. Ce n’est pas le visuel qui fait l’icône, c’est l’usage

    Cookbooks.com & Angel & Devil designed by Luis Prado from The Noun Project
  19. « - Je t’aime. - Ce n’est pas réciproque. »

    Partager Share designed by Thomas Le Bas from The Noun Project & Devil designed by Luis Prado from The Noun Project
  20. L’art de choisir ses icônes Share designed by Thomas Le

    Bas from The Noun Project & Devil designed by Luis Prado from The Noun Project 1. Signi cation 2. Choix 3. Test 4. Go / No Go
  21. « Un hipster dans mon peplum ? mais pourquoi ?»

    Meringue, Cupcake, Gingerbread, Cookie designed by Allesandro Suraci & Angel & Devil designed by Luis Prado
  22. Pensez au style global ! Meringue, Cupcake, Gingerbread, Cookie designed

    by Allesandro Suraci & Angel & Devil designed by Luis Prado
  23. Travaillez en taille réelle ! Paycheck from Icon nder &

    Angel & Devil designed by Luis Prado from The Noun Project
  24. Contexte psychique Mental health designed by Jack Biesek, Gladys Brenner,

    Margaret Faye, Healther Merri eld, Kate Keating, Wendy Olmstead, Todd Pierce, Jamie Cowgill & Jim Bolek
  25. Enregistrer ? Floppy disk designed by Venkatesh Aiyulu & Download

    designed by Pedro Lalli, Cody Lawson, Adam Whitecro from The Noun Project
  26. « Merci ! » Sébastien Desbenoit Quelques sources > Cognitive

    artifacts. DA Norman - 1991 > The design, understanding and usage of pictograms, Tijus, Barcenilla, Cambon de Lavale e and Meunier - 2007 > Pictograms – The New Sliced Bread in Icon Design, Jenny Gemmell - 2012 > We need a standard show navigation icon for responsive web design, Andy Clarke - 2012 Crédits > Texture de fond : Subtle Dark Vertical par Cody L. disponible sur subtlepa erns.com > Police : Rooney par Jan Fromm > Marie-Cécile Paccard, Nathalie Rosenberg pour la relecture & Thomas Zilliox pour le test dans le TGV