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Inspiring conference 2016 - Automation & extern...

Inspiring conference 2016 - Automation & external service integration

How to integration External Service in your web project ? Example based on PHP project by using Flow Framework or Neos CMS, but should be useful in any kind of language.

Dominique Feyer

April 22, 2016

More Decks by Dominique Feyer

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  1. /** * Embedly Helper */ class EmbedlyHelper implements ProtectedContextAwareInterface {

    /** * @param string $url * @return array */ public function oembed($url) { $embedly = new Embedly(); $response = $embedly->oembed([ 'url' => $url ]); $data = json_decode(json_encode(reset($response)), true); return $data; } /** * All methods are considered safe * * @param string $methodName * @return boolean */ public function allowsCallOfMethod($methodName) {
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