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Analyze your data with ELK

Daniel Lienert
September 03, 2016

Analyze your data with ELK

Analyze any kind of data with the Elasticsearch ELK stack. The talk describes how to import data from MySQL using Logstash, set up the mappings in Elasticsearch and visualize the data with Kibana.

Daniel Lienert

September 03, 2016

More Decks by Daniel Lienert

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  1. How do you gain knowledge? • It’s not about solving

    a single question. • It’s about understanding the big picture and see the correlations.
  2. More and more data … Simple definition of big data:

    It doesn't fit in Excel Big Data? That is actually: 1,048,576 rows * 16,384 columns * 32,767 Characters = ~4 Tb of data
  3. Agenda • Introduction to the Elasticsearch Stack • Configuration of

    the index pipeline by example • Analyze your data using Elasticsearch Kibana
  4. Elasticsearch Elasticsearch is an open source, distributed, scalable, document-oriented, RESTful,

    full text search engine with real-time search an analytics capabilities. Based on Apache Lucene. Combines search and powerful analytics. Provides a HTTP REST and a Java interface.
  5. Logstash Logstash is a flexible, open source data collection, enrichment

    and transportation pipeline. Every message is passed through a pipeline with input filter and output steps.
  6. Kibana Kibana is an open source data visualization platform that

    allows you to interact with your data through powerful graphics. Visualizations that also act as filters can be combined into custom dashboards that help you gain and insights from your data.
  7. Beats Beats are the future data shippers for Elasticsearch. A

    growing set of beats cover inputs from network packets to log files or infrastructure data. Beats is also a platform to building a variety of lightweight custom shippers to leverage any type of data you like.
  8. Logstash Processing Chain MySQL Input JDBC kafka … redis Filter

    grok mutate … multiline Output elasticsearch mail … csv
  9. Logstash input input { jdbc { jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/typo3" jdbc_user

    => "typo3" jdbc_driver_library => "mysql-connector-java-5.1.39-bin.jar" jdbc_driver_class => "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" statement => "SELECT * FROM fe_users" } }
  10. Transactional • Records are continuously added and stay static •

    Records never get deleted • Every record has an unique incremented identifier • Comparable to log files Evolving • Records are created, updated and deleted (typical CRUD model) • Every record has its unique identifier • Changes are detected by updated timestamp vs. record_last_run => true use_column_value => true tracking_column => „uid" record_last_run => true tracking_column => „uid"
  11. Logstash Input input { jdbc { jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/typo3" jdbc_user

    => "typo3" jdbc_driver_library => "mysql-connector-java-5.1.39-bin.jar" jdbc_driver_class => "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" statement => "SELECT * FROM fe_users WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME(tstamp, '%Y-%m-%d %T’) > :sql_last_value“ record_last_run => true tracking_column => „uid" } }
  12. Logstash Output output { elasticsearch { index => "feusers" document_type

    => "feusers" document_id => "uid" hosts => [""] } }
  13. Logstash Pipeline Multiplexing Problem: Logstash has only one single pipeline.

    Configuration files are just concatenated. input { jdbc { ... add_field => { doctype => "account" } } jdbc { ... add_field => { doctype => "sales" } } } Input filter { if [document_type] == "account" { mutate { split => {"usergroup" => ","} } } if [doctype] == "sales" { json { source => "statistics" target => "statistics" } } } Filter output { elasticsearch { hosts => [""] document_type => "{doctype}" } } Output
  14. Logstash Pipeline and Multiplexing Split configuration to multiple files for

    more clarity. • 001.input-mysql-feusers.conf • 002.input-mysql-transactions.conf • 100.filter-feusers.conf • 101.filter-transactions.conf • 200.output-elasticsearch.conf
  15. Elasticsearch Mappings { "mappings": { "accounts": { "properties": { "lastlogin":

    {"type": "date"}, "gender": { "type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed" }, "days_since_last_login": { "type": "integer", "index": "not_analyzed" }, "location": { "type": "geo_point"} } } } } Don’t forget: it’s a search engine.
  16. Elasticsearch Mappings Problem: Mappings can not be changed.
 Solution: Versions,

    aliases and the reindex API. POST _aliases { "actions": [{ "add": { "alias": "accounts", "index": "accounts_v1" } }] } Use Aliases POST _reindex { "source": { "index": „accounts_v1" }, "dest": { "index": „accounts_v2" } } Reindex PUT accounts_v2 { "mappings": { "accounts": { "properties": { "lastlogin": { "type": "integer"} } } } } Add a new Index